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It’s interesting that technology often works as a servant for us, yet frequently we become a servant to it. E-mail is a useful tool but many feel controlled by this new tool. The average business person is getting about 80e-mails per day and many feel that about 80% of the messages in their “Inbox” are of little or no value. So, I have four suggestions to help you to become better at “Erasing E-mail”.

1.Get off the lists. The best way to deal with a problem is to never have it. If you are receiving a lot of unwanted e-mails, ask to be removed from the various lists. This would include your inclusion in unwanted lists.
2.“Unlisted address”. Just as you keep an “unlisted” telephone number that you share only with those whom you want to have direct access to, you might want to get a separate e-mail address only for the important communications you wish to receive.
3.Check it once or twice per day. Many I speak with are becoming chained to their email server, monitoring incoming email continuously. Maybe this is because e-mail creates its own sense of urgency, but most of thecommunications are not all that urgent. I respond to them a couple of times per day.
4.Deal with it. As you open each e-mail, do one of the following:
a. If it requires a quick response, respond to it and delete it.
b. If it requires a response but is not the best use of your time, try to find someone else to do it.
c. If it is going to take any serious amount of time to respond, schedule it for action in your Day Planner andthen download the message, save it, or print it out for future action.

I personally receive about 250 e-mails per day and by practicing the suggestions above, I can handle thatvolume in about an hour, taking advantage of this fantastic tool but not being controlled by it to make sure I’mdoing more important tasks in my day.

【小题1】For the important communications, the writer suggests that you ________.
A.have a direct access for them
B.have several e-mail servers for them
C.get a separate e-mail address for them
D.get an unlisted phone number for them
【小题2】To avoid being chained by the coming e-mails, what you can do is to ________.
A.respond urgent ones only
B.reply to all of them at the same time
C.handle them a couple of times daily
D.keep replying to e-mails all day long
【小题3】To deal with an e-mail you get, you can do the following EXCEPT ________.
A.responding right away if it’s urgent
B.downloading every e-mail before you reply
C.scheduling it for later reply if it takes much time
D.asking someone else to reply to it if it’s not at your convenience
知识点:方法/策略信息技术 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Once a child reaches their teenage years, many parents may think it is too late to help them change a negative attitude. This is not the case, and while it may take longer, it is possible to help your child develop a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude is important to a teenager’s happiness and success. 【小题1】

Judge your own attitude. 【小题2】 Teens watch their parents and how they react to certain experiences and events. Children learn a good part of their belief system from their parents. Therefore, a parent’s attitude and a loving home environment are important to help develop positive attitudes in teens.

【小题3】 This is the little voice in our heads which we use to communicate with ourselves. Positive self-talk will have a direct influence on how positive a person's attitude and actions are. Tell your teen instead of using negative statements, replace them with positive ones. For example, “I can do this right. I just need to concentrate” is much better than “I failed again. I never do anything right.” If you promote positive self-talk you should notice a clear change in the teenager’s attitude.

Teach your teen to aim high, while showing her how to acknowledge her limitations.

【小题4】 If your teen wants to achieve the impossible, this will only make her feel negative when she fails to do it. Unrealistic expectations are one of the biggest causes of negative attitudes in children, says the Kids Health website.

Try to praise your teenager when he deserves it. Show him you value him and recognize when he makes positive choices. 【小题5】 Be sure to give credit when credit is due. Your teen’s attitude will be much more positive if you also show him respect as well as command it from him.

A.Teach them how to self-talk.
B.A child’s attitude is a learned behavior.
C.Avoid unkind blames to affect your teen’s attitude.
D.A negative attitude can result in them feeling upset.
E.There is no problem having reasonable dreams.
F.Most teenagers will appreciate their parent’s praise.
G.Encourage him to take up new hobbies or interests.

We all fail, all the time. We might miss a call with a client because of an emergency work meeting, or miss that meeting because another project has suddenly become urgent. And then we (or our families) get sick, and we have to shift priorities around again.

These unsystematic failures are benign, though. They reflect that all of us have limited resources. There simply is not enough time, energy, or money, to do everything you want to do all the time. Part of being a responsible adult is learning to make trade offs: balancing your conflicting goals and trying to get as much done as you can in the time you have.

The thing you really need to watch out for is the systematic failure. The systematic failure happens when there’s a particular goal you want to achieve, but never get to. The causes of systematic failures usually boil down to some combination of these three factors:

1. Short-term pressures versus long-term goals. Most of us prefer to achieve pressing short-term goals rather than put time into long-term projects. Lots of research suggests that our brains are wired to prefer tasks that pay off in the short term rather than those whose benefit is long-term. The people who do manage to accomplish their long-term goals create regular space to make progress on them.

2. _________Without even realizing it, we often do what is easiest to accomplish rather than what we say is most important. Email is a great example. If you are like most people, you keep your email program open at work all day. Consequently, each new message is an invitation to drop what you are working on to check it. It feels like work and it’s much easier than finishing that 100-slide presentation. Simply shutting off email for a few hours a day can remove this source of distraction from the environment.

3. Working for too long. Many workplaces create pressure to stay at the office for more and more hours, which (paradoxically) creates opportunities for systematic failures. Work is not an iron man competition where the last person there wins. Most people have an optimal(最佳的) number of hours they can work each day. For example, I can be productive at work for about 8-9 hours a day. If I spend any more time at work than that, then at some point, I start doing "fake work."

The next time you run into trouble, assess whether it’s an unsystematic failure or a systematic one. When you notice a systematic failure in your life, you need to make a change in your behavior. If you don’t make a change, you will continue to fail.

Finally, if you experience a lot of unsystematic failures, it might be worth rethinking the number of tasks you are taking on. Perhaps you need to offload some responsibilities onto someone else, before you start experiencing more systematic failures.

【小题1】Who was most probably affected by the first factor?
A.Andy who put his keep-fit plan aside due to a lack of free time.
B.Sarah who worked overtime till the next morning to finish her work ahead of time.
C.Philip who missed an important appointment because he has been under the weather lately.
D.Emily who kept her social networking platform on all day to receive updates about friends.
【小题2】Which of the following could fill in the blank as a subtitle?
A.The truth about important goals.
B.Environments that are bad for our goals.
C.The easiest goals that often bring us little.
D.Ways to remove the source of distraction.
【小题3】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.How to distinguish systematic failures from unsystematic failures.
B.When you should worry about failure and when you shouldn't.
C.What to do to save yourself from constant systematic failures.
D.Why assessing failures you have encountered is important.

Remarkable Ways to Push Yourself Harder

Deep inside us,we know that hard work is supposed to be the key to success.【小题1】 Here are the rules that you can also apply to make yourself work really hard.

Practice working hard.

【小题2】 Therefore,if you want to be a hard worker,you must practice working hard.Practice waking up early, practice doing a lot of work,and practice working more hours.One day you will wake up and realize that you are a hard worker.


Many hard workers always have a large purpose that forces them to work.Don't just think of buying a car or a big house because this is not a purpose strong enough to push you forward.An example of a big purpose is deciding that you are working hard so that you bring change in the lives of your friends,family,and neighborhood.A strong purpose always involves bringing a large positive change in any particular setting.

Surround yourself with hard workers.

【小题4】 But if you surround yourself with hardworking people,you will find yourself working hard towards your goal.Avoid friends who just want to have fun all the time.This type of friends will always discourage you when you attempt to work hard.Therefore,always surround yourself with go-getters.

Read and watch inspirational materials.

You can also push yourself harder through reading and watching inspirational material.Motivational books and videos encourage you to work harder.These materials make you work hard.【小题5】

A.Have a strong purpose.
B.Find a great goal to overcome your laziness.
C.Like other skills,one has to practice it to perfect it.
D.Inspirational material makes you believe in yourself.
E.Nevertheless,occasions are not rare when we always find it difficult to push ourselves harder.
F.They remove discouragement and assure you that you will never fail if you push yourself to the limit.
G.If you surround yourself with lazy people,you will also be lazy.
