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Expensive perfumes (香水) come in tiny bottles, but many hide a whale-sized secret.
To perfect a particular smell, perfume-makers often use an ingredient that comes from sperm whales, called ambergris (龙涎香). But using ambergris, which helps a perfume last longer, is strongly opposed by many people who think it is wrong to kill whales just so we can smell sweet. Joerg Bohlmann is neither a perfumer nor a whale expert. He's a plant biologist at the University of British Columbia in Canada. But his discovery of a new plant gene (基因) might push whales out of the perfume business.
The gene comes from fir trees, found throughout North America and commonly used as Christmas trees. The trees produce a chemical that can be used in perfume in place of ambergris-but with a catch "There's a problem that many people wouldn't consider. In the tree, the chemical is mixed with many others. That makes separation a challenge," Bohlmann says. "lt's like trying to isolate sugar from a biscuit. "
This is where science becomes useful. When Bohlmann learned that fir trees produce the ambergris-like chemical, he decided to use his gene know-how to find the instructions for how to make the ambergris-substitute.
Bohlmann found that gene and took it out of the tree cells. Then he did something that might sound strange to someone who doesn't work in genetics: Bohlmann put the gene from the tree into yeast (酵母) cells.
Yeast may sound familiar because it's used to make things like bread, wine and beer. Biologists like to work with yeast because it easily adopts new genes and changes its features and behaviour. When Bohlmann put the fir tree gene into the yeast, the yeast started making the same chemical that had been produced by the tree.
Perfumers pay big money for ambergris because it is a fixative, which means it holds a smell in place on a person's body.
"Cheap perfumes smell good in the first hour or so and then everything is gone," explains Bohlmann. "But expensive perfumes are much more stable. Their smell lasts much longer, for hours or even a day after you apply them. "
The new chemical, made from the tree genes, can be used as a fixative, too. And using yeast to make it is far cheaper than acquiring ambergris.
Bohlmann admits he never thought he'd get into the perfume business. But now, he says, producers have been calling to find out how to use his technology in new perfumes.
【小题1】It can be inferred from the passage that if a perfume contains ambergris,          .
A.its user probably supports whale hunting
B.it is probably very expensive
C.its smell will last for about an hour
D.there will be a whale symbol on the bottle
【小题2】The underlined expression "with a catch" in Paragraph 3 means____.
A.being difficult to hold
B.being too similar
C.having a hidden problem
D.needing further testing
【小题3】According to the passage, why are yeast cells often used in genetic research?
A.They're much cheaper to use than ambergris.
B.They can reproduce much faster than other cells.
C.They share some of the qualities of plant genes.
D.They can take on the characteristics of other genes.
【小题4】What can we learn about Joerg Bohlmann from the passage?
A.He is opposed to whale hunting.
B.He made his discovery during Christmas.
C.He has worked in the perfume industry for many years.
D.He has previously done genetic research.
知识点:动物科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Time to load up some popular games: new research indicates pigs possess the mental capability to play video games. The study, published in Frontiers In Psychology, tested the ability of four pigs(Hamlet, Omelette, Ebony and Ivory)to play a simple joystick(操纵杆)game with their noses, moving a cursor(光标)to four targets on the screen. Although the animals didn’t demonstrate the skills to win a round any time soon, they did show an understanding of some elementary games.

Performing well above chance, the pigs appeared to recognize the movement of the cursor was controlled by the joystick. The fact that they did so well despite a lack of flexible fingers is “extraordinary”, according to the researchers.

“It is no small achievement for an animal, to grasp the concept that the behaviour they are performing is having an effect elsewhere. That pigs can do this to any degree should give us pause as to what else they are capable of learning and how such learning may impact them,” said Purdue University’s Dr Candace Croney, the study’s lead author.

Researchers also noted that while the pigs could be taught to play the game using food as positive motivation, they also responded well to social interaction. In fact, when the game was made more challenging and the pigs became unwilling to participate in, “only oral encouragement by the experimenter” would see training continue.

These findings are the latest to highlight the intelligence of pigs. Not only have they been shown to use mirrors to find hidden food, but studies have also demonstrated how pigs can be taught to “come” and “sit” after oral commands.

“As with any sentient(有感觉力的)beings, how we interact with pigs and what we do to them impacts and matters to them,” Croney said. “We therefore have a moral duty to understand how pigs acquire information, and what they are capable of leaning and remembering, because it ultimately offers the potential for how they understand their interactions with us and their environments.”

【小题1】What can we learn from Paragraphs 1 and 2?
A.Pigs have the potential to play games well.
B.Pigs have noses as flexible as human hands.
C.Pigs possess the mental ability we didn’t know.
D.Pigs know well about what they are playing.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Playing joystick games so well.
B.Realizing the effects of their acts.
C.Carrying out tasks with their noses.
D.Following human oral commands.
【小题3】Which of the following can improve the performance of trained pigs?
A.Less challenging video games.
B.A nice treat before the experiment.
C.Severe punishment if necessary.
D.Inspiring words from experimenters.
【小题4】What does the author think of the research findings?
A.They reflect the needs to interact more with animals.
B.They offer humans ideas of how to live with animals.
C.They encourage us to explore how pigs interact with us.
D.They show us how pigs interact with their environments.

Scientists researching climate change in Antarctica are studying penguins in an effort to better understand the area’s environmental health. The scientists are measuring the growth and development of the penguin population on the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula.“We are counting penguin nests to understand how many penguins are in a colony, producing young every year, and whether that number is going up or down with the environmental conditions,“ said Alex Borowicz. He is an ecology researcher at New York’s Stony Brook University.

The work is not easy for climate researchers in the icy,faraway reaches of Antarctica. But penguins are easier to follow than some other kinds of animals because they nest on land. Their black bodies and wastedroppings can also be identified against the area’s white background.

Michael Wethington,another researcher from Stony Brook,told Reuters the penguin population can represent overall climate conditions and the health of the area’s whole ecosystem.The researchers say countsof individual penguins can be combined with data from satellite images to get a more complete picture of how the animals are progressing.

Gentoo penguins-with bright orange beaks and white markings on their heads-prefer open water without broken pieces of ice floating around. So when temperatures on the Antarctic Peninsula began rising during the latter half of the 20th century,gentoo populations moved south.Gentoo penguins don’t like sea ice. They mostly forage(觅食)over the continental shelf and don't go far out to sea. As sea ice has decreased along the western side of the peninsula,gentoos seem to have gotten used to the changed conditions. But those same conditions have been worse for the Adelie penguin species. This is because the Adelies depend on sea ice for feeding and reproduction.

“When we find Adelie penguins, we typically know that sea ice is nearby,”Stony Brook’s Wethington said. He added that whenever researchers see sea ice decreasing or disappearing,they also see Adelie penguin populations plunge.Even though Adelie penguins are increasing in number overall, some populations have fallen by more than 65 percent,researchers say.

【小题1】Why do scientists studying climate change in Antarctica study penguins?
A.To offer them better protection.
B.To learn more about the conditions of Antarctica.
C.To find out about the penguin population.
D.To have a clearer idea of their living habits.
【小题2】What makes penguins easier to follow than other kinds of animals?
A.Their various species.
B.Their unusual hunting ways.
C.Their unique eating habits.
D.Their nesting habit and body color.
【小题3】What can be inferred about gentoo penguins from paragraph 4?
A.They are quite adaptive.
B.They are in great danger.
C.They tend to hunt far out to sea.
D.They have a preference for sea ice.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “plunge” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Rise steadily.
B.Swing violently.
C.Drop sharply.
D.Grow swiftly.

In the 1950s and 60s, scientists around the world launched many creatures into space. The idea was to calculate the effects of spaceflight on living creatures in the hopes that humans could follow.

The Soviet Union sent a stray Moscow dog named Laika into space, and subsequently, it was honored as a national hero. Ham the chimpanzee was famously buried at the International Space Hall of Fame in New Mexico following his contributions to the U. S. space program. And then there was France, which sent the first and so far only cat into space. So, who was this hero cat, anyway?

Félicette was one of 14 cats cited to the French space program. Each cat had electrodes implanted into their brain, and all were subjected to many of the same activities included in human astronaut training. French scientists decided to use cats as they already had a lot of neurological data on them. At the conclusion of training, the petite tuxedo Félicette got the green light.

On Oct. 18, 1963, Félicette, was strapped into a Véronique rocket and blasted from Algeria to nearly 100 miles above Earth. She experienced about five minutes of weightlessness followed by the terror of a turbulent, spinning descent via parachute.

Just 15 minutes later, the flight was complete. A helicopter crew dashed to the landing site, threw open the cabin, and found Félicette alive and well.

Two months later, scientists rewarded her heroism with euthanasia (安乐死) — they wanted to examine her body. Then, Félicette was all but forgotten.

So forgotten that in the 90s, when three former French colonies celebrated her story by issuing stamps with the cat’s likeness, they mistakenly turned her into a boy by using the wrong name — Felix.

But thanks to Londoner Matt Guy who came across the tale of Félicette that she wasn’t already properly recognized for her accomplishments, the story’s finally been set straight. His online pleas netted around $57,000 enough to fund a 5-foot tall bronze statue. On Dec. 18, 2019, the statue was finally unveiled at the International Space University in Strasbourg, France.

【小题1】Why did scientists choose Félicette for their space program?
A.Because cats were more readily available than other animals.
B.Because cats had well-developed neurological system.
C.Because they liked her more than Laika and Ham.
D.Because they got rich research data about cats.
【小题2】What happened to Félicette after her space mission?
A.She became a national hero in France.
B.She was euthanized for scientific examination.
C.She was adopted by one of the scientists involved in the program.
D.She was remembered until a Londoner rediscovered her story.
【小题3】What did Matt Guy do for Félicette?
A.He helped issue stamps with the cat’s likeness.B.He built a status for Félicette by himself.
C.He raised money online in Félicette’s honor.D.He discovered Félicette initiatively.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.Félicette the first cat in Space finally got her due.B.Félicette was forgotten in the history.
C.The first and only cat Félicette was sent into space.D.Félicette was rescued bravely by humans.
