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Christine Lagarde has a pretty big job. The 57-year-old French woman is the Managing Director of the IMF(International Monetary Fund) and she’s the first woman in history to hold the position. So, what are her tips for success?Travel“Travel the world.【小题1】”That’s the first piece of advice Christine gave to business students at a recent conference. Although Christine is French, she spent time studying and working in the United States.Of course, you don’t have to live overseas to do well in business. But simply going on holiday to new countries will benefit you a lot.PreparationThere’s a saying in English: “If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.” Christine makes sure she’s ready for whatever challenges lie ahead. To get the IMF job, she studied hard and prepared adequately.【小题2】EnglishEnglish is the international language of business. If you have a strong command of English, you’re more likely to get a good job or be promoted. Christine has an excellent level of English.【小题3】So, read in English as much as possible, and watch English-language TV series, movies with subtitles(字幕) and listen to English music.HealthChristine is known for her stamina(耐力). Whether they’re all-night negotiations or long, boring meetings, she just keeps on going.【小题4】By staying fit. She told reporters that staying in shape is extremely important for achieving success. Christine jogs, swims and cycles whenever possible.Problems“When everything is going wrong, just grit your teeth(咬紧牙关) and smile.” That was the piece of advice that Christine’s swimming coach gave her many years ago.【小题5】
A.How does she do it?
B.Be citizens of the world.
C.And, of course, she got the job.
D.It has certainly helped her get to where she is today.
E.She was busy at the time as the French Minister of Finance.
F.Remember that success is not an objective that you will one day reach.
G.So even when nothing is going your way, remember to stay positive and keep going!
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Duanwu Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. According to traditional Chinese folk customs, the fifth lunar month is called the “poisonous month”, when many evil spirits and poisonous creatures go viral. 【小题1】

A widely used herb to stay safe and healthy on Duanwu is wormwood (艾草). The herb, due to its medical functions, is not only a perfect choice for Duanwu, but also a daily necessity to many Chinese people. 【小题2】

Wormwood incense()

Wormwood can effectively drive away mosquitoes and some uninvited insects in your house. Compared to chemical sprays, it is 100 percent safe for adults and children.

Incense is often made from wormwood that has been dried for at least three years. 【小题3】 Wormwood dried less than three years will not function as well as you expect.

Wormwood soap, toothpaste and shampoo

【小题4】 It can leave a natural and herbal scent on your body. Unlike common perfume that may attract mosquitoes, the scent of wormwood can drive them away.   

Wormwood toothpaste and shampoo are good for your teeth and hair too, as the herb-based products can protect you in a safer and more natural way.

Moxibustion (艾灸)

Similar to acupuncture (针灸), moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medical therapy to cure some common illness, such as headache, abdominal cramps and pain. Acupuncture can only be performed by professional doctors. 【小题5】 That’s why it is so popular with ordinary people in China.

A.Duanwu Festival has a long history of over 2000 years.
B.Many people often store some wormwood incense at home.
C.Unlike acupuncture, moxibustion doesn’t need too many skills.
D.The longer the wormwood is dried, the stronger effect it will have.
E.Soap made from wormwood is a reasonable choice on summer days.
F.Here are some healthy products made from wormwood to stay healthy.
G.They can bring infectious diseases to humans and animals during this summer month.
When it comes to President Obama, most of his personal business is already known by the public. Personal information about his children, Malia and Sasha, however, has been kept a little more ______
The New York Times recently released(公布)a list of rules that Michelle Obama has mentioned over the years that Malia and Sasha must follow during their time in the White House, as well as in general. See how the first family educates their children:
The girls must write reports about what they've seen on their trips, even if it's not required by their school.
Malia may use her cell phone only on the weekends, and she and her sister cannot watch television or use a computer for anything but homework during the week.
Malia and Sasha have to play two sports: one they choose and one selected by their mother.
Malia must learn to do laundry(洗衣服) before she leaves for college.
The girls have to eat their vegetables, and if they say they are not hungry, they cannot ask for cookies or chips later.
While these might be shocking to some, Michelle said, “They're not little princess(公主). It's just basic rules, boundaries, and expectations that we would have normally.”
Michelle also mentions another set of rules:
The girls must do their chores(家务), though the White House has a large staff (职员). Malia and Sasha have chores of their own.
They must play a team sport, because it's about learning how to play on a team, how to lose and how to win gracefully.

It sounds like Michelle and Barack want the best for their kids and to make them as well-rounded(全面发展)as possible. What are your thoughts on the Obama family rules?
【小题1】What's the passage mainly about?
A.The first family daily life.
B.The first family rules.
C.How to be good parents.
D.How to be good students.
【小题2】What do the underlined words “under wraps” probably mean?
【小题3】What has to be followed after the girls' every trip?
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT True according to the passage?
A.The girls have to obey the rules only when they live in the White House.
B.The girls must do their chores though there might be lots of help around.
C.The girls must play a team sport to gain team spirit by working together.
D.The parents want to make the girls grow healthily as common children.

Four Ways to Make Your Shoes Feel Better

According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, the vast majority of people experience foot pain at some point in their lives. The reason for most foot pain is that shoes fit poorly or force the feet into unnatural shapes. 【小题1】 Aside from carefully selecting the right shoes, there are some easy measures you can take to keep your feet from being painful.

1. Stretching Your Shoes

If your feet are rubbing against your shoes this could indicate that you need more width, length or both. However, sometimes going to the next larger size is not a choice, as the next size may be too large. 【小题2】.

2. Using Shoe Inserts (插入物)

Both doctors and those in the shoe repair industry often recommend inserts to increase shoe comfort. 【小题3】.

Determining the best insert for your shoes depends on what hurts.

3. 【小题4】

The way you lace (由带子系紧) your shoes can make a world of difference in their comfort. Lacing them too tightly or incorrectly can make your feet hurt. Cramped toes, rubbing on the top of the foot, and pressure on the big toe can likely be relieved if you lace your shoes different.

4. Wearing Socks

【小题5】.They are usually made of cotton or nylon. Not only do they add an extra layer of cushion to your shoes but they also keep your feet from sweating. This prevents moisture (水汽) from forming in the shoe. Moisture in your shoes can cause blisters and calluses on your feet.

A.Adjusting Shoelaces
B.Buying Shoes Without Shoelaces
C.There are a lot of shoe inserts to choose from
D.In fact, ill-fitting shoes are a top cause of foot pain
E.Socks are of great help to add more comfort to your shoes
F.Therefore, you need to know the size your feet are fit for
G.In this case stretching the shoes may be a good solution
