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Have you wondered why different animals or pests have their particular colours? Colours in them seem to   be used mainly to protect themselves.
Birds, especially seagulls(海鸥) are very fond of locusts(蝗虫), but birds can’t easily catch locusts because locusts change their colours together with the change of the colour of crops(庄稼). When crops are green, locusts look green. But when crops are ripe(成熟的), locusts take on exactly the same brown colour as crops have. Some other pests with different colours from plants are usually easily found and eaten by their enemies. So they have to hide themselves in terror for lives and appear only at night.Z&X&X&K]
If you study the animal life in any part of the world, you will find the main use of colouring is to protect themselves, bears, wolves and other beasts move quietly through forests. They are usually invisible to the eyes of hunters, because they have the colour much like the barks(树皮) of trees.
An even more strange act remains to be noticed. A kind of fish living in seas can send out a kind of very black liquid when it faces danger. While the liquid is over, its enemies cannot find it, and it quickly swims away. Thus,it has existed(存活)up to now though it is not powerful at all.
【小题1】This passage mainly talks about ______.
A.the change of colour in locusts
B.the protective colouration of animals and pests
C.how a certain sea fish protects itself
D.animals or pests can dye themselves different colours
【小题2】The pests that have different colours from plants usually appear at night because ______.
A.their enemies can easily find them and eat them
B.they have the habit of coming out in darkness
C.it’s easy for them to destroy plants in darkness
D.birds take their rests when night comes
【小题3】What does the word “invisible” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Can’t be seenB.Can be seen
C.Can’t moveD.Can’t change
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Sales of Apple’s new iPhone 11 in China began on Friday, but were met with a cooler reception from consumers than in previous years. Unlike in previous years, no long lines were seen outside Chinese shops on Friday for the new iPhone, and the product release only made the headlines in a few media outlets.

Huawei unveiled(公布)its Mate 30 smartphone series on Thursday night. Its new devices have won consumers’ hearts at home and abroad. Many compared it with Apple’s new iPhone 11, saying that beats the new iPhone in terms of innovation and quality. One customer surnamed Zhao, an IT specialist who pre-ordered a Mate 30 Pro on Friday, said that he chose Mate 30 without hesitation. Zhao said, “It’s obvious that Huawei’s new phone with its advanced 5G mode would lead the future global telecommunications market, and its new innovative features in gesture and side control attracted my attention, too.”

In contrast with iPhone 11’s lukewarm(冷淡的)sales, Chinese netizens have engaged in discussions on Mate 30 and Mate 30 Pro. An online poll on the Mate 30 and iPhone 11 on Weibo on Friday showed that more than 60 percent of netizens chose the Mate 30, while less than 20 percent chose the iPhone 11. Many chose Huawei not out of patriotism but for its technology.

Overseas consumers also engaged in vigorous(有力的)discussions on Huawei’s new flagship devices on technology sites and social media platforms. On Twitter, many netizens said “nice”, “best phone ever” and “my favorite one” on Huawei’s Twitter account. Some netizens in countries like the UK, the Netherlands and Argentina asked when Huawei’s new devices would be released in their countries.

【小题1】How did customers react to Apple’s new product?
A.They thought it was cool to use it.
B.They stood in long lines to purchase it.
C.They thought its quality was worse than before.
D.They were less interested in it than former years.
【小题2】In what aspect is Mate better than iPhone 11 according to paragraph 2?
A.The price and the weight.B.The appearance and the speed.
C.The quality and innovation.D.The service life and function.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “poll” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
【小题4】What is the attitude of the overseas consumers toward Mate 30 and Mate 30 Pro?

Nalini Nadkarni didn’t play with Barbies as a girl. She was too busy climbing the maple trees in her front yard in Bethesda.

“When I was growing up in Bethesda, we tried to live simply,” Nadkarni, a University of Utah biology professor who studies rainforest canopies, said. “And a Barbie didn’t quite fit in with living a simple life.” Instead, said Nadkarni, she and her sisters were encouraged by their parents to create their own fun. For Nadkarni, that meant tree climbing.

Nadkarni is doing research in Costa Rica on trees. It has never been more important, Nadkarni said, to share what she has learned with a new generation.

“In 2003, I’d been thinking of ways to help get girls more interested in science, and I looked to my young daughter. I knew that girls wanted to play with Barbies and look like Barbies,” Nadkarni said. “But what if Barbie had field clothes on and came with a little booklet about canopy plants?” Mattel, the company that makes Barbies, wasn’t interested in her idea, but she persisted. She finally created her own treetop dolls. Mattel agreed that she could produce the dolls on a small scale.

Last year, Nadkarni was thrilled to learn that National Geographic was working with Mattel to come up with a new line of adventure dolls, and that they wanted her advice.

Since sales of the explorer Barbies began in the summer, Nadkarni said, she has heard from girls coast to coast, thanking her for her work in rainforests and asking questions about how they can make a difference to help trees in their own communities.

“When I started hearing from these young kids, I realized they truly understood the terrible situation our forests were in,” she said. “They really care, and they want us grown-ups to do something to save our environment. I love climbing trees and learning all I can about them. But getting children excited about protecting our forests is one of the most important things I do.”

【小题1】What can we learn about Nadkarni when she was a child?
A.She found joy in climbing trees.B.She used to play with Barbies.
C.Her parents were strict with her.D.She was asked to behave like a boy.
【小题2】Why did Nadkarni want to work with Mattel?
A.To amuse her daughter.B.To attract girls to Barbies.
C.To represent her scientific achievements.D.To fire girls’ enthusiasm for science.
【小题3】What kind of feeling is expressed in the last paragraph?
【小题4】What can we infer from the text?
A.Nadkarni created the explorer Barbies.
B.Girls thanked Nadkarni for the new dolls.
C.The explorer Barbies have a great influence on girls.
D.Young kids don’t care about the environment.

What Your Cat's Behavior is Trying to Communicate       

Why cats ignore you.

Cats are intelligent beings but they are also undeniably stubborn. When you call a cat's name, they will more likely ignore you altogether.【小题1】. It is actually because they just don't want to go to you. They like to show affection on their own terms and will come and say hello to you when they feel like it.


Cats love to interrupt whatever you are doing by lying across the area where you are working. Whether you have a book open or are typing away on your laptop, they won't hesitate to stamp on top. This is a cat's way of ordering you to stop whatever you are doing and to instead pay attention to them.

When your cat brings you gifts

At one point or another, every owner has to deal with their cat bringing a dead bird or mouse at their feet. Your cat is actually bringing you a gift. 【小题3】, it may be saying thank you for the care you give it.

How cats say "I love you"

Cats make a lot of gestures with their eyes to communicate. If a cat is staring at you, it most likely means that they are trying to get your attention. 【小题4】, they are telling you they love you.

When your cat scratches everything

Cats love scratching so much that they will tear up your new sofa. But why do they do this?

【小题5】. It feels good for them to scratch and it also deposits their scent and so it marks their territory.
A.When cats lift their tails
B.How cats demand attention
C.When your cat does this for you
D.If they look at you and blink slowly
E.Cats like to lie down on their backs and roll around
F.This is not because they do not understand their name
G.It is usually to remove the uncomfortable dead layer of their claws
