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One day in my class, the children were busy preparing for the coming concert. Suddenly Patty came up to me and said, “Every year I-g-g-g-get to be a quiet student. The other kids are always in a p-p-p-play or something. This year, I w-w-want to recite a p-p-p-poem myself!”
Watching her eager eyes, I had no way to refuse her request. So I had to promise her that she would have a “reciting” part. That promise proved to be very difficult to keep. None of my books had any proper poems for her. So I had to spend most of the night writing a poem for her. It was not excellent, but it was enough to cope with Patty’s speech problem.
From then on, Patty spent a lot of time practicing the reciting every day. With my help, she made great progress. However, an unexpected thing happened when the concert was about to start. The MC(报幕员)came to me with anger, waving his printed program. “There has been a mistake! You have listed Patty for a recitation. That girl can’t even say her own name without stuttering.” Because there was not enough time for explanations, I said to him angrily, “We know what we are doing.”
The concert was going very well. When it was time for Patty’s recitation, the MC again said that Patty would embarrass everyone. Losing patience, I shouted to him loudly, “Patty will do her part. You do yours. Just introduce her number.”
The curtain parted to show Patty, excited and confident. In perfect control, Patty uttered each syllable clearly helped by my gestures. At last, she made her bow, with tears in her eyes.
The curtain closed. At first silence held the audience, then the silence gave way to warm and lasting applause. Patty threw her arms around me and said to me excitedly, “We d-d-d-did it!”
【小题1】What was the challenge for Patty to prepare for the concert?
A.She hadn’t enough time to practice.
B.She wasn’t popular with the students in her class.
C.She couldn’t recite words clearly owing to stuttering.
D.There weren’t proper poems for her at all.
【小题2】The author yelled at the MC loudly because_____.
A.he made a mistake about the printed program
B.he showed no respect for the author
C.he didn’t list Patty for a recitation
D.he was unwilling to include Patty in the performing list
【小题3】From the passage we can learn that_____.
A.where there is a will, there is a way
B.experience is the mother of wisdom
C.strike while the iron is hot
D.the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
知识点:记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Dogs Trained to Find Endangered Animals

Many dogs are very hard - working animals. They have been helping people for thousands of years. Dogs protect our homes. They help people with disabilities. They team up with rescue workers in search -and - rescue operations. And now, dogs can add another job to their resumes—finding endangered animals! The official title for this kind of work is conservation detection dog.

Luke Edwards is a dog owner and trainer. He is training two border collies (边境牧羊犬), named Rubble and Uda, to become conservation detection dogs.

He says that border collies are good for this kind of work because they have a great, sense of smell. The dogs also have great stamina—the mental and physical strength to work long hours .

Recently, the dogs went on their most difficult job yet - finding the Baw Baw frog. This frog is one of Australia ‘ s most endangered animals.

The work is difficult mainly because of the search area. Just to get to the place where the frogs live. the dogs and their trainers must walk far distances through alpine(高山)forests . It is difficult but important work.

A deadly fungus (真菌)has killed nearly all of Australia’s Baw Baw frogs. In fact, scientists say these creatures could disappear in the next five to ten years.

Zoos Victoria is a group set up to protect wildlife. Conservation experts there claim that since 1980 the deadly fungus has killed off 98 percent of the Baw Baw frogs.

So. Zoos Victoria is trying to save the frogs. Experts there raise them and have them reproduce. They call it their captive breeding program.

【小题1】What’s the main idea of Paragraph 1?
A.Many people like dogs.
B.Dogs are very friendly to people.
C.Some dogs are trained to help blind people and deaf people.
D.Dogs have acted as a new role.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “stamina” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】The main reason why finding the Baw Baw frog is difficult is that________.
A.the distance is far away and the site is dangerous
B.frogs don’ t make a call
C.there is deadly fungus
D.they mainly live underground
【小题4】Where does this text come from?
A.A geography book.B.Science fiction.
C.Children’ s literature.D.A book on animals.

Historical accounts often described the now-extinct California grizzly bears as huge beasts ready to attack humans and livestock at any time. But according to a new paper, scientists say the truth might have been less dramatic: The bears ate a mostly vegetarian diet and were smaller than previously described. California grizzly bears once roamed in the Golden State. But European settlers often hunted, poisoned and trapped the creatures. Over time, because of these human activities, the California grizzly population declined. The last reliable sighting of a California grizzly bear occurred 100 years ago in 1924, and the animals disappeared completely sometime after that.

Researchers wanted to get a better understanding of the factors that accelerated the bears’ extinction. They also hoped to gain more insight into the creatures’ behavior, size and diet. To do so, they turned to documents and California grizzly specimens in natural history collections. They measured the animals’ skulls and teeth and analyzed their bones and pelts. The researchers found that California grizzly bears were much smaller than the 2,000 pounds often reported at the time. Historical accounts might not necessarily have been wrong, but they might have only included the largest bears. In addition, analyses of the animals’ bones and skins suggest the bears were primarily eating plants, which stands in contrast to their fear some hyper carnivorous (超级食肉的) reputation. “The bears likely increased meat consumption due to landscape changes coupled with the arrival of livestock,” says study co-author Alexis Mychajliw. However, researchers found the animals still ate a majority vegetarian diet and killed far less livestock than historical accounts suggested.

By digging beyond the bears’ reputation, the researchers gained a more accurate understanding of the California grizzly’s biology and natural history. And since scientists and land managers often rely on historical accounts when reintroducing animals to their former habitats, the study serves as a reminder that those old newspapers and journals do not tell the whole story.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “roamed” in paragraph 1 mean?
【小题2】What did the researchers discover about California grizzly bears?
A.They mainly fed on livestock.
B.Their diet consisted mostly of plants.
C.They ate a balanced diet of plants and meat.
D.The absence of livestock changed their dietary habit.
【小题3】What can we learn about historical accounts of animals from the last paragraph?
A.They are unique.B.They are one-sided.
C.They are accurate.D.They are comprehensive.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The natural habitats of California grizzly bears.
B.The extinction process of California grizzly bears.
C.The reveal of the truth of California grizzly bears.
D.The significance of the arrival of California grizzly bears.

Migratory (迁移的) birds are specially adapted to find their way over extreme distances. Now, the new research of Kaspar Delhey and other researchers has discovered an unexpected way that migratory birds keep their cool during such backbreaking journeys: lighter-colored feathers (羽毛).

“We found across nearly all species of birds, migratory species tend to be lighter colored than non-migratory species,” said Delhey. “We think that lighter feather coloration is selected in migratory species because it reduces the risk of overheating when exposed to sunshine. Lighter surfaces absorb less heat than darker ones, as anybody wearing dark clothes on a sunny day can demonstrate! This would be particularly important for long-distance migrants that undertake extensive flights during which they cannot stop to rest in the shade.”

Delhey and his coworkers had been studying the effects of climate on bird coloration. Their earlier studies showed that, in general, lighter colored birds are found where temperatures are high and there is little shade. That’s in part because the birds’ lighter feathers help to keep them cooler in the hot sun. Then the researchers came across studies by others showing that some birds fly higher during the day compared to at night.

“Because flying higher is likely costly, these changes require an explanation,” Delhey says. “One possibility was that flying higher, where it is colder, would offset the heat absorbed by the feathers when the sun was shining.”

If so, they realized, another way to reduce the risk of overheating would be to absorb less solar radiation in the first place. It raised a question: have migratory species evolved (进化)   lighter feathers?

To find out, they did much research. Their findings show bird species get increasingly lighter as they migrate more. So, resident birds tend to be darker than short-distance migrants. Short-distance migrants are darker than bird species that travel farther. Delhey said the effect suited different types of birds. The same held true in waterbirds and ground-living birds, too.

The findings are another reminder of the important role of temperature and climate factors more broadly in the evolution of shaping the coloration of animals. They also help better understand the impacts of global warming and underlying adaptive evolutionary responses.

【小题1】Why is “dark clothes” mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To present a fact.B.To analyze a reason.
C.To clarify a point.D.To make a comparison.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “offset” mean in paragraph 4?
A.Cancel out.B.Add to.C.Give rise to.D.Take advantage of.
【小题3】What does Delhey’s new research focus on?
A.The habitats of migratory birds.
B.The categories of migratory birds.
C.A flying pattern of migratory birds.
D.A physical characteristic of migratory birds.
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
