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Indoor Plants

As with any house guests, indoor plants require a certain amount of basic, regular attention if they are going to feel at home. The first consideration when purchasing plants is to make reasonably sure that they are suitable for the condition in which they are going to be housed.

A general rule for most plants being brought indoors for the first time is to ensure that they have reasonable temperature of not less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, a position out of cold air, safe from pets and not exposed to strong sunlight.

Plants love company. When plants are growing together, they create an atmosphere of damp around themselves which is far more beneficial than hot dry conditions. A group of plants will also present a more pleasing picture and provide an opportunity for a creative arrangement. There is no secret to this. Just rely on your natural feeling for harmony.

Watering and feeding plants are probably the two areas of care that are the least well understood, but, again, if you follow a few simple rules, your plants should do well. Cold Slightly warm water is therefore the answer. It is usually better to pour water on to the soil on the surface of the pot rather than put the water into the pot holder at the bottom. Avoid giving small amount of water at regular intervals- it is much better to wet the soil right through the pot in one go and then to allow it to dry noticeably before giving it a further watering.

The majority of indoor plants will be in active growth from March until October, and during this time, the established ones will benefit from regular feeding. This may mean feeding with a weak liquid fertilizer (肥料) at each watering or at intervals of a week or ten days with fertilizer at a standard strength. It is important, however, to ensure that plants are not fed when growth is inactive, when the soil in the pot is dry, or too soon after the plants has been potted up.

【小题1】In Paragraph 2, the author mainly tells us to___________.
A.but plants that help clean indoor air
B.create a new environment with plants
C.put plants on the sunny side of the room
D.make sure of suitable conditions for plants
【小题2】What’s the benefit of plants growing together?
A.It provides owners good company.
B.It helps the air around them slightly wet.
C.It makes it convenient to look after them.
D.It allows owners to draw a pleasant picture.
【小题3】While watering the plants, what should we remember to do?
A.Use water that is a little warm.
B.Pour the water into the pot holder.
C.Give small amount of water at one time.
D.Consider further watering in dry weather.
【小题4】What is the best time to feed the plants?
A.When the soil is dry.
B.When their growth is active.
C.When the temperature is high.
D.When they have just been planted.
知识点:科普知识 说明文植物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

There is no one clear path to success. Different people achieve success in different ways, but there are some traits (品质) that successful people have in common to help them reach their goals. If you want to be more successful in your professional life, it is important to have the traits listed below.

Outstanding leadership. 【小题1】Being a leader allows you to follow your dreams and make decisions that help you reach them. For example, if your goal is to get promoted to a manager-level position, then offering to lead a project or team may help you reach that goal.

Self-confidence. 【小题2】Having this self-confidence allows you to insist on working towards your goals and see them through to completion. Moreover, self-confidence also makes you stand out from others, which can help you reach specific goals, such as being chosen to take up an important position.

Great patience. Success is not something that happens overnight. 【小题3】A good example of this is starting a new workout routine. You won’t instantly see a difference or feel stronger. However, if you have patience and continue to exercise, good results will follow.

Effective communication. Communication is not just about speaking, but also about listening. Therefore, you need to learn how to listen actively and empathize(感同身受). Communication is a two-way street and everyone’s opinion is valuable. 【小题4】

【小题5】Successful people also tend to be creative. However, this doesn’t mean that every successful person is an artist or a writer. Being successful requires creativity because it allows you to create new ideas and develop solutions to whatever challenges you may face.

A.Great creativity.
B.Willingness to learn.
C.Successful people typically have remarkable leadership skills.
D.It is crucial that you remain patient and continue to put in effort.
E.In order to be successful, you must first believe that you are capable.
F.Therefore, developing self-confidence is essential for achieving success.
G.By listening carefully, you can gain a better understanding and make wise decisions.

A new study on the link between chili and dementia(老年痴呆) may bring bad news for spicy food addicts. Researchers have found that eating lots of chili may cause an increased risk of dementia.

The study, led by Zumin Shi, analyzed 4,582 Chinese adults aged 55 and above between 1991 and 2006 and found evidence of faster cognitive decline in those who consistently ate more than 50 grams of chili a day. “Chili consumption was found to be beneficial to body weight and blood pressure in our previous studies. However, in this study, we found negative effects on cognition among older adults,” Shi said in a press release published Tuesday.

“Chili is one of the most commonly used spices in the world and particularly popular in Asia compared to European countries,” Ming Li from the University of Southern Australia said in the press release. “In certain regions of China, such as Sichuan and Hunan, almost one in three adults consumes spicy food every day.”

The researchers said people of normal body weight may be more sensitive to chili intake and hence their memory and weight suffer a bigger impact. Worldwide, around 50 million people have dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form that may contribute to 60 percent to 70 percent of the cases, according to the World Health Organization. At present, no treatment can cure dementia or change its progressive course.

【小题1】According to the text, what aspect is chili consumption harmful to?
A.Body shape.B.Body weightC.Blood pressure.D.Cognitive abilities.
【小题2】What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The planting of chili.B.The popularity of chili.
C.The bad effects of chiliD.The custom of eating chili.
【小题3】Who are most likely to suffer from eating lots of chili?
A.Overweight seniors.B.Overweight teenagers.
C.Seniors of normal body weightD.Teenagers of normal body weight
【小题4】What do we know about dementia?
A.It is incurable.B.It affects people’s weight.
C.It determines blood types.D.It can be cured by eating chili.

In a recent business magazine article, a president said, laughter in the workplace is a waste of time. This is a place to do business, not to laugh, some researcher, however, disagree with his words. As scientists have learned more about the brain, they’ve discovered that smiles and laughter stimulate the brain, which can help increase happiness and reduce pain. Why do we need laughter in our lives? Laughter is a powerful tool for our health. In a number of studies that were carried out, it was shown that people who are more humorous have stronger immune systems while people who feel stressed have weaker immune systems(免疫系统). Humor can help make your immune systems stronger.

Here are some tips to add more humor to your life.

Laugh at yourself. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have a positive attitude towards yourself and your worries will become lighter, too.

Don’t worry when people laugh—just appreciate it. Be funny. Look for the humorous side of otherwise difficult situation.

Prepare a first-aid laughter source. This could include books, cartoons, CDs or videos. Write down the amusing things that happen and save them for a sad day.

Be open to silly things. Humor the child within yourself.

Laugh with others what they do, rather than what they are.

Research has shown that laughter is indeed the best medicine, so make time for humor now.

【小题1】What is the best title for this passage? (please answer within 8 words.)
【小题2】List three suggestions that might help you add humor to your life according to the passage. (Please answer within 15 words.)
【小题3】According to the passage, how do people benefit(受益) from laughter?
(Please answer within 20 words.)
【小题4】Please translate the sentence underlined into Chinese.
【小题5】According to the passage, why humor can help people keep healthy?(Please answer within 15 words.)
