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The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) says more than half of the world’s wildlife population has been lost, which the conservation group says has placed the health of the planet at risk.
The WWF recently released its 10th Flagship Living Planet Report. The group warns the condition of the world's animals is worse than its earlier reports showed, indicating worldwide action is needed.
The WWF is worried about the loss of and damage to Earth’s environment. The report provides information about more than 10,000 animal populations from 1970 to 2010. These populations are called “vertebrate species,” or animals with backbones — like fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles. The report shows these populations have dropped by 52 percent in just 40 years. It warns freshwater species have fallen by 76 percent, which is almost twice the loss of land and ocean species. Most of these losses are in the tropics, with the biggest drop in Latin America.
Marco Lambertini, the WWF’s International Director-General said, “This is about losing natural habitats. This is about converting forests, grasslands, and wetlands into agriculture mainly, and it is about unsustainable use of wildlife. Illegal hunting has been actually increasing over the last 10 years, which definitely a driving force for extinction, particularly of large species.”
The report also notes what it calls the world’s “Ecological Footprint”, that is, the effect of human activities on the planet. Mr. Lambertini says there has been an increase in carbon dioxide gases and the pouring of nitrogen into oceans and rivers from fertilizers used in agriculture, which certainly cannot continue.
“We are consuming on average every year about the equivalent of about 1.5, one and a half times the resources available to the planet. That means we are cutting trees more quickly than they can be restored. We are fishing the oceans more quickly than fishing stocks can reproduce, and we are emitting in the atmosphere more CO2 than the natural systems can actually absorb, which is clearly not sustainable.”
Mr. Lambertini warns climate change affects almost everyone on the planet and that whole species may disappear if the world does not reduce the effects of humans on the climate.
【小题1】According to the passage, what kind of species faces the biggest drop in population?
A.Land and ocean species.
B.Animals with backbones.
C.Freshwater species in Latin America.
D.Freshwater species in the tropics.
【小题2】All the following can contribute to the loss of world’s wildlife population EXCEPT ________.
A.turning wildlife habitats into agriculture land.
B.making sustainable use of wildlife.
C.hunting illegally.
D.emitting CO2 gases and pouring nitrogen.
【小题3】Which does the underlined word “converting” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题4】It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A.Marco is much concerned about human’s current behaviors towards wildlife.
B.what the planet provides now can satisfy human’s sustainable development.
C.more than half of the world’s wildlife population has been lost.
D.if humans reduce the effects on the climate, the whole species will not disappear.
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Scholars in quest of demystifying the enigmatic depths of the subaquatic cosmos have been bestowed with a trove of invaluable data, courtesy of a conglomerate of international experts who have compiled a compendium delineating the fauna that emit or are anticipated to emit acoustic waves beneath the waterline.

Under the aegis of Audrey Looby, a luminary from the University of Florida, the Global Library of Underwater Biological Sounds consortium, in unison with the World Register of Marine Species, has meticulously chronicled 729 species of marine mammals, aquatic vertebrates, and invertebrates that generate either active or passive auditory signals. Furthermore, the register encompasses an additional 21,911 species presumed to be potential sources of sound.

“Given that the aquatic expanse envelops more than 70% of the Earth’s terrestrial envelope, the majority of our planet’s ecosystems are submerged, and it is a prevalent misconception that the majority of these aquatic entities exist in an auditory vacuum. The recently unveiled exhaustive digital repository, which catalogues the known sound-producing creatures, is unprecedented and has the potential to transform the domains of marine and aquatic science,” elucidated the team of investigators.

“The act of eavesdropping on the subaquatic symphony can unveil a plethora of insights regarding the species that orchestrate these sounds and serves a multitude of applications, from the stewardship of fisheries, the detection of invasive species, to the appraisal of the imprint of human activity on the environment,” remarked Looby, who is also the co-architect of FishSounds, a repository that curates a spectrum of research records on the acoustic emissions of fish.

The research of this collective was disseminated in the annals of Scientific Data and featured contributions from 19 scribes hailing from six distinct nations. “Comprehending the modalities of interaction between marine species and their environs is of paramount global significance, and the unrestricted availability of this dataset marks a monumental stride towards this aspiration,” proclaimed Keran Cox, an affiliate of the investigative cadre.

“The majority of individuals are acquainted with the vocalizations of cetaceans or marine mammals, yet are frequently astonished to discover that a multitude of fish and invertebrates also utilize sound as a medium of communication,” Looby stated. “Our database serves to exemplify the ubiquity of sound production in the subaquatic realm across a diverse array of creatures, yet our understanding remains in its infancy, with much yet to be uncovered.”

【小题1】Why is the data listed in paragraph 2?
A.To show the types of biological sounds.
B.To show the sum of documentsion animals.
C.To show the species of underwater animals.
D.Fo show the number of the sound-producing species.
【小题2】What is people’s misunderstanding according to the text?
A.Most rishes can’t make sounds.B.Many mammals can live in water.
C.Different species can communicate.D.Ocean animals can’t get onto the land.
【小题3】What is the goal mentioned by Kieran Cox?
A.To document ocean animals’ sounds.B.To set up a free database for scientists.
C.To learn how ocean animals communicate.D.To publish the team’s research in ocientifio Data.
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To call on people to protect ocean animals.B.To introduce the finding of a research team.
C.To list the animals that can produce souna.D.To uncover th mysterious underwater world.

Growing plants at home is a fun and enjoyable activity to do and can be developed as a new hobby. 【小题1】 Let’s take a look.

Gardening reduces stress. Gardening is one of the most effective, and fun ways to free yourself from the physical, mental, and emotional stress you have been carrying since the beginning of the week. If you are overworking yourself during the weekdays or seeing yourself drowning in stressful thoughts, try to spend your weekends gardening at home. 【小题2】 The sweet smell of the wet soil and the plants’ fascinating colors has a calming effect on our minds.

【小题3】 Just like plants that need sunlight to photosynthesize (光合作用), we also need to be exposed to sunlight. Our body produces or makes natural Vitamin D when the sunlight touches our skin. Gardening outdoors allows us to be exposed to sunlight and, in turn, the sunlight enriches us with Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps protect our body from getting diseases such as cancer.

Gardening is good for your heart. Gardening requires our body to move around by doing simple tasks such as digging the ground, planting seeds, pulling out weeds, and carrying a water container’s load. 【小题4】 They allows our body to burn calories and fats, and help strengthen our heart, reducing the risk of suffering from heart attack.

By spending our free time gardening and monitoring our plants’ growth, we are also taking care of ourselves as we gain lots of health and emotional benefits. It is a worthwhile activity because we get to see the results of our hard work when our plants start growing fonder and healthier. The way we take care of our plants reflects the way we take care of ourselves. 【小题5】

A.Gardening is an act of self-love.
B.Gardening is good for your bones.
C.Gardening helps your body against diseases.
D.You will see a significant change in your mind.
E.These simple gardening tasks can be considered a low-level exercise.
F.It also has several positive health and emotional benefits that you can enjoy.
G.Returning home to a place full of beautiful plants helps us enjoy the freshness of the air.

Grapes are popular fresh fruit, and people also love to make them into wine, jam, juice, various candied fruit, jelly, vinegar, grape seed extract and grape seed oil. Grapes are very useful, and many countries have good growing conditions to grow them. 【小题1】 The following are some fascinating facts about one of the most common fruits.

Grapes are used to make synthetic leather.

In order to find more environmentally friendly synthetic leather, Vegea, an Italian company founded in 2018, has developed a product that can be completely recycled from the grape waste left over from winemaking. 【小题2】, including vegan-friendly shoes, bags, and boxing gloves.


Grapes and their derivatives (raisins, wine, and grape juice)are poisonous to dogs: They can cause kidney (肾脏) failure, which can cause their final death.

The grapes you eat are different from the ones used for making wine.

【小题4】 The seeds and thicker skins on wine grapes add more flavor and color to the wine, while their greater sweetness speeds up fermentation (发酵) process. Table grapes are usually larger and more palatable: juicy with firmer flesh and a less strong taste, with thinner skins and fewer seeds.

China leads the way in table grape production and consumption.

Thanks to its favorable climate and growing conditions, China has been growing grapes for more than 2000 years. Consumption is expected to increase from 11. 8 million metric tons in 2021-2022 to 12. 4 million metric tons in 2022-2023, making China the world’s largest consumer.

【小题5】 The country’s table grape production in 2022-2023 is expected to reach 12. 6 million tons—more than half of the world’s grape production-making it the world’s top grape producer as well.

Grapes were probably the first fruit domesticated by humans.

In 2023, researchers published genetic evidence that grape vines (藤) were domesticated around 11, 000 years ago. As the scientists pointed out, “The grapevine was probably the first fruit crop domesticated by humans …It was one of the first globally traded goods.”

A.Grapes can be deadly to your pet.
B.Grapes can be unfriendly to your animals.
C.China doesn’t just consume a lot of grapes.
D.Therefore, grapes are one of the world’s most economically important crops.
E.The quality requirements of the ones you eat (table grapes) differ greatly from those required for wine production.
F.Grape leather is being used to produce a variety of products.
G.Grape leather is very useful.
