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Each year, millions of people go abroad to work, study or travel. It's a great way to find out what life is like in another part of the world! You're probably hoping to make new friends and learn about the culture in your host country—everything from attitudes and beliefs to social customs and popular foods. But constantly having to deal with new situations can be frustrating, even stressful.

Homesickness, stress, fear and confusion are all symptoms of "culture shock". At first, you may feel like getting on the plane and heading home. It's OK to have those feelings, and the following are some tips to help you handle the challenges that you will face.

Don't expect to be perfect. You may feel frustrated that you have culture shock, especially since you probably spent so much time preparing for your trip. No matter how much information you read, or how well you speak the host language, it is natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes. If you give yourself some time, things will gradually get easier.

Have an open mind. While it's certainly OK to feel frustration or confusion in your new surroundings, try not to form an opinion about the new culture too soon. Don't think of the host culture as better or worse, just different—you'll be more willing to try new things.

Participate. This is obvious, but everybody needs to be reminded. Just watching life go on around you isn't good enough. You really need to try things for yourself. Don't worry about making a mistake; people in your host country will generally be very understanding and willing to help if you have questions.

Your study abroad experience is a unique and special time in your life—one that you'll never forget. If you follow our suggestions, you'll be able to handle it well, and have a wonderful time. Good luck!

【小题1】What is culture shock according to the passage?
A.Something that you feel surprised and shocked at.
B.The problems you have when you go to another country.
C.The frightening feelings you have.
D.Something different from your own culture.
【小题2】What should you do when you feel depressed?
A.Go back to your own homeland.
B.Talk to someone about your problems.
C.Give yourself some time to get used to it.
D.Stop thinking of it.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.It is natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes.
B.Not everything is perfect.
C.Try to form the opinion about the new culture as soon as possible.
D.Tell others about your problems.
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.How to overcome culture shock.
B.Why people have culture shock.
C.Who might have culture shock.
D.When you will have culture shock.
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There’s a lot happening both in our minds and bodies when we make art, and it can be used for therapeutic (医疗的) means. Making art is good for everyone, not just our patients in the field of rehabilitation (康复) medicine! 【小题1】

Lower stress

Research in the field of art therapy is still ongoing. 【小题2】 Creating art can reduce cortisol (皮质醇) levels for both those who identify as artists and those who don’t, so no matter what your skill level is, you’ll be able to feel all the good things that come with making art.

Deep focus

【小题3】 Art allows you to enter a “flow state”, a wonderful feeling that happens when you’re in the zone. It’s that sense of losing yourself, losing all awareness, and even you’ll forget all sense of time and space.

Processing emotions

Connecting with art can help anyone decrease anxiety and build coping skills, and for those going through serious mental health distress, a professional art therapist can help to guide the process. 【小题4】 Making art can be a cathartic (起宣泄作用的) experience that provides a sense of relief.

Art and neuroscience (神经科学)

There is increasing evidence in rehabilitation medicine and the field of neuroscience that art enhances brain function by impacting brain wave patterns, emotions, and the nervous system. Art can also raise serotonin (血清素) levels. 【小题5】 Observing art can stimulate the creation of new neural pathways and ways of thinking. Artists are often better observers and have better memory, and this may be due to how art affects the brain’s plasticity (可塑性).

A.Engaging yourself in making art lets you focus deeply.
B.Here are some benefits and ways the brain is affected by art.
C.Art allows you to express feelings and memories in ways other than words.
D.Art enables you to imagine new ways to communicate and deal with the world.
E.Nevertheless, several findings suggest that engaging in art therapy reduces stress.
F.Those benefits don’t just come from making art, but also occur during experiencing art.
G.Creativity in and of itself is important for remaining healthy, remaining connected to yourself and connected to the world.

Having a sense of humor can make your entire life much more enjoyable. For some of us, this comes naturally.【小题1】If you want some tips to improve your sense of humor, try these out:

•Appreciate more stand-up comedies.

【小题2】If you don’t know where to start, look for something to your taste or start with something popular. The law of attraction will help you increase your sense of humor by understanding jokes, pick up lines and other metaphors(比喻)that make people laugh.


If you really want to develop your humor, then try to take something ordinary and make a joke out of it. In fact, there is a hidden joke behind every little event and situation you come across. Go ahead and try it. You will find out that almost everything you see in daily life has a funny side.

•Learn some simple jokes.

In the beginning, you don’t have to be creative. Just go out and do some research! The internet is full of great resources for jokes, humor, funny pictures, etc. Try searching for stuff that you like and add funny jokes to the end of your search.【小题4】

•Know the difference between funny and mean.

Making fun of someone for things they can’t change can come off as mean. The person who is the target of the joke can grow really embarassed and it can turn their mood off.【小题5】You can also make self-depreciating(自嘲)jokes. And there will always be jokes where no one gets hurt.

A.Observe other funny people.
B.Try to see the funny side to things.
C.You will find millions of things to make people laugh.
D.For others, we might have to work a little to unlock it.
E.To increase your sense of humor, watch more comedies.
F.It’s a lot better than watching something that’s a bit of a struggle.
G.Instead, make jokes about something they can easily change about themselves.

You don’t need to be a world-class mountaineer to stand out in a job interview. Here’s my advice on how to nail the most common interview question.

Most people are so eager to show off what they’ve been involved in. Don’t worry, and there will be time for that. The interviewer has reviewed your resume and will ask you plenty about your expertise. “Tell me about yourself” is a question you’re certain to be asked at any job interview.【小题1】However, sharing something that shows who you really are beyond a piece of paper is a good idea. It will allow the interviewer to know something about your life outside of work.

Everyone has something interesting to share about themselves. I’ve heard people talk about everything from being a world-class sushi chef to an ice carver.【小题2】 Such as you participate   in   competitive sports, you're an accomplished (技艺高超的) pianist and you’re writing your first detective novel. If the information showcases a unique aspect of yourself, and especially if you can link it to what you can bring to your next job, then go for it.

Another way to think about the question is: “What gets you up every morning?” The person also wants to know what your sense of passion and purpose is. That volunteer work on a farm cooperative in South America, for example, shows you have a global perspective. 【小题3】 It doesn’t matter how big or small the accomplishment is, as long as it shows you’re struggling to improve yourself. When people are motivated by contributing to something bigger than themselves, they get more satisfaction.

【小题4】 Relax, be yourself and tell the truth. Don't approach the interview like you’re trying out for Broadway. It’s more than obvious when someone is trying to memorize their lines and “play the part”. Also, if you overstate what you've done or fully invent a story about yourself, you'll be exposed.【小题5】

A.Take a risk to get personal.
B.Showing honesty is one of the most important things.
C.Running your first 10 kilometers shows you like a challenge.
D.And then everything you say about yourself will be questioned.
E.It's also important to tell it in a way that makes you memorable.
F.Too many people respond to it by giving a recital of their resume.
G."Tell me about yourself" is an invitation for you to share brief information.
