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A man was on the side of the road hitchhiking(搭便车) on a very dark night in the middle of a terrible rainstorm, with no cars on the road. The storm was so strong that the man could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly, he saw a car come towards him and stop. The man, without thinking about it, got in the car and closed the door and only then did he realize that there was nobody behind the steering wheel(方向盘)!
The car started to move very slowly. The man looked at the road and saw a curve(拐弯处) coming his way. Terrified, he started to pray, begging for his life. He had not come out of shock when, just before the car hit the curve, a hand suddenly appeared through the window and moved the wheel. The man, paralyzed with fear, watched how the hand appeared every time the car was drawing near a curve. Finally, although terrified, the man managed to open the door and jump out of the spooky(怪异的) car. Without looking back, the man ran through the storm all the way to the nearest town. In a state of complete horror, the man walked into a nearby bar and asked for two glasses of Scotch whisky.
Then, still shaking with fright, he started telling everybody in the bar about the horrible experience he just went through in the spooky car. Everyone in the bar listened in silence and became frightened, with hair standing on end, when they realized the man was telling the truth because he was crying and he was certainly not drunk!
About half an hour later, two other young men walked into the same bar and one said to the other,“Hey, there’s a stupid man who jumped into the car while we were pushing it!”
【小题1】When the car was first drawing near a curve, the man       .
A.felt very curiousB.was extremely frightened
C.cried for helpD.remained as calm as possible
【小题2】According to the passage, what made the man’s experience believable?
A.His reasonable behavior.B.His vivid description.
C.His simple appearance.D.His honest attitude.
【小题3】We can infer from the passage that       .
A.it is unsafe for people to take a free ride
B.the man was telling a lie to his listeners
C.the car probably broke down on the way
D.the two young men were familiar with the man
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A letter written to a 12-year-old girl in Lithuania was delivered in December, almost 51 years after it was sent by a pen pal in Poland. “I thought that someone was pranking me,” said Genovefa Klonovska after being handed the letter, which included a handmade colored rose and two paper dolls.

The letter, together with 17 others, fell out of a ventilation hole (通风口) this summer, dirty and wrinkled, as a wall was taken down in a former post office on the suburb of Vilnius. Jurgis Vilnius, owner of the building immediately called the post office. “I’m so happy they got interested,” said he.

Street names and their numbering have changed in Vilnius, and post office workers spent months looking for the right houses and talking to current renters and neighbors, tracking down where the recipients moved to. Only five were found. In several cases children of late recipients were handed a lost letter.

“We felt a moral duty to do this,” said Deimante Zebrauskaite, head of the customer experience department at Lithuania Post.

One lady compared the experience to receiving a message from a bottle thrown into sea. People were emotional. “Some felt they saw a part of daily life of their deceased parents,” Zebrauskaite said.

In the letter to Klonovska, sent from Koezary in Poland and stamped in 1970, a girl named Ewa complains buses no longer reach her village, so she has to walk in minus 23 degree Celsius cold, and asks for pictures of actors.

Now in her 60s, Klonovska has no memory of Ewa. She probably wrote Ewa after finding her address advertising for pen pals in a newspaper, and the relationship ceased after the letter got undelivered.

“So good that the letter didn't matter much. The loss was not life-changing,” said Klonovska “What if they delivered a lost letter from a suitor (求婚者) to his love, and their wedding never happened?”

【小题1】What does the underlined word “pranking” in Paragraph 1 mean?
【小题2】What happened to the letters in Paragraph 2?
A.They were accidentally found.
B.They remained well-preserved.
C.They were delivered by the former post office.
D.They were hidden by the owner of the building.
【小题3】Which of the following best describes the present post office in Vilnius?
【小题4】What can we learn from what Klonovska said?
A.Klonovska refused a suitor.
B.Klonovska stopped the wedding.
C.The undelivered letter ruined the relationship.
D.The undelivered letter made little difference to her.

Failure is likely the most tiring experience one ever has. There is nothing more exhausting than not succeeding. 【小题1】

In the former case, we keep putting off a task because it was either too boring or too difficult. And the longer we delay it, the more tired we feel. Such start-up fatigue is very real, even if not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. 【小题2】

Years ago, I was asked to write 102 essays on the great ideas of some famous authors. Applying my own rule, I determined to write them alphabetically, never letting myself leave out a tough idea. And I always started the day’s work with the most difficult task of essay-writing. The experience proved that the rule works.

【小题3】 Though willing to get started, we cannot seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear so great that, however hard we work, we fail again and again. In such a situation, I work as hard as I can   then let the unconsciousness (无意识) take over.

When planning Encyclopedia Britannica, I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles. Day after day, I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked. 【小题4】One day, mentally exhausted, I tried to convince myself that the trouble was with the problem itself, not with me. Relieved, I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep. 【小题5】 In the weeks that followed, the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind proved correct at every step. Though I worked as hard as before, I felt no fatigue. Success was now as exciting as failure had been depressing.

Human beings, I believe must try to succeed. Success, then, means never feeling tired.

A.My fatigue became almost unbearable.
B.I felt depressed and gave it up eventually.
C.Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle.
D.Use your unconsciousness and you can reduce your tiredness.
E.An hour later, I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind.
F.The solution is not easy to apply: always handle the most difficult job first.
G.Here are two ways of exhaustion ——start-up fatigue and performance fatigue.
Tips for making family movie night a success

We say this a lot, but we think it’s worth repeating: It’s important to get involved in your kids’ media lives - and your kids will love it too. 【小题1】 what’s a good way to stay involved with your kids’ media picks and create an opportunity to discuss them? Host a family movie night! Some tips for making it work:

Schedule it. 【小题2】 Turn off cell phones and avoid multitasking during the show.

【小题3】 If you’ve pot little kids, pre-select a group to choose from. Avoid watching the same movie over and over again. If you’ve got teens, tell them you’ll watch anything they choose as long as they return the favor when it’s your turn. Obey a “no complaining” rule.

Choose a location (场所). Hang a sheet in the backyard, prepare the necessary equipment, and sit on beach chairs to enjoy a classic like The Wizard of Oz. 【小题4】

Talk about it. The next day, make time to chat about what you watched. Kids might be interested in learning more about Hollywood’s history. 【小题5】 Talking with kids about how movie characters handled fictional situations can be a way to form your family’s values or get kids to open up about their lives.

A.Make it a theme night.
B.Take turns choosing the movie.
C.This can be simple or complicated.
D.Make it a regular date and time and don’t break it.
E.Visit the library to follow up on interests excited by the movie.
F.But helping them become wise media consumers can be easier said than done.
G.Or spend the family movie night on the road during vacations or at the grandparents’ house.
