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Where to rent eBooks?
As mentioned before,Amazon.com is the first and currently the only retailer (零售商) that has a program in place for renting eBooks.Luckily,Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world and their eBook assortment (分类) is massive.They are also the producer of the Kindle,the most popular eReader,which means you can be sure that the eBooks you rent will work.
You can currently only rent eTextbooks.But this is likely to change as soon as the word gets out that you can save money by renting eBooks.
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How to rent eBooks?
Simply search for the eBook you want to rent on Amazon.com and select the "Rent eBooks" option.After that,a new page will open where you can select how long you’d like to rent the eBook.You can read eBooks for a period of 30 to 360 days.
You decide how long you need the eBook.1f you later find out you need it for longer.you can simply extend the time.Or buy it for the normal price whenever you want.
Once you've chosen the Lime you want to rent the eBook,you simply go to checkout.Or you can use the "Rent now" button.
【小题1】According to the passage,_________
A.eBooks will be changed into other types by Amazon.com
B.eBooks will replace hardcover hooks in the next few years
C.readers get a discount of at least 20% of the normal price
D.readers are able to rent eBooks only at Amazon.com now
【小题2】To rent an eBook online,which of the following goes last?
A.open a new page
B.select the "Rent eBooks" option
C.choose a rental date
D.press "Rent now" button
【小题3】The main purpose of the passage is to_________.
A.inform and explain
B.discuss and assess
C.compare and evaluate
D.describe and argue
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When you are overwhelmed, you feel like things are too many to deal with. Everyone gets overwhelmed from time to time, but you can still do something to handle this negative emotion. 【小题1】

Slow it down.

The first thing you need to do when you feel flooded or overwhelmed is to slow everything down. 【小题2】 You will have more time to focus on the present and thus do things more leisurely. The experience of being overwhelmed can feel very chaotic and out of control, but when you slow it down, you are reclaiming control over the experience.


If you’re wondering how to get your life together, it’s time to reflect on what led to the stress. Reflecting is great because it helps you sort through the data you have received from being overwhelmed. Taking the time to understand the data will also help you better understand what your body is trying to tell you if you meet with these situations again in the future.

Release, regroup, and redirect.

It’s easier said than done, but when it comes to feeling overwhelmed, the best thing you can do is let it go. The release of the source of feeling overwhelmed is critical to the “getting my life back together” component of this process. 【小题4】 Regrouping is important because it allows you to close the feedback loop(循环)on all the slowing down, stepping back, reflecting and releasing. It allows you to hit the reset button, and with all you know now, you can move forward in a prepared and empowered manner. Lastly, you should redirect. 【小题5】 Even if your trajectory(轨道)only slightly altered its course, that’s OK! What is important is that you have processed integrated, and learned from your life so that you are better prepared for the future and more equipped to face it.

A.Step back and reflect.
B.Express what you are truly feeling and thinking.
C.When you slow down, it is as if you have put the brakes on.
D.This doesn’t necessarily mean you must move in a totally new direction.
E.Another thing you have to do before getting your life back together is regroup.
F.Rethinking about your previous mistakes might give you clues to avoid them in the future.
G.Here are some tips to help you get your life back together when you feel completely overwhelmed.

How to gain happiness? Aristotle, a famous Greek philosopher (哲学家), believed that happiness is achieved through the development of certain virtues, stressing a balanced lifestyle. 【小题1】.

Balancing Personal Strengths and Relationships

Aristotle combined virtues like modesty, honesty, and sociability into one principle: balance knowing yourself with getting along with others. Modesty (谦虚) involves recognizing both your true strengths and weaknesses clearly. 【小题2】. Honesty means being true in your expressions. Sociability stresses the necessity of making and keeping friends.

Managing Emotions and Actions

【小题3】. Aristotle said it’s normal to feel emotions like anger, but the key to happiness is how you handle these feelings. Justice (公平) involves treating others fairly and balancing one’s needs with the needs of others. Strength involves facing fears and carefully considering risks before acting, which helps you achieve your goals confidently.

Practicing Kindness and Tolerance (宽容)

Generosity, tolerance, and grace are virtues that Aristotle considered to be part of kindness. Generosity isn’t just about giving things to others, but also about doing so thoughtfully. 【小题4】. Grace combines a sense of humor with the seriousness required in certain situations, helping to keep a pleasant and supportive presence around others.

【小题5】. He teaches us that happiness is not just about seeking pleasure or avoiding pain, but about developing a balanced character. By developing these virtues and finding a balance in everything we do, we can lead truly happy and satisfying lives.

A.Aristotle stressed the importance of knowing oneself
B.This principle combines self-control, justice, and strength
C.Such realistic self-view makes you more confident and happier
D.Tolerance involves excusing others’ mistakes while keeping self-respect
E.In short, Aristotle’s approach to happiness is about finding balance in life
F.Here’s a simple explanation of his ideas designed for high school students
G.A person who knows how to be happy needs to develop a balanced sense of justice

Healthy HabitsHealthy Body

Feel tired lately? Has a doctor said he can’t find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital,but all the   advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong with you.

Then,consider this: you might be in a state of subhealth(亚健康).

Subhealth,also called the third state or gray state,is explained as a borderline state between health and disease.

According to   the   investigation   by   the   National   Health Organization,over 45 percent of subhealthy people are middle­aged or elderly.The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam weeks.

Symptoms(症状) include a lack of energy,depression (压抑),slow reactions,insomnia (失眠),agitation,and poor memory.Other symptoms include shortness of breath,sweating and aching in the waist and legs.

The key to preventing and recovering from subhealth,according to some medical experts, is to form good living habits,alternate work and rest,exercise regularly,and take part in open­air activities.

As for meals,people are advised to eat less salt and sugar.They should also eat more fresh vegetables, fruit and fish because they are rich in nutritional elements-vitamins and trace elements that are important to the body.

Nutrition(营养) experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract(消化系统).They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding subhealth.

【小题1】According to this passage,which of the following is RIGHT?
A.When you are in a state of subhealth,you should stay home and keep silent.
B.When you are in a state of subhealth,you should go to see a doctor and buy some medicine.
C.When you are in a state of subhealth,you should have yourself examined in foreign countries.
D.When you are in a state of subhealth,you should find out the reasons and relax yourself.
【小题2】It may be easy for middle­aged people to be in a state of subhealth because ________.
A.they have used up their energy
B.they have lost their living hopes
C.they have more pressure in life and work
D.they begin to get older
【小题3】The key to preventing you from falling into a state of subhealth is that you should ________.
A.work hard
B.sleep more
C.form good living habits
D.take more medicine
【小题4】As for food,experts suggest that ________.
A.we should never eat meat
B.we should have a variety of food
C.we should eat less than usual
D.we should have meals without salt and sugar
