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Are people less happy or more happy the older they get? A study found that people generally become happier and experience less worry after age 50. In fact, it found that by the age of 85, people are happier with their life than they were at 18.

The finding came from a Gallup survey of more than 340,000 adults between the age of 18 and 85 in the United States.

Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study. His team found that levels of stress were highest among adults between the ages of 22 and 25. Stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fifties.

Happiness was highest among the youngest adults and those in their early seventies. But the people least likely to report feeling negative emotions were those in their seventies and eighties. The survey also found that men and women had similar emotional patterns as they grow older. However, women at all ages reported more sadness, stress and worry than men did.

The researchers also considered possible influences like having young children, being unemployed or being single. But they found that influences like these did not affect the levels of happiness and well-being related to age.

So why would happiness increase with age? One theory is that, as people get older, they become more thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions. They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences.

The original goal of the study was to confirm the popular belief that aging is connected with increased sleep problems. The survey did find an increase during middle age, especially in women. But except for that, people reported that they felt their sleep quality improved as they got older.

【小题1】Old people may be happier probably because _________.
A.their children have grown upB.they don’t have to work every day
C.they can do whatever they like bestD.they are most likely satisfied with life
【小题2】According to the survey, when will adults feel most stressful?
A.In their twenties.B.In their fifties.
C.In their seventies.D.In their eighties.
【小题3】What may make Arthur Stone a bit surprised?
A.Women usually live longer than men.B.Middle-age men mostly are very rich.
C.Old people usually have a better sleep.D.Most of old people can’t sleep well at night.
【小题4】Which of the following may be the topic of this passage?
A.The difference between men and women.B.Old people’s feeling of happiness.
C.The young people and the old people.D.The connection of sleep and happiness.
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Working at a desk all day may not be as bad for your health as siting in front of a television after work. That is a finding of a new study done in the United States. It also suggests that not all forms of sitting are equally bad.

Jeanette Garcia works as a researcher at the University of Central Florida in Orlando and she led the study. “We’ve been hearing more and more about how sitting is the new smoking.” she said. She added that other evidence suggests a relationship between health problems and time spent sitting.

“However, it’s been unclear whether all sitting is created equal, suggesting that as long as you reduce any type of sitting, then that’s helpful in improving health,” she added.

“This study suggests that this may not be the case, and that we should focus more on leisure time sitting, mainly television viewing time, rather than other sitting, in general.”

The study followed close to 3,600 African-American adults. Almost one-third of them watched TV for more than four hours a day. A little more than one-third of the subjects spent between two and four hours a day sitting in front of the TV. The remaining third watched TV for less than two hours a day. Researchers followed the group for an average of 8.4 years. During the study, 205 of the subjects died and 129 others suffered a heart attack or stroke (中风).

Compared to people who watched less than two hours of television daily, those who spent more than four hours in front of the TV were 49 percent more likely to die or have a heart attack or stroke.

But the undesirable health effects of watching TV appeared to be limited to adults who failed to get the recommended amount of weekly exercise. That is around 150 minutes of mild physical activity or 75minutes of strong exercise every week.

The study had some limitations, however. Lin Yang, another researcher, says that sitting in front of the TV might be worse than siting at a desk because people snack while watching TV. Some people simply stay up too late and do not get enough sleep.

“Eating treats or lack of sleep could both cause weight gain and increase risk factors for heart disease. These factors could make people more likely to die early,” she added.

【小题1】What can we learn from Jeanette Garcia’s study?
A.All forms of sitting are equally bad.
B.Less sitting helps to improve health.
C.Sitting long has the same effect as smoking.
D.Health problem has much to do with working at a desk.
【小题2】Which of the following will cause people to have the highest life risks?
A.Watching TV long and snacking.
B.Reading in the study for four hours a day.
C.Failing to get recommended amount of exercise.
D.Having 75 minutes of strong exercise every week.
【小题3】What should an adult do to reduce the high risk of life?
A.Go on diets.B.Take enough exercise.
C.Stay up late.D.Eat treats while siting.

The Colorado National Monument, a national park, is an area of great extremes. The ground rises very sharply from the surrounding flat desert area. At first, it seems to be nothing more than huge and very colorful rocks shaped by nature. But if you spend a few hours walking slowly on its many paths, you soon learn that it is very much alive.

Scientists have found seashells high in these mountains and the fossils (化石) of ancient ocean creatures. Near the Colorado National Park researchers have found the huge fossils of ancient reptiles (爬行动物) called dinosaurs (恐龙). One fossil found early last century was the largest fossil dinosaur ever found at that time.

It was huge and it surprised scientists around the world. Scientists are still busy looking for remains of these creatures that died millions of years ago. However, not all of the animals found in or near the park are fossils. Because the area is desert, it is easy to believe that nothing is living here. But if you are very quiet and stay very still, you can see much life in the park. Mountain lions live here. It is very difficult to see them. However, visitors sometimes see the foot marks these big cats left in the soft sand.

If you look closely, you can see small rabbits searching for food or water early in the morning. On hot days you might see deer resting in the shade of trees. The deer are protected from hunters. Often they show little fear of people. Visitors must be careful not to surprise a small reptile called the rattlesnake. The bite of this snake can be very painful and make the injured sick.

【小题1】What does the underlined sentence in the first paragraph mean?
A.The national park is home to many living things.
B.The national park attracts many visitors to it.
C.Animals in the national park live an active life.
D.Scientists are excited to find such a national park.
【小题2】What can’t you find in the Colorado National Monument?
【小题3】What is TRUE about the Colorado National Monument?
A.It is an area filled with various living reptiles.
B.It was under the sea millions of years ago.
C.It is a place rich in fossils of ocean dinosaurs.
D.It is a green mountain covered with many trees.
【小题4】What can we infer from the passage?
A.No living things can be found in the mountains.
B.It is dangerous to travel across the mountains.
C.Visitors can go there for hunting animals freely.
D.Mountain lions have eaten up most animals there.

Roughly 100 m farmers in several tropical countries depend on coffee for their livelihoods. Unfortunately for them, and for the many other coffee drinkers around the world, coffee bushes grow best in a rather narrow range of temperatures, so their cultivation is threatened by a changing climate. But a chance discovery by Aaron Davis of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in Britain, published in Nature Plants, may offer a way out. Dr Davis and his colleagues report that they have tracked down a type of wild coffee which is both pleasant to taste and tolerant of higher temperatures.

The existing coffee market is dominated by Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora. Coffea arabica prefers temperatures of 18-22 °C. Recent work suggests that Coffea canephora does not flourish above 24 °C.

Many other coffee species, indeed, grow in places warmer than those preferred by canephora and arabica. But all were thought to have poorer flavours, smaller beans and lower yields. Dr Davis, however, came across a paper written in 1834 by George Don, a Scottish botanist, which described a species from the lowland hills of Sierra Leone. Don dubbed(给……起绰号)it Coffea stenophylla, and wrote that it had a flavour superior to arabica's.

This piqued Dr Davis's interest, for stenophylla still grows, he discovered, in parts of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast that have temperature ranges between 24 and 26 °C. He and his colleagues also learned that stenophylla was farmed up until the 1920s, after which canephora, which had higher yields, took over. Stenophylla was then gradually forgotten.

That history of previous cultivation did, however, suggest stenophylla was worth looking into. The crucial question was Don's praise for its flavour justified? To find out, Dr Davis arranged a competition involving 18 professional coffee tasters who assessed, in a blind comparison, a set of samples that included stenophylla, two types of arabica and one of canephora.

Stenophylla performed well. It was rated as having higher fruitlike qualities than a Brazilian arabica and an Indonesian canephora, and also a more favourable acidity and more complex flavour profile, though slightly less of these qualities than an Ethiopian arabica. When asked if what they were tasting was arabica, the judges said "yes" 81% for samples of stenophylla, compared with 98% for the arabica from Ethiopia.

These results suggest that Don's report from 1834 is correct. Stenophylla does taste like arabica. And, crucially, it tolerates higher temperatures than either arabica or canephora. The rediscovery of stenophylla's qualities offers hope not only to coffee growers who might otherwise have had their businesses harmed by rising temperatures, but also to the world's caffeine addicts, who need now worry less about the future supply of their drug of choice.

【小题1】Why are coffee yields threatened?
A.The number of coffee drinkers is decreasing.
B.Global temperature is rising.
C.Less farmers plant coffee bushes.
D.Farmers choose other crops for their livelihood.
【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Coffea stenophylla was first found in 1834.
B.Coffea arabica grows in places warmer than many other coffee species.
C.Coffea stenophylla had lower yields than canephora.
D.Coffea stenophylla is still favoured by farmers.
【小题3】The research conducted by Dr Davis reveals that ______.
A.Stenophylla has the same qualities as an Ethiopian arabica
B.An Ethiopian arabica tastes like stenophylla
C.A Brazilian arabica tastes better than stenophylla
D.The flavour of stenophylla is like arabica's
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To explain a study method on coffee species.
B.To introduce a new species of coffee.
C.To stress the importance of coffee growing.
D.To propose a new way to increase coffee crops.
