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I was fat kid who grew into an overweight adult. I was _______laughed at for being heavier than the other kids, _______ me feeling shy. I tried several diets, but _______worked, and I _______gaining weight. Another factor _______ my weight gain was my love for cooking, especially rich, high-fat desserts, which I enjoyed preparing and, of course, eating.

When I finished high school at the age of 18, I weighed 215 pounds. _______ the self-confidence to go to a new, faraway school, I decided to stay close to home instead of going away to college. I continued with my unhealthful eating habits and felt more miserable as the weight came on, but I did nothing about it except buy larger plus-size clothes.

My turning point came 10 years later at a friend’s New Year’s Eve party when I was at my all-time highest weight of 330 pounds. I caught my _______ in a mirror and the truth hit me: I was overweight and unhealthy, and unless I did something about it now, I would only get bigger and _______.

After leaving the party, I thought about my past weight-loss _______ and realized they didn't work because they required me to abandon foods I loved. Then I would constantly think about food and binge, ________ the diet satisfy my hunger and not feel deprived.

My biggest ________ was finding a way to fit my passion for cooking into my healthier lifestyle. At first, I tried to stay away from the kitchen to prevent myself thinking about food. The result: Food was all I thought about. ________ had to be some way to combine cooking with healthful eating. I found the ________after reading several low-fat cookbooks. With some trial and error, I could modify my favorite foods and make them low in fat, yet delicious.

The pounds started coming off, and when I started exercising (usually cardio and weight training five times a week), they seemed to melt away. I didn’t feel deprived, and I felt free to give my body the care and attention it ________.

I lost 165 pounds over the next two years. I had many ups and downs. I was determined to go on. Another challenge to me was not to beat myself up if I ate something that was unhealthy and to take it as a sign to abandon my healthful habits. Instead I vowed to start again and always keep my goal in mind.

Thanks to losing weight and becoming fit I am ________ my body and myself. I have finally found myself.

A.leftB.to leaveC.leavingD.having left
A.nothingB.no oneC.noneD.anything
A.ended upB.ended overC.ended up withD.was ended up
A.contributing toB.resulted inC.resulting fromD.led to
A.Lacking ofB.Lack ofC.LackingD.Lacked in
A.giving outB.giving inC.giving upD.giving away
A.keep up withB.in line withC.put up withD.catch up with
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Just before Christmas, my daughter Katie and I went over to my dad’s place to decorate. I couldn’t help _________ the old glass balls when _________ them on the tree. Later that night before I went to sleep, in the quiet darkness, I recalled some _________ from years ago.

The Christmas after I turned 16, while decorating the _________ with my mom, I accidentally _________ and broke a ball. The old glass ball had been on our tree for as long as I could _________.

Broken-hearted, I knelt to pick up the pieces and was _________ to find a small slip of paper on the floor. Unfolding the note, I _________ my father’s writing. Lifting my eyes, I saw my mother’s _________ expression.

“Your daddy wrote that and put it in that __________ during our first Christmas together, just before you were born,” she said with a smile.

I wouldn’t have __________ it, except for the proof there in my __________. The daddy I knew always seemed a bit __________ around the holidays. And yet, this bit of yellowed paper __________ that long ago, my daddy had done something quite romantic at Christmas.

I cleaned up the pieces, __________ I could put them together. “It’s OK,” Mom said. “Just pick out another of the old ones and put the __________ inside.”

Now, as we __________ the holidays without my mom, who we lost to cancer, my discovery is even more __________. Each year as I decorate my dad’s tree, I remember the moment I __________ with my mom that winter afternoon.

The note inside one of those old glass balls on my dad’s tree holds the heart of my parents’ __________ in three little words: “I love you.”


Sleepy-eyed, I arrived in Jordan just before midnight: Picking up the rental car, the agent mumbled (咕哝) something about a gas station. Trying to stay _______, I really didn’t pay attention.

The next morning, I headed the desert castle excitedly. While driving, I noticed that there wasn’t a fuel gauge (指示器) on the dashboard. That was _______, but I didn’t think twice about it. I had just got the rental so there would be plenty of fuel.

After passing numerous gas stations, I was finally in the open desert. Complete _______. And that’s when my car suddenly came to a stop.

What? In the middle of nowhere, I stared at the engine with no idea what to do. _______ seized me.

Within 10 minutes, a Jordanian _______. He didn’t speak English and my Arabic was limited. After _______ my car, he told me through hand gestures that I was out of gas. Who knew that rental cars didn’t come with a full tank of gas there?!

The man _______ me to get in his car and drove to the nearest gas station to get extra petrol. We then got back to my car to put the gas in.

When I pulled out my wallet to pay him, he refused. My thanks, a smile, and one photo together were all he wanted. Before we fully _______, he even followed me a bit to ensure that I was safely on my way even though it was not getting late.

Today, whenever I think of Jordan, this memory _______ comes to mind, and my heart swells with gratitude. It is the stranger who saved my trip and reminded me of the importance of ________.

A.turned overB.pulled overC.passed overD.took over

Our church in Toronto has a way of helping those who are short of money. Money is dropped into an offering box with only the name of the ________ on the envelope (信封).

There came a time when my husband and I were among those ________ . We did not talk about our ________ with anyone, including our ________ . We did not want to make them ________ about the problem.

Our situation wasn’t ________ , and my husband and I knew that we would have to look for outside help. Just as we were almost ________ , our church gave us a gift envelope. We were overjoyed to receive the money, enough to ________ that hard time. We couldn’t help but wonder who had given such a generous gift.

A year later, our seventeen-year-old son was ________ a student loan (贷款) to attend university. His father and I were very ________ by this. We had ________ him to save some money for his university from his part-time job and he had already had enough money. I asked him repeatedly where the money had ________ . At first he would not tell me. Finally, my son ________ that the year before he had put his savings in the offering box for his father and me.

I stood there speechless, tears filling my eyes. It had taken my son ________ to save that money. He had given it to us ________ — without telling us what he had done.

A.in needB.in dangerC.in shortD.in shock
A.breaking upB.breaking inC.breaking outD.breaking down
A.bring us throughB.bring us upC.bring us togetherD.bring us out
A.struggle forB.dealing withC.applying forD.giving up
