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Early in the twentieth century, two famous scientists developed different ideas about dreams. Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud published a book called The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900. Freud believed people often dream about things they want but cannot have. These dreams are often linked to sex and aggression.

For Freud, dreams were full of hidden meaning. He tried to understand dreams as a way to understand people and why they acted or thought in certain ways. Freud believed that every thought and every action started deep in our brains. He thought dreams could be an important way to understand what is happening in our brains.

Freud told people what their dreams meant as a way of helping them solve problems or understand their worries. For example, Freud said when people dream of flying or swinging, they want to be free of their childhood. When a person dreams that a brother or sister or parent has died, the dreamer is really hiding feelings of hatred for that person. Or a desire to have what the other person has.

Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung worked closely with Freud for several years. But he developed very different ideas about dreams. Jung believed dreams could help people grow and understand themselves. He believed dreams provide solutions to problems we face when we are awake.

He also believed dreams tell us something about ourselves and our relations with other people. He did not believe dreams hide our feelings about sex or aggression.

【小题1】According to the passage, Sigmund Freud held that ________________.
A.dreams can help understand people’s action
B.when people dream that they fly in the sky, they are actually desire something
C.if a person dreams that a brother has died, he or she must hates the brother
D.if people want to better understand themselves, they will dream
【小题2】What is Carl Jung’s opinion of dreams?
A.His dreams are different from those of Sigmund Freud.
B.Whenever we face problems, we can find solutions to them in our dreams.
C.Dreams help understand people’s thoughts.
D.Dreams at times show our relations with other people.
【小题3】From the passage, we learn that ______________________.
A.The Interpretation of Dreams was written by Freud as well as Jung
B.Freud helped people solve problems by telling what their dreams meant
C.Freud and Jung always worked together
D.both of them told us clearly why we dream
【小题4】The author seems to be ___________.
A.in favor of FreudB.in favor of JungC.objectiveD.critical
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Test anxiety is a form of performance anxiety. Wanting to perform well can be a strong encouraging factor that helps you prepare for success. 【小题1】 Here are some tips to help you reduce your test anxiety.

【小题2】. Proper prepare is one of the best ways to immediately lower anxiety levels. Give yourself enough time to study and develop a study plan that works for you.

Get a good night’s sleep. Since your brain is responsible for taking all the information you’ve studied and storing it for test day, getting seven to nine hours of sleep will help you remember what you’ve learned. Proper rest is also important for calming yourself. 【小题3】.

Try to do some exercise. The importance of exercise goes far beyond (超出) its physical benefits. Exercise can also help you to calm your mind and relax. You can lift weights and practice yoga in the gym. 【小题4】 These can reduce feelings of anxiety to set you up for success on test day.

Form a picture of success in your mind. When you imagine success, you create a mental image (心理意象) of yourself performing well on the test and achieving your goal. 【小题5】 You begin to believe in your ability to do so in real life. You can stay focused on your goals and avoid getting distracted (注意力分散的).

A.Take time to master what you’ve learned.
B.Feeling rushed will only increase the anxiety.
C.Don’t pay attention to what other people are doing.
D.You can also go for a walk with your family outside.
E.Therefore, have a good sleep when preparing for a big test.
F.This can help prepare your mind and body for the test experience.
G.However, the pressure to get a good grade may cause you to experience anxiety.

Recent research suggests that if an argument gets resolved, the emotional response tied to it is significantly reduced or almost completely erased. Thus, it may be worth bringing up issues with your friends, family members, or classmates rather than holding them back.

There is a difference between arguing and fighting. Arguing is that you and your opponent present your concerns and discuss the feelings and issues related to those concerns. You can engage in an argument respectfully without stirring up (激起) anger. Fighting, however, usually involves personal attacks, raising of voices, and storming out. Discussing your issues and resolving them instead of stuffing them down can improve your emotional health.

In a study, 2,000 people were asked to record their feelings and experiences for eight days in a row. When people had an argument that they considered resolved, they had half the reactivity of those who avoided an argument. Reactivity is an increase in negative emotions or a decrease in positive emotions. In other words, resolving an argument cuts your negative feelings by half. One day later, people who had a resolved argument reported no increase of negative emotions compared with those who avoided an argument. This means that resolving an argument can feel like you have reached a state of resolution — and you are less likely to be annoyed.

Moreover, the older you are, the more likely you will come to a resolution after an argument. This may be because more life experience usually leads to more defined priorities. You are more likely to distinguish between what matters and what does not.

It is easier to avoid a discussion, but risking talking about it may eventually lead to a better outcome.

【小题1】Which can improve people’s emotional health?
A.Arguing with friends.B.Resolving existing issues.
C.Fighting with friends.D.Presenting current concerns.
【小题2】How do people feel when they fail to resolve an argument?
【小题3】What matters in succeeding resolving an argument?
A.The experience.B.The feelings.C.The occasion.D.The location.
【小题4】What does the author intend to express in the last paragraph?
A.Results of going on an adventure.B.Influence of avoiding a discussion.
C.Desire for a better consequence.D.Benefits of conducting a discussion.

I never imagined that someone telling me I looked skinny would anger me. And yet, I was enraged when a colleague pinched (捏) my waist and squealed (尖声说), “You’ve lost weight. You look great!” The truth is, I was run-down (疲惫不堪) and not taking care of myself. I decided to embark on a proper weight-loss program — one that would tackle the quality of the weight, not the quantity.

The first to go would be a solid chunk of road rage (路怒). I am in far less control of this poundage (重量) than any other. Every time something gets in my path, I fly off the handle. I need to lose the road rage, and fast! No, no more speed. Instead, I now repeat the words: “I am not in a hurry.” Because really, I’m not. This year, I will drive safely, allowing “stupid” to happen all around me. From that, I hope to gain patience.

Next is the heaviness of guilt. When guilt drives my conscience ( 良 知 ) to do better, it’s functional. But when it presents itself as an internal dialogue that goes nowhere —it’s useless. This year, I want to stop feeling guilty for not keeping a cleaner house, for spending time away from my children to be with friends, for not baking something from scratch, for not attending every party because I would rather be at home, or for watching TV when I should be reading. My image and performance is not at the front of anyone else’s mind but my own. From this, I hope to gain freedom to be myself. Freedom, I expect, will feel weightless.

The last pound is fear. Fear has held me back. Fear of failure has prevented me from being a writer. Fear of embarrassment has prevented me from giving an opinion. Fear of rejection (拒绝) has stopped me from aiming higher in all aspects of my life. Fear of regret has led me into situations that made me uncomfortable. If I can lose anyone of these fears, I stand to gain experience.

So, if I can lose the rage, shed some guilt, and take a chunk of fear off my plate, I stand to gain patience, freedom, and experience. Pound for pound I have not lost a thing but I will be much lighter. Next time, I hope my colleague looks me in the eye to see my glow instead of pinching a part of me that has nothing to do with how great I really look.

【小题1】What is the author’s weight-loss program mainly about?
A.Controlling her daily intake of fatB.Getting rid of negative emotions.
C.Disposing of useless stuff in her houseD.Developing a bodybuilding routine.
【小题2】What is the author going to do to overcome her road rage?
A.Drive on roads with fewer cars.B.Listen to soothing music while driving.
C.Ignore things that would anger her.D.Keep reminding herself of traffic rules.
【小题3】How has fear affected the author?
A.It has prevented her from achieving her goals.
B.It has caused her to suffer from depression.
C.It has stopped her from pursuing further education.
D.It has made it difficult for her to make friends.
【小题4】What does the author expect to gain from losing ”weight“?
