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American kids are taking more tests than ever before, and they’re stressed out. Is help on the way? Just the sight of a test booklet makes some kids sweat. For others, it is a blank answer sheet. Then there are the dreaded words, “Take out your Number 2 pencil.”All these fill 10-year-old Chelsea Logo with fear. “I start to tap my pencil on the desk,” says the fifth grader from Toluca Lake Elementary, near Los Angeles, California. “Then I feel the butterflies in my stomach”.
Chelsea is not alone. In a recent survey by Kids Health£.org, more than 70% of kids aged 9 to 13 said they worry about tests. It’s no wonder. Across the United States, public schools give more than 250 million standardized tests each year.
Why do kids have to take so many tests? The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law requires that students in grades 3 through 8 be tested each year. The law’s goal is for all students to be at grade level by 2014. Students must pass the tests and meet other requirements or their schools may be shut down.
The U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan wants to change NCLB. But that doesn’t mean he favors getting rid of tests. Duncan believes tests should be used mainly to evaluate kids’ strengths and weaknesses. Tests, Duncan says, should not be used to punish kids or their schools for failure.“The goal is to focus on great teaching and learning,”Duncan said.
Under NCLB, each state sets its own standards for students to meet. The result, Duncan says, is that states are making the tests easier. To fix this problem, 48 states are now working together to create common standards. “I want to set a high bar for kids, ” Duncan says, “so they’ll be in great shape to achieve their dreams.”
Like them or not, tests are here to stay. So how can you handle test nerves? Schools are teaching students to relax through deep breathing and stretching (伸展运动) . In Oakland, California, Principal Zarina Ahmad of Piedmont Avenue Elementary leads her students in a cheer to get them excited about learning.
“Kids are under high pressure,”says Ahmad. “There has to be time for kids to be kids. Still, we need tests to help us assess what students have yet to learn.”
【小题1】The underlined part “the butterflies in my stomach” can be replaced by .
【小题2】According to the passage, the NCLB law      .
A.is focusing on teaching methods in schools
B.is requiring schools to make the tests more difficult
C.is trying to make schools be responsible for students
D.aims to evaluate kids’ strengths and weaknesses by means of tests
【小题3】We can learn from the last two paragraphs that       .
A.it’s possible to get rid of tests
B.schools have no good way to deal with students' stress
C.tests help assess what students have to learn
D.schools are aware of students’ stress caused by tests
【小题4】What would be the best title of the passage?
A.Why kids are more stressed than before?
B.Kids’ tips for test success
C.How to deal with test stress
D.Put kids to the standardized test
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If you are intending to take the coming ACCA exams, please read the exam rules below.

Late on Test Day

If you are late for arriving at your test site, you may still take the admissions test if the Test Administrator is still giving instructions to students in your testing room. If actual testing has started, you may not take the admissions test just the same day. In this case, you will either miss the test or have to take another one again. The supervisor at your test site will provide you with instructions on how to request a make-up test. 【小题1】

Scratch Paper for the Test

You will receive one piece of scratch paper to use for the test, which must be returned with your testing booklet. You must use the paper provided for you. 【小题2】You must, however, mark all of your answers on your answer sheet for the answers to be recorded and scored.

Erasable Pens

Please do not use erasable pens on your essays. Erasable ink can smudge the writing and make your essays unreadable. 【小题3】That is why we ask that you use pens rather than pencils on your essays. If you want to “erase” some of your essays, draw a few lines through the text you wish to erase. This will not count against you when the essays are scored.


You may not use highlighters, colored pens or pencils, sticky notes, or correction tape or fluid when you take the admissions test. Do not bring any of these items to the test site.

Food and Drink

You may not eat or chew gum during testing. 【小题5】You may not keep a bottle of water on your desk. If you need a drink of water during testing, you must leave the testing room. You will not get any additional testing time.

A.Water Breaks.
B.So do be punctual.
C.Things Forbidden in the Test Room.
D.The same can be said about pencils.
E.You cannot prepare any additional pieces.
F.You are allowed to make notes in your test booklet.
G.All snacks may be consumed during the breaks only.

Do you get nervous thinking about a coming math test? If yes, you are far from alone. Math anxiety has become a common condition among students around the world. Students in countries with higher levels of math anxiety tend to achieve lower math grades, according to a study published by the National Academy of Sciences on Feb 15.

Math anxiety — a negative emotional reaction to the core subject — causes fear, physical suffering and behavior problems among young pupils, according to a University of Cambridge study. Some people also experience physical symptoms such as sweaty palms or a racing heart. They may then try to avoid every situation involving numbers, meaning they are held back from pursuing careers related to this subject, such as technology or engineering, according to The Guardian.

Relief comes from the fact that those with math anxiety aren’t destined (注定的) to be bad at math. “If a child has math anxiety, don’t assume that they’re not good at math. They may have had a really bad experience with math and there are ways to improve math achievement,” Daniel Ansari, the senior author of the study told The London Free Press.

Also, there are ways to manage your stress related to math. If you’re feeling stressed before a math exam, it may help to spend a few minutes exploring those feelings before the exam begins. “It’s about making sure you’re interpreting your feelings correctly,” Sian Beilock, a cognitive (认知的) scientist told the BBC. “Just because you have a fast heartbeat and sweaty palms, that does not necessarily mean you will fail.”

Math doesn’t come easy, no matter how clever you are. Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Italian artist, was a huge fan of mathematics. But his notebooks show that Da Vinci couldn’t do fractions (分数). He could never grasp, for instance, that dividing a number by one-quarter is the same as multiplying by four, resulting in a higher number than the original.

【小题1】What do we know about math anxiety?
A.People who are good at math don’t experience math anxiety.
B.It is most commonly seen among teenagers.
C.It can cause unpleasant symptoms both mentally and physically.
D.Math anxiety leads to people struggling in their career.
【小题2】What does Daniel Ansari’s study imply?
A.Math anxiety may contribute to better grades.
B.Students with math anxiety may have higher cognitive abilities.
C.Math anxiety does not reflect the ability to solve math problems.
D.Bad experience with math can cause cognitive disadvantages.
【小题3】How should you deal with the stress related to math according to the article?
A.Practice more before you take math exams.
B.Learn to understand your feelings.
C.Ask cognitive experts for help.
D.Take all nervous energy as a challenge.
【小题4】Why is Leonardo da Vinci’s story mentioned?
A.To show that math definitely isn’t easy.
B.To explain why math is a particularly difficult subject.
C.To show da Vinci’s math anxiety is very serious.
D.To suggest a way to solve math anxiety.
Read the following passage and then answer the questions

Like so many teachers,I try hard to make each of my students feel they are special. I'm not a mother, so I look at my students as my children. In short year I have the opportunity to touch their lives. I want to teach each child that he or she is special because of who he or she is. During one year of teaching of fifth- grade class, I was shown how important my actions and lessons were.

It was toward the end of January when I started seeing notes passed around. This was unusual because the students had many opportunities to speak with each other while doing class activities. And because the notes were between students who weren't friends.There was not a certain individual initiator(发起人) of the notes nor was there just one receiver. They were simply circulating on a regular basis.

These notes were passed for a few days before I asked several students caught with them why they were being passed. I then lectured the whole class on their disrespect to me as I was trying to teach, while they passed papers. I didn't read the notes but placed them in the trash can.

After a week or two, I thought I had put an end to the note passing because the activity subsided. As January changed to February thoughts turned towards Valentine's day, but there was very little of the usual talk that goes on this holiday. The art teacher taught them to make big envelopes to hold their valentines and those were taped to the desks. I passed out a class list of names, so students could address their valentines. Finally on the day before the holiday, the students asked if they would be having a party. I asked them if they thought the last hour of the day would be a fair arrangement, and they agreed. Later they pushed for a 90 minute time period. And I gave them the old line, we will see how the rest of the day goes first.

On valentine's day we went through the morning lessons with no problem. I was surprised at how calm they were, considering what a holiday like valentine's day could do to ten-year-olds. Before the students went to lunch, I told them we would celebrate when we came back. They finally showed some excitement. When I went back to the cafeteria to pick my students up from lunch, they were not there.The assistant principal said the music teacher had taken them. I walked around the building to the music department and circled back toward the cafeteria. In the doorway was the music teacher who was waiting to greet me. The cafeteria had been cleared with the exception of one chair in the middle of the room. My students all stood before me on the stage as the music teacher walked me to the lone chair in the center of the room.

Candi, my shy little one spoke into the microphone. “We wanted to do something very special for you because you do so many special things for us. We had many ideas but decided you would like this one the very most. We have put together a talent show for you as our present. We hope you enjoy it.

Each student performed for me that day, there was dancing, singing, a roller blade routine set to music, a piano piece, a poetry reading. Every child did something in that show. I watched in disbelief. They had organized an entire variety show on their own. There was a master of ceremonies, props, scenery and equipment. All the notes that had been passed weeks before were plans for after school meetings to prepare and organize the show. They had asked for the help of the music teacher to help them get permission to use the stage and operate the sound system.

After an hour long performance to an audience of one beaming teary-eyed teacher, the show ended with all the students lined up on the stage. Together they said, “We knew the best gift we could give you would be a part of us. Happy Valentine's day.”

I have never felt so much love on valentine's day for the students and for being a teacher.

Questions 1 to 5. Judge if the following statements agree with the information given in the passage. Choose A for TRUE if the statements agree with it; choose B for FALSE if the statements don’t agree with it; choose C for NOT GIVEN if the information the statements carry is not mentioned anywhere in the passage.
【小题1】The teacher regarded her students as her own kids because she didn’t have a child.
【小题2】The students in her class didn’t respect the teacher and always passed on note in class.
【小题3】Her students practised their performance for the talent show at school every day.
【小题4】Her students were too young to show interest in Valentine’s day.
【小题5】The students showed their love to the teacher in an unexpected way with the help of the music teacher.
Questions 6 to 9. Match the following words with their meanings in the passage. Note that there are four choices more than you need.
B.died down
F.passing around
G.moving easily

Question 10. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
【小题10】What is the best title for the passage?
A.My gifted and loving studentsB.Special gifts on Valentine’s Day
C.Love first, teaching secondD.A memorable talent show.
