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Last summer I was lucky enough to participate in a volunteer adventure to Kenya, in association with Virgin Atlantic’s Be the Change programme and children’s charity, Free the Children. The moment I read the e-mail saying that I had been accepted into Free the Children’s Virgin Atlantic scholarship trip to Kenya, I had no idea how much it was going to change my life. I thought the trip would be a great way to learn about life in one of the most rural areas of Kenya, but I never thought about how deeply I might be affected by this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
When we entered the Masai Mara, the first thing that struck me was how unbelievably beautiful it was. As I looked closer to it, I realized there was something even more beautiful: the people. I have never been to a place where the saying “the people are what make the place” was more true.
The way they wave at you excitedly as you drive past, shouting “Jambo, Jambo!” is something that I have never experienced. They are always smiling and welcoming and it made me realize that, if everyone were to act like this, the world would be a much happier place.
The most amazing thing about the trip was that we weren’t treated like tourists for one second. We were able to experience every little detail. We built foundations, carried ten litres of water…
The one thing I will never forget is visiting Emorijoi Primary School. Let me describe it like this: As soon as you entered into the gate, you would hear someone shouting your name. Then you looked around and realized that it was the same little girl that you were playing football with the last time you visited.
There are literally no words to explain how much I miss Kenya. It feels like there is a piece of string attaching me to everyone that I met there. They will stay with me forever and always be in my heart.
【小题1】When the author was informed she was in the volunteer adventure, .
A.she didn’t think much of it
B.she pretended to be excited
C.she became proud of herself
D.she hoped to learn more about Kenya
【小题2】What made the Masai Mara much more beautiful? _____.
A.The local peopleB.The scenery
C.The lovely childrenD.The primary school
【小题3】According to the passage, “Jambo” is actually a way for the local people to_____.
A.say thanks to the visitors
B.praise the beautiful visitors
C.greet the visitors
D.express their happiness
【小题4】Which word can best describe the author’s feeling of the adventure?
知识点:家庭、朋友与周围的人 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

I was five years old when my little brother, Mark, was born. On the photos, I appeared so thrilled that he had finally arrived. I held and bathed him, smiling from cheek to cheek. I do not remember that feeling now.

Being the first child in the family, I was the one my parents tested their new parenting techniques on. I was their guinea pig. Mark was always the happy one, the joker, the one who won because of my battles with my parents. After too many fights, I declared war on Mark. We were now enemies. All I remember is being jealous of and angry with my innocent little brother.

Thus, I made his life a suffering. I fooled, embarrassed, and fought with him, often leaving him in floods of tears.

Our little sister was born when I was 11 and instantly she and Mark could not be separated. They pushed me aside. Did I grow into an uglier green-eyed monster because they loved each other so much?

Thankfully, Mark quickly grew tall and strong, and our conflict looked more like a cold war than bloodshed. It all ended suddenly when I went to study abroad. The hatred (仇恨) disappeared and love climbed in.

Despite all the abuse Mark suffered he has implied that he has forgiven me, or even that there is nothing to forgive, although I have never brought up the subject in too much detail. I would like to; however, it would be a selfish move to look for more forgiveness. But I prefer to remember the hurt. During all those wasted years, I should have been the loving sister defending instead of attacking.

【小题1】Which of the following can replace the underlined word “thrilled” in the first paragraph?
【小题2】Why did the writer consider her brother as her enemy?
A.She didn’t like her brother.B.She’d like to be a monster.
C.She did so out of jealousy.D.She used to be badly treated.
【小题3】What can we infer about the writer from the passage?
A.Her parents’ preference for boys to girls made her hate her brother.
B.Her conflict with her brother ended when she went to study abroad.
C.Her parents used her as an experimental subject for their parenting techniques.
D.Separation helped her and her brother build up a good relationship.
【小题4】What does the writer really want to tell us in the passage?
A.She was looking for more forgiveness.B.She was never forgiven by her brother.
C.She felt regretful for what she had done.D.She suffered much abuse from her brother.


My fifteen-year-old son has just returned from abroad with rolls of exposed film and a hundred dollars in uncashed traveler's checks, and is asleep at the moment. His blue duff e(粗呢) bag lies on the floor where he dropped it. Obviously, he postponed as much sleep a she could:when he walked in and we hugged, his electrical system suddenly switched off, and he headed directly for the bed, where I imagine he be a this old record                    of sixteen hours.

It was his first trip overseas, so weeks before it, I pressed travel books on him, and a tape cassette of useful French phrases; drew up a list of people to visit; advised him on clothing and other things. At the luggage store where we went to buy him a suitcase, he headed for the duffels, saying that suitcases were more for old people.

During the trip, he called home three times:from London, Paris, and a village named Ullapool. Near Ullapool, he climbed a mountain in a rainstorm that almost blew him off. In the village, a man spoke to him in Gaelic, and, too polite to in terr up, my son listened to him for tenor fifteen minutes, trying to nod in the right places. The French he learned from the cassette didn't hold water in Paris. The French he talked to shrugged and walked on.

When my son called, Is at down at the kitchen table and leaned forward and hung on every word. His voice came through clearly, though two of the calls were like ship-lo-shore communication. When I interrupted him with a “Great!” or a “Really?”, I knocked a little hole in his communication. Sol just sat and listened. I have never listened to a telephone so attentively and with so much pleasure. It was wonderful to hear news from him that was so new to me. In my book, he was the first man to and on the moon, and I knew that I had no advice to give him and that what I had already given was probably not much help.

The unused checks are certainly evidence of that. Youth travel slight. No suitcase, not much luggage and a slim expense account, and ye the went to the scene, and came back safely. Is i there amazed. The night when your child returns with dust on his shoes from a country you've never seen is a night you would gladly turn into a week.

【小题1】During the trip the author's son_________.
A.ran out of moneyB.had inadequate sleep
C.forgot to call his motherD.failed to take good pictures
【小题2】What can we learn from Para 3?
A.The author's son's trip was some ties adventurous and risky.
B.The author's son was able to understand Gaelic well.
C.The French didn't understand why the author's son learned French from the cassette.
D.The author's son didn't know how to ask for water in French.
【小题3】Which of the following could best describe the author's son?
A.Polite and carelessB.Creative and stubborn.
C.Considerate and independent.D.Self-centered and adventurous.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “that” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.It is important to listen to your child's story.
B.It's easy to interrupt the chat with your child.
C.The author is proud of her son landing on the moon.
D.The son no longer needs much help from his mother.
【小题5】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Good parents should protect their children from potential dangers.
B.The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
C.It's a win-win choice to give a child space to experience and explore.
D.Communication between parents and children is extremely important.

A week after my mother’s passing, I found myself published with how to go on with life. When a friend emailed me about a race supporting cancer research, I initially ignored it. It seemed too close to the heart, as cancer was the very disease that had taken my mother away from me. But something about my friend’s words — “I can help organize the whole thing” — stuck with me. I felt I ought to agree.

In the weeks that followed, I gradually re-entered the world of the living. Monitoring our team’s website became a daily routine, and with each donation, a sense of pride welled up inside me. I knew my mom would have wanted it that way, She was the type who never got defeated, It was this very spirit that helped me get by.

When the race ended, I noticed the runners all had one thing in common: There were big smiles on their faces. They made it look so rewarding and effortless. I wanted in. So l enrolled (报名) in another race two months later. Considering I could hardly run a mile, it was truly challenging. But my friend and I made a training plan so I wouldn’t come in last. I followed it seriously and didn’t let anything get in my way.

Running up and down the city’s hills, I was flooded with memories. I had lived there after college and my mother had visited often. I passed Bloomingdale’s, recalling the time she and I had gotten into a screaming argument there. I was about to beat myself up when I remembered what Mom had said after her diagnosis (诊断) of cancer. “I don’t want you to feel guilty about anything.” Her paper-thin hands had held me tightly. A weight lifted from my shoulders. When the race day arrived, I gave it my all for my mom and for all she had taught me and continued to teach me. As I ran, whenever I felt like slowing down, I pictured her cheering me on.

Crossing the finish line, I felt surrounded in her love and a profound sense of peace.

【小题1】Why did the author change her attitude towards the race?
A.Because she learned the race supported cancer research.
B.Because there were too many people who signed up for the race.
C.Because the words of the author’s friend touched her.
D.Because the author has recovered from her mom’s death.
【小题2】What eventually motivated the author to join in another race?
A.The encouragement of family members.
B.The promise of winning the race.
C.The desire to prove their athleticism.
D.The big smiles on the runners’ faces.
【小题3】What significance did the city’s hills hold for the author in the training?
A.A place of communication.
B.Memories associated with her mother.
C.A reminder of college life.
D.A challenging running place.
【小题4】What kept the author running the whole race?
A.The encouragement of her friends.
B.The influence of her mother.
C.The author’s competitive desire to win first place.
D.The author’s love for the race.
