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One of the most difficult problems a young person faces is deciding what to do.Some people,however, from the time they are six years old“know”that they want to be doctors or teachers or firefighters.but most of us do not get around to making a decision about a job until someone or something forces us to face the problem.
Choosing a job takes time,and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do.You may find that you will have to take special courses for a particular kind of work,or you may find out that you will need to get enough knowledge for a particular job.
Fortunately,there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision.At most schools,there are teachers to give you information about jobs.And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.
【小题1】In the first paragraph“get round to”means ________.
A.considerB.go all the way
C.arrive atD.remain he same
【小题2】The passage tells you that ________ for a particular job.
A.you should have ideas when you are a child
B.it’s impossible for you to get enough knowledge
C.you have to face the problem
D.you may enter a class to study
【小题3】Making a decision about your job ________.
A.needs friendsB.needs time
C.cost moneyD.cost your ability
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What worried 22-year-old Shanghai graduate Tang Yining the most until mid-March was uncertainty over finding her dream job as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

A few job interviews originally scheduled to be held after the Spring Festival holiday were all postponed due to the outbreak-related restrictions on free movement of people.

Thankfully, three interviews were shifted to the online medium. "They are actually more efficient than I had expected. In fact, online interviews helped me save time and money because for offline interviews I usually end up traveling to different provinces," a college graduate said.

According to online recruitment(招聘) firm Boss Zhipin, the number of companies using distance interviews increased by more than 20 times within 10 days after Spring Festival, compared to the first week of the autumn recruitment season in 2019.

Industry insiders said online recruitment will help fill in job vacancies in time and is of great significance to keep the employment stable nationwide and further offer economic impetus(推动力).

“Public employment service agencies and the market players concerned should also be encouraged to share information on job vacancies and strengthen the coordination of online and offline recruitment activities to ensure a stable job market,”Chinese Vice-Premier Hu Chunhua said.

As of mid-March, more than 50,000 companies had participated in the online campus recruitment, providing more than 200,000 positions.

Over 450,000 university students on the verge of their graduation had made 1,700,000 job application submissions by then, said online recruitment platform Zhaopin.

【小题1】What's the problem with China's fresh graduates according to this passage?
A.Their interviews were shifted to the online medium.
B.Their job-hunt was delayed by the epidemic.
C.They can't move freely because of the epidemic.
D.They are worried about the COVID-19 pandemic.
【小题2】Which one is not the advantage of using distance interviews?
A.Help fill in job vacancies in time.B.Keep the employment stable nationwide.
C.Save time and money.D.Travel to different provinces.
【小题3】How many graduates apply for jobs in the online campus recruitment platform Zhaopin?
C.Over 450,000D.1,700,000

Eating chocolate every day as part of your job sounds unreal, but it is a reality for chocolate tasters across the world. However, the job is full of challenges. Chocolate tasters work under pressure. If you are a chocolate lover and have thought about trying to be a chocolate taster in the future, you may want to think twice before you make the decision.

Chocolate tasting may involve lots of traveling. If you work for a chocolate seller, you will visit factories and attend chocolate tasting events to try new flavors (味道). If you work for a producer, you will visit raw (未经加工的) material suppliers to check on the quality of the raw products and to test different ingredients. Traveling will separate you from your friends and loved ones for long periods of time, which can create an emotional distance. Long trips may leave you feeling empty and lonely, which can affect the quality of your life.

Chocolate tasting requires that you take a lot of sugar and calories into your body, which can do harm to your health. Chocolate is also rich in saturated fats (饱和脂肪) and lacks vital vitamins and minerals that our bodies require daily. A career in chocolate tasting demands that you watch your diet; thus, you may have to limit or give up your intake of other calorie-rich foods. A chocolate taster who doesn’t take good care of his personal health can develop diseases such as diabetes, tooth cavities, and so on.

Chocolate tasters must love chocolate and have a broad understanding of various chocolate flavors. While tasting, you are to take a bite and chew it for a few seconds, letting it slowly melt in your mouth and spread to all parts of your tongue to evaluate (评价) its flavors. You must pay attention to details and learn to identify flavors and quality quickly. You also have to taste some kinds of chocolate that you may not like. Besides, understanding customer preferences is very important. You will spend time studying customer-based research findings to try to determine the flavors that will meet their demands.

【小题1】In order to take good care of themselves, chocolate tasters may have to ________.
A.give up foods that contain fat
B.take pills to ensure their intake of vitamins
C.stop eating any food that tastes sweet
D.limit foods that are high in calories
【小题2】The author may agree that ________.
A.chocolate tasting is not a real job
B.one had better think carefully about becoming a chocolate taster
C.chocolate tasters live a special and interesting life
D.one has to know everything to become a chocolate taster
【小题3】According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A.One can be a good chocolate taster as long as he/she knows much about the flavors of different chocolates.
B.While tasting, the taster chews the chocolate to assess its recipe (食谱).
C.The chocolate taster has the right to select the chocolate he/she prefers.
D.The chocolate taster has to spend time studying customer preferences.
【小题4】Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.How To Be a Chocolate TasterB.A Popular and Funny Career
C.Chocolate Tasting Is No Sweet JobD.Earn a Living by Eating

You are out of work. You hate your job.【小题1】You are looking for your first job. Where do you start?

If you are like most Americans, you’ll probably email your resume to a lot of companies. You might search for job postings on the Internet. But experts say you won’t have much luck.

One thing you can do is read Richard Bolles’s What Color Is Your Parachute? This book is different from other job-hunting manuals. Bolles helps you find your ideal job: a job that fits you, a job that makes you happy. What kind of job is ideal for you? You need to have a clear picture in your mind of the job you want.【小题2】

Bolles says that you must think about three things before you can find your ideal job:

1. Your skills. What do you like to do? What do you do well? Are you good at talking to groups? Growing vegetables? Teaching? Drawing on the computer?【小题3】 For example, a mother of four   children is probably good at managing people (children!). This woman may be a good manager.

2. 【小题4】 Where do you like to work? Do you like to work outside? At home? In an office? Alone or with others? What kinds of people do you like to work with?

3. Job rewards. How much money do you need? How much money do you want? Do you need a lot of vacation time?【小题5】 What makes you feel good about a job?

So, if you are looking for a job or if you have a job but want a new one, remember: Don’t just email your resume out to every company. Don’t just answer Internet job postings. And don’t wait for friends to give you a job.

A.Job setting.
B.Job description.
C.What else do you want from a job?
D.You aren’t satisfied with your career.
E.Bolles asks you to think about all your skills.
F.The book was first written in 1970.
G.The book has many exercises to help you draw this picture.
