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A group of swimmers has described how a group of dolphins protected them from a group of white sharks (食人鲨)off the coast of New Zealand. The lifeguards were on a training swim when they came across a group of great white sharks before the dolphins raced in to help.
The swimmers were surrounded by the dolphins for forty minutes before they were able to make them safety back to the beach. It was an uncomfortable experience as they were circled by a group of white sharks, which came within a couple of meters of them. Lifeguard Rob Howes was in the water with a colleague and his teenage daughter. He said around half a dozen dolphins suddenly appeared and forced them to gather together. The mammals swam in tight circles to create a protective wall between the white sharks and the lifeguards as the great white sharks were under the surface.
The swimmers said the dolphins were extremely upset and repeatedly slapped (拍打) the water with their tails as if to try to prevent the white sharks from attacking them. It’s a day they’ll never forget, especially for one who was on her first day as ______. They have no doubt that the dolphins acted on purpose to protect them. Researchers have said that they’re not surprised. A marine biologist insisted that dolphins, which are considered to be one of the most intelligent mammals, “like to help the helpless.”
【小题1】How many swimmers are attacked by the white sharks?
【小题2】It seemed that the dolphins slapped the water with their tails to ____.
A.attack the white sharks and the lifeguards
B.play with water together for pleasure
C.stop the lifeguards being harmed by the sharks
D.attract the white sharks to kill the lifeguards
【小题3】The underlined words “a volunteer” refers to____.
A.a lifeguardB.Rob Howes’s workmate
C.Rob HowesD.Rob Howes’s daughter
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title?
A.Dolphins Protect Swimmers from Sharks
B.Sharks Protect Swimmers from Dolphins
C.Lifeguards Protect Dolphins from Sharks
D.Lifeguards Protect Sharks from Dolphins
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Six volunteers are about to find out what it would be like to live on Mars without ever leaving the Earth. Three men and three women will spend eight months living in a special place on the side of a volcano in Hawaii. They are part of an experiment that is designed to mimic(模仿)life on Mars. Their mission began on October 15, 2014. NASA says it could send astronauts to Mars as early as the 2030s. The mission would take more than two years, so NASA needs to know how people would react to living in a small group, isolated from the rest of the world, for such a long time. Some people may become depressed or bored living under those conditions. By studying people living in similar conditions here on Eares NASA hopes to learn how to choose the most suitable people for a space mission, and how to help them get along.
They will live in a two-story building. The ground floor is about 86 square meters, roughly the size of a small two-bedroom apartment. It includes shared areas like kitchen, dining room, bathroom, laboratory and an exercise room. The upstairs is less than half the size of the downstairs. It contains another bathroom and six small bedrooms. The building is located in an abandoned quarry(采石场)about 2,400 meters up the side of Mauna Loa, the second biggest volcano in the world. It is constantly monitored for signs of volcanic activity. NASA chose the location because the appearance looks very similar to Mars.
To make it more like being on Mars in the future, they are only able to communicate by email during the experiment. Meanwhile, there will be a 20-minute delay between the time when a message is sent and that when it is received. When they go outside, they will have to suit up in full spacesuits, just as if they were on Mars.
The commander is Martha Lenio, a 34-year-old Canadian. During the mission, she will run experiments on growing food. The other members have backgrounds in physics and so on. None of them are astronauts.
【小题1】When will the six volunteers end their mission about mimicking life on Mars?
A.On June 15, 2015.B.On October 15, 2015.
C.On October 15, 2030.D.On June 15, 2032.
【小题2】What’s the main purpose of the experiment?
A.To monitor signs of volcanic activity.
B.To prepare for a space mission to Mars.
C.To train the six people to become astronauts.
D.To study the difference between men and women.
【小题3】Mauna Loa was chosen as the experimental site because ___________.
A.it is located near a rocket base
B.other people can hardly find the location
C.its landscape is so much like that of Mars
D.it is a safe place to conduct the experiment
【小题4】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Martha is a famous expert on agriculture.
B.The six volunteers will be sent to Mars in 2030.
C.All the experimental activities are done in doors.
D.It takes about 40 minutes to get a reply to an email.

Q&A on COVID-19 Vaccination in China

China has granted conditional marketing authorization for the first COVID-19 vaccine, and many places have planned to carry out mass vaccinations. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about vaccination.

How can one make a reservation to get a shot?Who can get vaccinated as soon as possible?

On Dec 5, China started vaccinating key groups. Individuals in these groups could not make a reservation themselves; instead, local authorities would arrange for these individuals to be vaccinated. After that, local authorities will arrange for service to the general public. People aged between 18 and 59 are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination. The vaccination involves two shots, administered 14 days apart. The COVID-19 vaccines are provided to citizens for free.

Who is not eligible for vaccination?

Those who should not get vaccinated include pregnant women, lactating (哺乳期) women and patients with the following diseases:

●Patients in an acute stage of fever and infection; suffering from immune deficiency or immune disorder; having severe liver or kidney diseases; having uncontrolled hypertension (高血压), diabetic complications (糖尿病并发症) or malignant tumors (恶行肿瘤);

●Patients with other progressive nervous system diseases and mental diseases or family history of such diseases;

●Patients who have been diagnosed with congenital (先天性的) or acquired immunodeficiency, HIV infection, lymphoma (淋巴瘤), leukemia (白血病) or other autoimmune diseases;

●Patients with severe respiratory (呼吸) disease and severe cardiovascular (心脑血管) disease.

Is it necessary to maintain prevention and control measures after vaccination?

Since no vaccine can provide 100 percent protection’ a few vaccinated individuals could still get infected. The population immunity barrier has not been established at present. People still need to wear masks, maintain social distancing and practice good hygiene after vaccination.

What to do when an adverse reaction occurs?

According to the informed consent (许可) for vaccination, side effects include pain, itching, swelling, numbness and redness at the area where the shot is given, and other reactions include fatigue, fever, muscle pain, headache, cough, diarrhea (腹泻), nausea (恶心), loss of appetite and allergy.

Places providing vaccinations are required to have medical rescue ability and be associated with local hospitals. Those receiving a vaccination must remain at the service site 30 minutes before leaving.

Is it okay if people don’t want to be vaccinated?

Vaccination is voluntary. But China has planned to build a population immunity barrier, which can only be established when the vaccination rate reaches 60 to 70 percent. The general public is encouraged to get vaccinated.

【小题1】Which one of the below is not adverse effect of the vaccination?
A.Numbness and redness all over the body.
B.Feeling tired and muscle pain.
C.Loss of appetite.
D.Headache with cough and nausea.
【小题2】Which one of the below people can get vaccinated?
A.A 65-year-old healthy woman.
B.A 30-year-old pregnant woman who is very active.
C.A 40-year-old man diagnosed with malignant liver cancer.
D.A 22-year-old college student who lost his appetite due to staying up late.
【小题3】According to the passage, which one is correct?
A.Those receiving a vaccination can leave the service site within 30 minutes if healthy.
B.Every Chinese citizen must get vaccinated.
C.The population immunity barrier cannot be established if the vaccination rate reaches 60 to 70 percent.
D.People still need to wear masks even after the two shots of vaccination.
The deadliest Ebola(埃博拉病毒) outbreak in recorded history is happening right now. The outbreak is unprecedented(空前的) both in the number of people who have gotten sick and in the geographic scope. And so far it’s been a long battle that doesn’t appear to be slowing down.
Ebola is both rare and very deadly. Since the first outbreak in 1976, Ebola viruses have infected thousands of people and killed roughly killed 60 percent of them. Symptoms can come on quickly and kill fast.
The current outbreak started in Guinea sometime in late 2013 or early 2014. It has since spread to Sierra Leone and Liberia, including some capital cities. And one infected patient traveled on a plane to Nigeria, where he spread the disease to several others and then died. Cases have also popped up in various other countries throughout the world, including in Dallas and   New York City in the United States.
The Ebola virus has now hit many countries, including Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, and the United States. The virus, which starts off with flu-like symptoms and sometimes ends with bleeding, has infected about 6,500 people and killed more than 3,000 since this winter, according to the World Health Organization on September 30, 2014.
There are some social and political factors contributing to the current disaster. Because this is the first major Ebola outbreak in West Africa, many of the region’s health workers didn’t have experience or training in how to protect themselves or care for patients with this disease.
Journalist David Quammen put it well in a recent New York Times article, “Ebola is more dangerous to humans than perhaps any known virus on Earth, except rabies(狂犬病) and HIV. And it does its damage much faster than either.”
Hopefully, researchers are working to find drugs, including a recent $50 million push at the National Institutes of Health. And scientists are working on vaccines(疫苗), including looking into ones that might be able to help wild chimpanzees, which are also susceptible to the disease. The first human Ebola vaccine trial is scheduled to start in the spring of 2015.
【小题1】According to the passage, which of the following about Ebola is true?
A.The Ebola outbreak now is the biggest one in history.
B.Ebola breaks out quickly but it is under control now.
C.Ebola is deadly and common so it kills a lot of people.
D.Ebola killed about 60 thousand people quickly in 1976.
【小题2】The Ebola virus was brought to Nigeria by         .
A.a flying bird
B.an infected passenger
C.hot African weather
D.a health organization
【小题3】The symptoms of Ebola at the beginning are more like those of         .
C.HIV/AIDSD.internal bleeding
【小题4】The last paragraph mainly tells us that         .
A.it will be a huge waste when researchers spend lots of money finding a cure
B.the vaccines can be effective to wild chimpanzees but not to the humans
C.there will be an optimistic future in which we can defeat the disease
D.we can use the vaccine to cure the patients completely in 2015’s spring
【小题5】What is the best title of the passage?
A.Ebola ---- The African Local Disaster
B.Ebola ---- The Newly-Found Disease
C.Ebola ---- A More Effective Vaccine
D.Ebola ---- The Deadly Virus Outbreak
