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Besides relevant theories and keen logic, a scientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way in which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior.   It’s vital for his credit as a qualified economist.     He must obtain numbers and material both on the resources of consumers and on the efforts that tend to encourage or discourage money spending.

If an economist were asked which of the three groups borrow most——people with rising incomes, stable incomes or declining incomes——he would probably answer: those with declining incomes.   Actually, in the past 5 years, the answer was: people with rising incomes.   This shows us that traditional assumptions about earning and spending are not always reliable.   Another traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, they will hurry to buy.   If they expect prices to go down, they will postpone buying.   But research surveys have shown that this is also not always the case.   Their expectations of price increases may not stimulate buying.   One typical attitude was expressed by the wife of a mechanic in an interview at a time of rising prices.   “In a few months,” she said, “we’ll have to pay more for meat and milk.   We’ll have less to spend on other things.”   Her family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed this purchase.   Furthermore, the rise in prices that has already taken place may be hated and buyer’s resistance may be caused.   This is shown by the following typical comment of the wife: “I just don’t pay these prices: they are too high.”

Traditional assumptions should be investigated carefully, and factors of time and place should be considered.   The investigations mentioned above were carried out in America.   Research conducted at the same time in Great Britain, however, produced results that were more in agreement with traditional assumptions about saving and spending patterns.   The condition most beneficial to spending appears to be price stability.   If prices have been stable and people have become accustomed to considering the current prices “right”, they are likely to buy.   Thus, in a society of good economy which maintains consumer confidence, it appears that the common business policy of maintaining stable prices with occasional sales or discounts is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology.

【小题1】According to the passage, it is essential for a successful economist to ______.
A.know about economic theories
B.be capable of logical thinking
C.predict the latest national economy
D.to understand consumers’ spending habits
【小题2】The example of the mechanic’s wife is intended to show that ______.
A.people tend to buy more when prices are expected to fall
B.people tend to buy less when prices are expected to fall
C.people tend to buy more when prices are expected to rise
D.people tend to buy less when prices are expected to rise
【小题3】Findings in investigations in Britain show _____.
A.consumer behaviour may vary in different places
B.Britain and America share similar saving and spending patterns
C.Britain is important in economic research
D.occasional discounts and sales are important
【小题4】Accorg to the passage, what is most helpful in promoting spending?
A.Big discount.
B.Good consumer confidence.
C.Steady price.
D.Positive consumer psychology.
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Are you interested in part-time jobs? Do you want to make more money by doing these jobs? Here are some for you to choose.

Offer dog walking or pet-sitting services

Caring for pets is a great way to earn extra cash while also getting some fresh air. Post what services you provide with before they offer you online or on a personal website. For example, you might make it a rule that you will walk dogs, feed and water all pets, and play with pets, but not give them medicine.

Pose for art students

Art students at art schools, colleges and museums need you as a live model for them to learn to draw a human figure. What you need is to be willing to pose (摆姿势) in front of others for up to 30 minutes. Is it easy enough to make money? All shapes and ages are OK, but only females!

Babysit if you’re good with children

Talk to people you know to see if they may be in need of a babysitter, and post about your availability as a babysitter on social media. It’s a good idea to get CPR certified (认证) if you want to babysit, as this will make you more marketable to clients and will be safer for the kids.

Find small paid tasks through apps

There are apps that pay you for doing marketing tasks. Download one and use it to find small paid tasks you can do. But do stay away from apps that ask you to do something like paying a fee or supplying credit card information to sign up to complete surveys. Those are almost always tricks.

If you want to know more information, please click www.235.com.

【小题1】________ is a good way for you to earn extra money while breathing fresh air.
A.Looking after petsB.Being a babysitterC.Being a modelD.Being an operator
【小题2】________ makes you more marketable to people who need a babysitter.
A.Giving medicineB.Getting CPR certified
C.Having a degree in EnglishD.Cleaning their houses
【小题3】This passage probably comes from ________.
A.TextbookB.Science bookC.NewspaperD.Website

Some people have always been attracted to the world of movies and movie stars. One way to get closer to this word is to become a movie extra. Extras are the people seated at tables in a restaurant while the two main actors are in conversation. They are the guests at the wedding of the main characters. Extras don’t normally speak any lines, but they help make the scene look real.

Being a movie extra might seem like a lot of fun. You get to see what life is like behind the scenes. But don’t forget that being an extra is really a job and it’s mostly about doing nothing. First-time extras are often shocked to learn how slow the process of movie making is. In a finished movie, the action may move quickly. But it can sometimes take a whole day to shoot a scene that appears for just a few minutes on the screen.

The main requirement for being an extra is the ability to wait. You may report to work at 5:00 or 6:00 a.m., and then you wait until the director is ready for your scene. This could take several hours. Then there may be technical problems, and you have to wait a little longer. After the director says “action” and you do the first “take”, you may have to do it again if the director is not satisfied with the scene. In fact, you may have to do the same scene over and over again.

Despite the long hours and low pay, many people still apply for the job. Some people truly enjoy the work. They like being on a movie set, and they enjoy being with other extras. Most of them have flexible schedules, which allow them to be available. They may be students, writers, old people, or jobless actors. Some actors hope the work will help them get real acting jobs, but it doesn’t happen often.

The next time you see a movie don’t just watch the stars. Take a closer look at the people in the background. Maybe there is someone in the crowd who is just like you.

【小题1】Why are extras needed in a movie?
A.To find people with a talent for acting.B.To advance the storyline of a movie.
C.To save the cost of filming a movie.D.To give viewers a sense of realism.
【小题2】Which of the following can best describe extras job according to the text?
【小题3】What is the requirement for extras?
A.Ability to express oneself clearly.B.Good communication skills.
C.A strong body.D.Enough free time.
【小题4】What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The way of becoming an extra.B.The competition among extras.
C.The reasons for being an extra.D.The role of extras in a movie.

“Every life is a boat, the dream is the boat sail.” Every child has a dream of what they want to be. When Renee Butts was little, her dream was to become a volunteer firefighter because her father was one. Sadly, when she was 14, her beloved father died and she was never able to do volunteer work with him. However, Renee’s story didn’t end there. She was determined and never gave up, which makes for a good firefighter.

Now Renee is a member of the Carmel Fire Department, where she is required to be an Emergency Medical Technician. She should also be ready to deal with any emergency, like fighting a fire, dealing with a car accident or helping someone who’s sick. Sometimes she is in the driver’s seat or using the water pump. Renee works nine to eleven days a month on 24-hour shifts. She also has a family to care for, as her husband is also a busy firefighter. Dealing with housework and working so much can show her great determination.

When I asked Renee what the best part of her job was, she replied, “Helping people and saving lives.” I think that shows signs of being a true hero. She’s always willing to do anything for anyone in need. Renee says that her job is frightening at times, but extremely exciting. “The worst part of my job is that I see death. Actually, sometimes people die in the accident, for which I am very sorry.” With 140 people in her station, Renee is one of the only three women, but that doesn’t bother her. She says everyone can get a fair shot and do the same jobs.

I was inspired by this because I knew I would be very scared to do her job and didn’t know if I could handle seeing people die. We would never live without people like her who have the courage to risk their lives. Renee’s determination rubs off on me and makes me believe that I can do anything.

【小题1】What’s Renee’s job in the Carmel Fire Department? (no more than 5 words)
【小题2】How does Renee feel about her job? (no more than 5 words)
【小题3】Why does the author think Renee Butts is a true hero? (no more than 15 words)
【小题4】How do you understand the underlined part in Paragraph 3?(no more than 5 words)
【小题5】What do you think of Renee? Please give your reasons. (no more than 25 words)
