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Liz had been bleeding for a long time! She was my closest professional colleague and good friend at the time when we worked in an IT company. It was her first day back at work after an operation and I thought she should have taken a few more days to recover.
Realizing that we couldn’t stop the bleeding, we headed to the emergency room and spent hours there waiting to be seen. After the treatment, I drove her to my apartment. I had to leave her in my apartment while I dashed off to take a final exam for a very important course I was taking. Upon my return, we decided Liz was in a good enough condition to sustain a trip back from my Northern Virginia apartment to her home in Maryland.
Although it was nearly midnight and we were both exhausted, we still decided to set off. Unfortunately, in a not particularly safe part of town, we heard my car make a strange noise, and then ti was shaking violently as we drove along. Quickly, I stopped the car in the road and found a tire had blown out. Not knowing how to change a tire and feeling scared, I was trying out to figure out what to do next. Liz, weak from losing all that blood all day and weighing only about eighty pounds to begin with, came out and tried to help me. I had to scream at her to get back in the car and relax.
Within seconds, a taxi pulled up behind us. A huge man appeared and began walking toward us. I felt that the blood drained out of my face and I nearly fainted in fear.
“Got a flat tire, girls?” he asked.
“Yes,” I answered in a trembling voice.
In no time at all, the man changed the tire for us and rushed off back to his taxi. He refused any payment and did not even tell me his name. He would never know how badly we needed his services that particular evening. And I, with a grateful heart, will never forget his kindness.
【小题1】The author thought that Liz was bleeding because         .
A.she worked too hard in an IT company
B.she had an operation but didn’t rest enough
C.she hurt herself in the workplace carelessly
D.she had a long trip from her house to the company
【小题2】What was the author doing when Liz was in her apartment?
A.She was seeing a doctor.B.She was waiting for help.
C.She was taking an exam.D.She was travelling in Maryland.
【小题3】According to the paragraph 3, which of the following is true?
A.The author decided to send Liz back because they rested well.
B.The car’s tire blew out when they reached a safe place in the town.
C.The author felt puzzled as she didn’t know how to change tire.
D.Liz came out to help because she was strong enough.
【小题4】Seeing the man coming out of the taxi, the author felt         .
【小题5】The passage is intended to         .
A.report a medical emergency
B.show us how to change a car tire
C.warn us of the danger in the town
D.tell us about a midnight assistance
知识点:家庭、朋友与周围的人 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
As we neared the last days of my mom' s life, I wanted to understand what she was feeling
and seeing.   The day before she took her last breath I decided to ask her.
First I wanted to make sure she could make sense of what I was saying. I told her that loved her, and she raised her eyebrows in acknowledgement.   Then I shared a funny story about a conversation my husband and I had. The corners of her mouth turned up in a smile. I could tell that she was taking in every word. And then I went for it.
"Rom, can I ask you a serious question?" She turned her head and opened her eyes fully. I could tell she wanted to grasp every word that came out of my mouth.
"Rom, do you see any of our dead relatives in the room? Do you see your dad?" She shook her head.
“Do you see your mom?"   She shook her head again.
“Do you see Dad?" Her response was quite different this time. She began nodding her head.
“Is he here in this room right now:?" She nodded. “Can he see me?" She nodded again. Then she tried to communicate with words, but she couldn't get the words out. The next morning she died peacefully.
A few weeks ago, I was wondering why I haven't had many dreams of my mom since she
died. That night I had one of the clearest dreams I've had for a long time.   Mom was dressed
beautifully.   She stared at me with a huge smile. Her eyes were bright and full of life. She was
happier than I had seen her in years.   And she was younger. We didn't exchange any words, but it was clear that she was happy and free.
I woke up with joy in my heart.
【小题1】Why did the author do the things mentioned in Paragraph 2?
A.To review the past happy days with her mother.
B.To make her mother happy during her last days.
C.To check if her mother could understand her.
D.To show that she has a deep love for her mother.
【小题2】What was the authors mother like on the day before her death:?
A.She had no sense of hearing at all.
B.She couldn't move except her eyes.
C.She could still speak in an unclear voice.
D.She could communicate with body language.
【小题3】What did the author dream that night?
A.Her mother talked with her.
B.Her mother was in high spirits.
C.Her mother’s eyes seemed dull.
D.Her mother looked older than ever.

My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆症)last summer. Suddenly, it was difficult for me to accept that the roles were now reversed---my mother became my child, and I became her mother. I became impatient, argued with her, once I even yelled at her. Gradually, I was used to this kind of life. Now I am able to deal with her and the situation better. I have learned a lot of life lessons from the experience. 

    My mother reacts very sensitively to my feelings. That is typical of Alzheimer’s patients. When I visit her, feeling busy and tense, she reacts immediately, takes on my mood, and becomes nervous and negative. But when I appear cheerful and attentive, she is happy. This has taught me to pay more attention to my own feelings when I am with other people. 
    I always thought I was very tolerant, but in reality, my tolerance ran out as soon as someone turned away from what I considered “right”. With my mother I can now really be tolerant. Through her illness she has developed a childlike tactlessness(不得体). Eating out in restaurants, for example, is a bit embarrassing when she shouts at the waiter that the food is so bad or talks about people at the next table in a loud voice. Of course I make sure that my mother doesn’t offend(冒犯)anyone, but I’ve stopped complaining about others and have become more tolerant. 
    I have also learned that everything has special value. When my mother got sick I didn’t want to burden my two daughters with it. They are young and have enough going on with their education, and starting their careers. I felt that it was simply my job as my mother’s daughter. The most wonderful discovery I’ve made through my mother’s disease may be that my children not only offer to help me when they sense that I’m feeling overwhelmed(难以承受), but that they take care of my mother on their own initiative(主动地). They visit her often, play cards with her, and look at photo albums together with her. It shows me that it’s all worth it.
【小题1】Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.How I Cared for My Sick Mother
B.How I Became More Tolerant
C.What I Have Learned from Alzheimer’s
D.Why I Am Feeling Overwhelmed
【小题2】Which of the following is common behavior of Alzheimer patients?
A.Being curious about everything
B.Being sensitive to others’ moods
C.Being afraid of strange people
D.Being particular about clothes
【小题3】We can infer that the writer’s daughters are ________.

Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don’t give friendship back. That is why some friendships do not last very long. 【小题1】 You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules. Be honest; be generous; be understanding.

Honesty is where a good friendship starts.【小题2】 If you do not tell the truth, people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven’t been honest, you may lose your friend’s trust. Good friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly.

Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You do not have to give your lunch money or your clothes of course. Instead, you have to learn how to share things you enjoy, like your hobbies and your interests. Naturally you will want to share your feelings.【小题3】 They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them, you help your friend know you better.

【小题4】 Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put in your friend’s place, so you can understand the problem better.

【小题5】 But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friends, you must practise honesty, generosity, and understanding.

A.These can be very valuable to a friend.
B.Not all people can enjoy a true friendship.
C.Friends must be able to trust one another.
D.No two friendships are ever exactly alike.
E.To have a friend, you must learn to be one.
F.Helping each other is the quality that everyone should possess.
G.Sooner or later, everyone needs understanding and help with a problem.
