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Below is some adviee on how to prevent cancer.
Eat Blueberries
Aside from being a healthy and delicious snack, blueberries contain pterostilbene, which has important colon cancer-fighting prosperities. But wait, it gets better. Blueberries also offer a large dose of vitamins C (14 milligrams per cup). So at breakfast, try to take in a cup and a half of blueberries in your cereal or yogurt, or mixed with other berries.
Drink Pomegranate(石榴)Juice
The deep red juice of the pomegranate contains various chemicals, which together create a powerful anticancer mixture. Most recently, researchers from the University of Wisconsin at Madison has discovered that 16 ounces of pomegranate juice per day also may inhibit(阻碍) the growth of lung cancer.
Feeling stressed or worried? Find ways to relax and you may reduce your chances of developing cancer. Purdue University researchers tracked 1,600 men over 12 years and found that half of those with high levels of worry died during the study period. Only 20 percent of the optimists died before the study were completed, while 34 percent of the extremely anxious men died of some type of cancer. Instead of stressing about the past or future, focus on the present and relax!
Take Selenium(硒)
Selenium is well known for its cancer-fighting properties. In a study of almost 1,000 men, researchers from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that when men with the lowest initial levels of selenium in their bodies received a daily supplement over a 4-year period, they cut their prostate(前列腺)cancer risk by a remarkable 92 percent. However, it is possible to get too much of a good thing, so monitor your intake of selenium-containing supplements, Brazil nuts, tuna, meats and grains carefully.
Break a Sweat
Even a small amount of exercise can offer major cancer-fighting benefits. In a study of 29,110 men published in the International Journal of Cancer, men who exercised just once a week had a percent lower risk of prostate cancer than men who didn’t work out at all. The better the frequency, duration and intensity of the exercise, the bigger the reduction in risk, according to the study.
【小题1】To prevent yourself from catching colon cancer, you should eat ____ as often as possible.
C.pomegranatesD.Vitamin D
【小题2】A person is very likely to catch some type of cancer if ______.
A.he is very fond of exercise every day.
B.he is addicted to drinking
C.he always feels extremely stressed or worried
D.he likes to have meals in restaurants
【小题3】 will remarkably reduce the risk of men’s prostate cancer.
A.Having a proper supplement of selenium
B.Drinking a cup of pomegranate juice every day
C.Breathing fresh air now and then
D.Taking exercise at least once a week
【小题4】If you want to keep cancer away, it is very important to ______.
A.have a daily supplement of vitamins B and C
B.try to ignore the secondhand smoking
C.take in as much selenium as possible
D.have exercise as often as possible
知识点:健康饮食 体育健身 说明文直接理解语意转化 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

“The cure for anything is salt,” says a character in Karen Blixen’s short story The Deluge at Norderney. Everyday life has got a lot saltier since Blixen’s era — and salt is no longer the cure-all it once was. So what should we be doing about it?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends capping your salt intake at 5g a day, and keeping it even lower if possible. That’s because, according to a large body of evidence, eating a lot of it is linked to high blood pressure, which in turn is a risk factor for heart disease. More recently, extra salt has also been associated with stomach cancer.

So is the answer to put down the shaker? It’s a bit more complicated than that: as the British Heart Foundation notes, 75% of the salt that we eat is added before our food even hits our plates. The UK was a world leader in salt reduction, with the Food Standards Agency enforcing (施行) strict limits on how much could be included in most products.

In 2010, however, as the government introduced “responsibility deals”, the food industry itself took the lead in the process, with limits becoming much more voluntary. Now, even brands that would like to reduce the salt content of their foods are hamstrung by what everyone else is doing: apart from being one of the cheapest forms of flavouring available, salt can also be used to bulk up (增重) foods by increasing their water content.

“As a work partner of mine said, leaving it up to the manufacturers (制造商) is like putting a mosquito in charge of a blood bank,” says Graham MacGregor, a professor of medicine. “Some supermarkets want better enforcement, but it has to come from above.”

The answer, then, is that this is one health concern that we should probably be collectively worrying about. You can take steps like cooking most of your meals and avoiding takeaways and ready meals. But it’s not an option for everyone. “If you really want to lower your salt intake, the best first step might be to write to your MP (国会议员),” says MacGregor.

【小题1】What does paragraph 2 mainly focus on concerning salt?
A.Its potential danger to health.B.Its daily recommended intake.
C.Its significance to everyday life.D.Its curing ability for certain diseases.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “hamstrung” in paragraph 4 mean?
【小题3】Which of the following describes “responsibility deals” in MacGregor’s opinion?
A.A win-win strategy.B.An ill-intentioned policy.
C.A business-restricting practice.D.A poorly thought-out initiative.
【小题4】What is the key to lower salt intake according to MacGregor?
A.The food industry’s voluntary efforts.B.The UK government enforcing strict laws.
C.The general public’s return to home cooking.D.The WHO introducing minimum standards.

Every day, 15-year-old Martha wrote on the Internet about the meal she ate at school. She also took pictures of the food. However, Martha was very honest about the food. She did not just describe the food. She judged the taste and health of the food.   

Martha also began to use her blog for an important reason. She began to raise money for the organization Mary’s Meals in the East African country of Malawi. It provides food for children in schools for free. Martha encouraged her readers to send money to Mary’s Meals to help build a kitchen.

But then, Martha began to have a problem. Many people read her blog. She became big news. The news stories showed that the food at Martha’s school was not always healthy. And that made some people angry. So the school officials decided to stop Martha’s blog. They said that she could not take her camera to school.   

But an amazing thing happened. Many people began sending messages of support across the Internet. Martha’s story was even bigger than before. Now the officials had to change their minds. A few days later, Martha was again writing her blog. But more than that, people had sent a lot of money for the Malawi school children. Martha had hoped to raise about 10,000 dollars. But the total reached 10,000 dollars and still kept on growing!

Martha’s blog also helped to improve meals at her school. One day she wrote: As we waited for dinner we were told that we are allowed to eat as much fruit and bread as we want.

No one knows what will happen to Martha’s blog in future. But already this little girl has helped to change the eating experience of many children just by sharing on the Internet pictures of her school meals.

【小题1】Martha wrote about her school meals on her blog to ________
A.express her opinion about the foodB.ask the school to improve the food
C.invite students to judge the foodD.show the terrible taste of food
【小题2】The organization Mary’s Meals ________
A.was set up by MarthaB.provides free school meals
C.is an international organizationD.help poor families build kitchens
【小题3】Why did the school officials want to prevent Martha writing her blog?
A.It had a bad influence on her study.B.Some people were upset by its content.
C.Taking pictures needs a lot of time.D.Many other students started to copy her.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.School mealsB.Mary’s Meals
C.Martha shares her foodD.Power of the Internet

India is a country with all kinds of people, culture, food practices, etc. which are all prepared from the same products but the recipe(食谱)resulted finally is certainly named differently. However still the Baby Food Recipes are the same throughout the country, often all follow Healthy Food Practices. Healthy food for kids can either be homemade or a product suggested by doctors.

The world speaks more about the Indian baby food, since in the old days they used to feed the kid with the homemade foods, which are highly nutritious and can improve the baby development, making it grow more robust. The food prepared at home is easily digestible by the baby, which never has bad effect on the digestive system or causes related problems. A good mother care always starts with the best food practices, which can really make the kid grow healthier and safer. A better feed can make the kid sleep calmly.

Baby foods, like the greens, fruits, eggs and meat are very good for kids. The foods have all the proteins and vitamins that are very important for the kid to grow strong. But the question is how much food can really be fed to a kid at a time? That may either matter with the culture or the physical ability of the kid. .You can feed kids the products like the Nestle Cerelac, which is more easily digestible by the baby.

Today baby food will be inherited(继承)by the next coming generations, so it’s always safe to advise the coming generations to stay far from the junk foods and foods that are short of nutrition. As the Indian culture and the baby food practices are great, they never ruin their traditional culture of what Indians inherited.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “robust” in Para. 2 mean?
【小题2】Why are the greens, fruits, eggs and meat good for kids?
A.They contain rich proteins and vitamins.
B.They may matter with the Indian culture.
C.All of them are not very difficult to digest.
D.They are all very fresh and kept very clean.
【小题3】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Great Food Practices
B.The Baby Food Recipes
C.Indian Traditional Culture
D.Indian Healthy Baby Food
