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Dear God,
Now that I am no longer young, I have friends whose mothers have passed away. I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it was too late to tell them.
I am blessed with the dear mother who is still alive. I appreciate her more each day. My mother does not change, but I do. As I grow older and wiser, I realize what an extraordinary person she is. How sad that I am unable to speak these words in her presence, but they flow easily from my pen.
How does a daughter begin to thank her mother for life itself? For the love, patience and just plain hard work that go into raising a child? For running after a toddler, for understanding a moody teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows everything? For waiting for the day when a daughter realizes how wise her mother really is?
How does a grown woman thank a mother for continuing to be a mother? For being ready with advice (when asked) or remaining silent when it is most appreciated? For not saying, “I told you so”, when she could have said these words dozens of times? For being essentially herself -- loving, thoughtful, patient, and forgiving?
I don't know how, dear God, except to bless her as richly as she deserves and to help me live up to the example she has set. I pray that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my mother looks in mine.
A daughter
【小题1】According to the passage, the writer’s friends ________ before their mothers died.
A.could tell them their appreciation
B.never completely said “thank you” to their mothers
C.lived to their mother
D.were very thankful
【小题2】What does the writer think of her mother?
C.Loving, thoughtful, and forgiving.
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.She has said “thank you” to her mother dozens of times.
B.The writer’s mother is still alive.
C.The writer has been a mother.
D.She wishes God to bless her mother.
【小题4】The underlined expression “flow easily from my pen” means ________.
A.express easily in words
B.move out of her pen easily
C.write out without any difficulty in ink
D.speak the words as soon as possible
【小题5】Why does the daughter write the letter?
A.She feels sorry to her mother.
B.She wants to tell God how much she loves her mother.
C.She expects God to retell her appreciation to her mother.
D.She wants to pray for her mother.
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We've seen a worldwide health crisis (危机) bring out the worst in some people, but fortunately, we've also been able to see it bring out the best in others.

A taxi driver in Spain has been providing COVID-19 (新冠肺炎) patients with free rides to and from the hospitals. Doctors and nurses wanted to surprise him with their thanks for helping out.

They tricked him down to the hospital under the pretense of needing to pick up a sick patient, but in reality, doctors and nurses lined the hall waiting to applaud (鼓掌) him.

“This is a surprise that has been given to a taxi driver who takes patients to the hospitals without charge,” wrote the taxi company that first shared the video.

The man seemed completely taken aback by the gesture, stopping in the middle of the doors as the whole room cheered for him.

He was also given an envelope full of money and the satisfying results of his own COVID-19 test.

The video has since been shared tens of thousands of times across the world, because kind gestures break the language barrier (障碍).

“When the crisis is finished, there will have been two types of people... the good and the bad,” one user wrote. “With workmates like him, I am proud to be a taxi driver, son of a taxi driver, and father of a taxi driver.”

With the word in hard times, just knowing good people are there doing good deeds is something we can all appreciate.

【小题1】We can learn from the story that____________.
A.the driver took doctors to and from the hospitals
B.the taxi company ticked the driver to pick up a patient
C.the patients lined the hall to thank the driver
D.the driver stayed safe from COVID-19
【小题2】What does the underlined phrase “taken aback" in Paragraph 5 mean?
【小题3】Why has the video been shared so many times across the world?
A.It moves people of different nations.
B.It encourages more people to be a taxi driver.
C.It shows there will have been two types of people.
D.It calls for doctors and nurses to fight COVID-19.
【小题4】What is the author intended to tell us?
A.There is always kindness around us.
B.We should be proud of our own jobs.
C.Helping others is the biggest happiness.
D.Taxi drivers play an important part in this crisis.

Should anger problems also be recognized as an illness like depression and anxiety? Anger is largely viewed as a secondary emotion — one caused by other emotions. People are thought to be angry because they are sad, anxious or stressed. 【小题1】 Today, though, a growing number of mental health experts think that anger is a serious problem that needs its own treatment.

To tell the difference between “normal” anger and “anger problem” is difficult. After all, everyone gets really mad from time to time. Experts point out a few ways.

Disordered anger, as it is sometimes called, tends to be of greater intensity (强度). 【小题2】 An example: While most people would get upset if a driver cut them off, someone with disordered anger might try to chase down the car and force it off the road.

And in cases of disordered anger, the person gets angry more frequently and his/her anger lasts longer.【小题3】 But people with anger problems often stay angry for days, weeks or even years; their feelings of anger don’t disappear over time.

【小题4】 Disordered anger often damages people’s lives. “It interferes (干扰) with people’s relationships and their jobs,” says Raymond Chip Tafrate, a US psychologist. “Even their health is affected.”

Anger clearly increases the risk of certain health problems, as many studies have shown. When people are angry, their hearts beat faster and their blood pressure goes up. 【小题5】

Experts suggest that people with an anger problem take anger-management programs. The programs teach people to control their responses to stressful situations through the use of relaxation techniques. The programs sometimes also include life-skills training to help bring down stress and remove angry feelings.

A.Consequences are also important to consider:
B.Anger takes away people’s joy in life.
C.For most people, angry feelings disappear quickly.
D.The anger buried inside him rises to the surface.
E.In the past, many doctors didn’t accept the idea that anger could be a problem all on its own.
F.Over time, these changes will have bad effects on the body.
G.It takes very little to set off a person with an anger problem, and their responses are very strong.

From Marie Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors to Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion (鬼屋) to horror-themed escape rooms, haunted house attractions have terrified and delighted audiences around the world for more than 200 years.

These attractions turn out to be good places to study fear. They help scientists understand the body’s response to fright and how we perceive some situations as enjoyably thrilling and others as truly terrible. One surprising finding: having friends close at hand in a haunted house might make you more jumpy, not less so.

Psychologist and study co-author Sarah Tashjian, who is now at the University of Melbourne, and her team conducted their research with 156 adults, who each wore a wireless wrist sensor during their visit. The sensor measured skin responses linked to the body’s reactions to stress and other situations. When the sensor picked up, for example, greater skin conductance — that is, the degree to which the skin can transmit an electric current — that was a sign that the body was more aroused and ready for fight or flight. In addition to this measure, people reported their expected fear (on a scale of 1 to 10) before entering the haunted house and their experienced fear (on the same scale) after completing the haunt.

The scientists found that people who reported greater fear also showed heightened skin responses. Being with friends, Tashjian and her colleagues further found, increased physiological arousal during the experience, which was linked to stronger feelings of fright. In fact, the fear response was actually weaker when people went through the house in the presence of strangers.

Other investigators have used haunted houses to understand how fear and enjoyment can coexist. In a 2020 study led by Marc Malmdorf Andersen, a member of the Recreational Fear Lab at Aarhus University in Denmark, scientists joined forces with Dystopia Haunted House. The Danish attraction includes such terrifying experiences as being chased by “Mr. Piggy”, a large, chain-saw-wielding man wearing a bloody butcher’s apron and pig mask. People between the ages of 12 and 57 were video recorded at peak moments during the attraction, wore heart-rate monitors throughout and reported on their experience. People’s fright was tied to large-scale heart-rate fluctuations; their enjoyment was linked to small-scale ones. The results suggest that fear and enjoyment can happen together when physiological arousal is balanced “just right”.

【小题1】Studying haunted house attractions helps scientists to learn about ________.
A.the psychological effects of fear on individuals
B.the history of horror-themed entertainment
C.the body’s response to material rewards
D.the impact of technology on people’s enjoyment
【小题2】How did Sarah Tashjian and her team conduct their research on haunted house experiences?
A.By surveying participants.B.By analyzing historical records.
C.By employing wireless wrist sensors.D.By using virtual reality simulations.
【小题3】What did Tashjian and her colleagues discover in their study?
A.Being with friends elevated level of physiological arousal.
B.The fear reaction was stronger in the company of strangers.
C.Psychological effect was unrelated to intensified feelings of fright.
D.Those reporting lightened fear showed increased skin responses.
【小题4】It can be concluded from the 2020 study led by Marc Malmdorf Andersen that ________.
A.fear and enjoyment can not happen at the same time
B.large-scale heart-rate fluctuations were linked to enjoyment
C.the age of the participants was not related to the study’s findings
D.fear and enjoyment can coexist under certain conditions
