阅读理解-阅读单选 适中0.65 引用3 组卷92
Safety and Security Procedures
Your safety and the security of your personal property are of the primary concern to those of us who welcome you as our guest. We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions.
Lock your vehicle and do not leave money or valuable items inside. We are not responsible for their loss.
Be observant (机警) when sightseeing or traveling. Stay in well-lit and heavily traveled areas. Don’t display large amounts of cash.
For additional security use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked. As an additional precautious (预防措施) measure, please secure the secondary locks provided. Do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification. A one-way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification. If there is any doubt about the person’s identity, please contact the Front Desk.
Do not leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle. We provide free safety boxes for your use. Hotel is not responsible for items left in room valued over $200.
Safeguard your key. Please do not leave it in the door. Do not give your key to others or leave it unattended. Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out.
Please report any suspicious activity, or safety concerns to management.
Please familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exits. Report fire or smoke to the hotel operator. _______________, please move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe exit and leave the building. Avoid the use of elevator.
【小题1】The suggestions are most probably from ______.
A.a hotel managerB.a police officer
C.an experienced travelerD.a tour guide
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.It is advised to travel to places where there are few people.
B.The hotel is not responsible for anything you lose.
C.Don’t report to the manager unless you are sure something is going wrong.
D.You’d better use the deadbolt and the secondary locks for safety.
【小题3】I If you feel doubtful about a stranger who knocks at the door, you should _____.
A.let the person in after you have got his/her name
B.open the door to check the person’s ID card
C.call the Front Desk to make sure
D.contact the local police for assistance
【小题4】What does the underlined part “In the unlikely event of a fire” mean?
A.In case a fire happens, though it is not very possible.
B.If a fire happens when some big events are taking place.
C.In case a fire happens in a public building.
D.If a fire breaks out and it is getting out of control.
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Visiting a completely new place can bring a lot of excitement, but it can also be a bit scary and confusing. 【小题1】 To help make sure that your trip will go smoothly, follow these steps below.

Secure and double-check your passport.

【小题2】 In most countries, foreigners are required have their passports with them all the time. Frankly, it might increase the risk of your passport being lost. Instead, bring a paper copy.


Once you’ve decided where to go, you need to check whether or not you’ll need a visa to travel. If you visit a country that requires one, make sure that you secure it before your flight. If you fail to do so, you won’t be allowed to board the plane, which can be a huge trouble and a waste of money.

Make sure that you can access your money overseas.

Check with your bank about international fees and whether they have partner banks in the country you’ll be visiting. 【小题4】

Plan your clothes and pack early.

Most of the time, people always forget things when they pack right before a fight. 【小题5】 If you have everything sorted out beforehand, your first trip abroad is more likely to go without unnecessary worries.

A.Check to see if you need a visa.
B.This can help you save money on transaction fees (交易费用).
C.Make sure your visa is available all over the world.
D.Forgetting something important can be very annoying.
E.It’s good practice to create both digital and paper copies of it.
F.Your passport is the most important when traveling to another country.
G.With the right preparation, your first international travel will be pleasant.

Anger is a natural human emotion. Frequent feelings of anger have been linked to higher risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and difficulty sleeping. Fortunately, you can learn to understand, process, and release your anger in healthy ways.

Develop an “anger plan”. Because it can be very hard to come up with ways to reduce your anger in the heat of the moment, try coming up with an advance plan to help you calm yourself in the event that you get angry. 【小题1】

Restructure your thinking. Cognitive (认知的) restructuring can help you experience anger less frequently. 【小题2】 Changing the way you think about your experiences and goals can help you both avoid feeling angry in the first place and manage your anger when you do experience it.

【小题3】 It’s easy to assume that your first impression of a situation or experience is the “right” one, and it can be very difficult to give up the idea that there is an objective truth to every situation. However, being more flexible with how you approach experiences and events will help you react with less anger to them.

Get enough sleep. A lack of sleep can do a variety of damages to your body, including causing physical stress and increasing your risk of developing a mood disorder such as depression or anxiety. 【小题4】 Sleep experts recommend that the average adult get an average of at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

Share your experiences with the person who angered you. For example, if someone hurt your feelings by ignoring you at a party, calmly talking to that person and explaining why you felt hurt may help them understand how their behaviour affected you. It may also help you feel more in control of the situation. 【小题5】 Always use non violent communication when interacting with others.

A.Approach situations with flexibility.
B.Anger can cause a variety of physical problems.
C.Be as direct and clear as possible about your desires and needs.
D.Poor sleep or too little sleep can also cause anger or mood swings.
E.Anger often leads to overstating your response to events or experiences.
F.Having this plan in mind will help you manage your anger productively.
G.It’s vital to wait until you’ve processed your anger to talk with the other person.

Creating a good study environment takes a little planning. It is well worth the time as the end result will be much more productive study time. 【小题1】 But after a couple of times of studying in the right way, most people will be surprised at how much they can actually enjoy studying. Read on to learn how to create a good study environment.

【小题2】 Reduce every possible distraction. Turn off the television and go in an area where you will not be interrupted by people. If you can, turn off your cell phone. If you are studying on your computer, don’t get distracted by emails.

Check out the level of lighting in your area. If it is too dim(黯淡的), your eyes will be injured and you want to close your eyes. The sun is a light that naturally wakes you up and helps you think. 【小题3】

Choose a comfortable seat. It should have a good back support and a good seat. Now a couch can work just fine for this as long as you don’t find yourself lying flat after a few minutes. 【小题4】

Turn on some music. 【小题5】 If you find yourself thinking about the song then maybe silence is better for you.

A.Know concentration is the key.
B.Have something to drink or eat.
C.But you should avoid studying in too bright sunlight.
D.Some people can study with lots of activities going on.
E.Now this is for the person who needs some background sound.
F.Many people fail to do this and wonder why they cannot concentrate.
G.The key point is to make you feel comfortable while you are studying.
