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Maybe you don’t think animals have certain mental powers which human beings do not have. But the truth is that some of them have instincts, and besides this, I am sure they can feel certain things we humans cannot. A personal experience showed me this.

Some years ago, I had a dog named Howard. From the time when he was a puppy, he was timid, so we named him Howard, sounding like “coward”! He was especially afraid of thunderstorms. At the first flash of lightning or crash of thunder, he would run whining into his house and hide under a table.

I often went for a walk with Howard. Once, as we were walking along a road, it began to rain. I quickly ran to a bus stop for shelter. The bus stop had a roof supported by metal poles. Soon after I had got there, Howard caught my trousers in his teeth and tried to pull me away. At first I was puzzled and a little angry at his behavior. But I decided to humor him and walked away from the shelter into the rain and started to go home.

When I was about two hundred metres from the shelter, there came a flash of lightning and soon after, there was thunder which nearly deafened me. Howard stopped walking and began whining. Thinking he was afraid, I bent to pick him up. As I straightened up, I glanced at the bus shelter we had just left. I was shocked to see that two of the poles were bent and the roof was lying on the ground, broken. The shelter had been struck by the bolt of lightning!

【小题1】The author named his dog Howard mainly because of_______.
A.his timid characteristic
B.one of the author’s friends Howard
C.his loud sound
D.his strange behaviors
【小题2】The reason why the author was puzzled and angry with the dog was that          .
A.Howard had a strange behavior
B.Howard should be afraid of the metal poles
C.Howard should know the approaching of the terrible lightning
D.Howard bit his trousers in his teeth
【小题3】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Dogs are cleverer and better than men.
B.Dogs are usually afraid of thunderstorms.
C.Some animals can feel certain things humans cannot.
D.Dogs are naturally born heroes.
【小题4】What can be inferred about the bus shelter from the passage?
A.It was about 200 meters from the author’s home.
B.It was destroyed in a rainy day.
C.Its roof was supported by wood poles.
D.It could produce lightning.
知识点:动物记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Trillions of evolution’s wonders, red-eyed periodical cicadas (蝉) that have pumps in their heads and jet-like muscles in their bodies, are about to emerge in numbers not seen in decades and possibly centuries. Crawling out from underground every 13 or 17 years, with a collective song as loud as jet engines, the periodical cicadas are nature’s kings of the calendar. These black bugs with bulging eyes differ from their greener cousins that come out annually. They stay buried year after year, until they surface and take over a landscape.

This spring, an unusual cicada double population is about to invade a couple of parts of the United States in what University of Connecticut cicada expert John Cooley called “cicada-geddon”. The last time these two broods (a group of creatures) came out together was in 1803. Thomas Jefferson, the then president, wrote about cicadas in his Garden Book but mistakenly called them locusts (蝗虫). Usually mistaken for hungry and unrelated locusts, periodical cicadas are more annoying rather than causing great economic damage. They can hurt young trees and some fruit crops, but it’s not widespread and can be prevented.

The largest geographic brood in the nation—called Brood XIX and coming out every 13 years—is about to march through the Southeast, having already created countless boreholes in the red Georgia clay. It’s a sure sign of the coming cicada occupation. “They emerge when the ground warms to 64 degrees, which is happening earlier than it used to because of climate change,” scientists said. “The bugs are brown at first but darken as they mature.”

Soon after the insects appear in large numbers in Georgia and the rest of the Southeast, cicada cousins that come out every 17 years will inundate Illinois. They are Brood ⅩⅢ. “And when you put those two together… you would have more than anywhere else any other time,” University of Maryland entomologist Paula Shrewsbury said. “These two broods may actually overlap—but probably not interbreed-in a small area near central Illinois.”

【小题1】How are periodical cicadas different from their greener cousins?
A.They appear once a year.B.They look more beautiful.
C.They have stronger muscles.D.They have a longer life circle.
【小题2】What is a common belief on periodical cicadas?
A.They are a type of locusts.B.They have underestimated advantages.
C.They are Thomas Jefferson’s inspiration.D.They only eat young trees and fruit crops.
【小题3】What can be inferred about Brood ⅩⅨ?
A.The red Georgia clay is more beneficial to them.
B.Climate change may be confusing their schedules.
C.The adult ones only live 4-6 weeks before they die.
D.They are expected to be found throughout the world.
【小题4】What can best replace the underlined word “inundate” in the last paragraph?
A.Strike out.B.Give up.C.Flood into.D.Jump at.

A recent study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has discovered that river erosion (侵蚀) can lead to increased biodiversity in areas with minimal tectonic (地壳构造的) activity. The researchers focused their attention on the Tennessee River Basin and examined how the erosion of various rock types by the river had led to the separation and diversification of a type of fish called the greenfin darter. As time passed, these separate fish populations evolved into distinct families with genetic differences.

Scientist Thomas Near observed that the greenfin darter was exclusively found in the southern half of the Tennessee River Basin. The researchers analyzed the genes of each fish in Near’s data set and constructed an evolutionary tree. This tree helped them comprehend the evolution and differences of the greenfin darter species. They discovered that the fish within the same branch of the river were more closely related to each other than to the fish in other branches.

This study provides evidence that river erosion significantly impacts biodiversity in regions with low tectonic activity. It illustrates how changes in the landscape caused by river erosion can lead to the division and diversification of species over time, even in peaceful environments. These findings enhance our understanding of the mechanisms (机制) that drive biodiversity and evolution, even in areas that are not typically associated with intense tectonic activity.

Subsequently, the team discovered a strong correlation between the habitats of the greenfin darter and the type of rocks present. The southern half of the Tennessee River Basin consists of hard, tightly packed rocks, resulting in turbulent (湍急的) waves in the rivers that flow through it. This characteristic may be favored by the greenfin darter. As a result, the team assumed whether the distribution of greenfin darter habitats had been influenced by the changing rock types, as the rivers eroded the land over time. To test this assumption, the researchers developed a simulation model. Remarkably, the results confirmed their assumption.

【小题1】What is new about the MIT study?
A.It finds river erosion can enhance biodiversity.
B.It further proves the mechanisms of river erosion.
C.It proves the geographical features of biodiversity.
D.It classifies a type of fish called the greenfin darter.
【小题2】What can we learn about the greenfin darter?
A.Their appearances vary between families.B.Their genetic constitutions have diversified.
C.They prefer the deep and slow-flowing river.D.They go extinct in the changing landscape of rivers.
【小题3】How did Near help the researchers reach their conclusion?
A.By creating an evolutionary tree of the fish.
B.By offering the fish’s genetic data.
C.By reasoning out the time the fish evolve and separate.
D.By analyzing the genetic similarity between different fish.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.River Erosion Can Shape Fish EvolutionB.Genetic Change in the Greenfin Darter
C.Evolutionary Tree Analysis of the Greenfin DarterD.The Impact of Climate Change on Fish Diversity

Trained goldfish demonstrated a remarkable ability to accurately estimate the distance. Spatial navigation (空间导航) in mammals, birds, and reptiles is well understood, but it was unknown whether similar structures existed in fish. This knowledge would allow us to better understand how spatial navigation systems evolved.

Researchers from the University of Oxford tested whether goldfish could perform a task central to spatial mapping-distance estimation — to see if they have similar spatial navigation systems to land species. The study, led by Dr. Adelaide Sibeaux, trained nine goldfish to travel 70 cm within a narrow tank covered with a repeating pattern of vertical stripes (竖条纹) every 2 cm. When the fish reached the predetermined distance, they were prompted by an external cue to turn around and swim back to the starting point. The researchers then tested whether the fish would swim the same distance if the external cue was removed and the starting position was changed. They also tested whether goldfish would swim the same distance when the background pattern was changed.

According to the researchers, the results indicate that goldfish estimate distances by visually streaming the apparent motion patterns of objects in the environment (called “optic flow”). Many land species are known to use optic flow to estimate distance, but goldfish appear to process the information differently. Land animals, including humans, ants, wolf-spiders, and honey bees, estimate distances by measuring how the angle between their eye and surrounding objects changes as they travel. Goldfish, on the other hand, appear to use the number of contrast changes experienced on the way.

“We present strong evidence that goldfish can accurately estimate distance and show that they use optic flow to do so,” says lead author Dr. Adelaide Sibeaux. “These findings support the use of goldfish as a model system for studying the evolution of the mechanisms in vertebrates (脊椎动物).”

【小题1】What does the word “prompted” underlined in the second paragraph refer to?
【小题2】Why was the external cue was taken away from the tank?
A.To make it easy for the goldfish to turn around.
B.To demonstrate the goldfish’s swimming ability.
C.To research into the goldfish’s sense of distance.
D.To help the goldfish reach the learned distance.
【小题3】According to the results, goldfish estimate distances by ________.
A.copying land animalsB.processing information
C.experiencing changesD.applying optic flow
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Goldfish Have an Excellent Sense of Distance
B.The Use of Optic Flow Among Land Animals
C.A Study Is Being Carried Out on Trained Goldfish
D.The Evolution of Spatial Navigation in Vertebrates
