选词填空-单句选词填空 容易0.94 引用1 组卷42
Fill in the blanks with the proper expressions given below. Change the form when necessary.
current tend display fit constitute
suspend peculiar practice odd
【小题1】If you exceed your credit limit, we have the right to ________ or cancel your account.
【小题2】We work-long hours and rush around trying to ________ in domestic chores.
【小题3】Pandas, ________ to China, are treasured and loved by people all over the world.
【小题4】The garden deserted for years was taken over and well ________.
【小题5】The block becomes magnetic when the ________ is switched on.
【小题6】The background music to this film is completely at ________ with the storyline.
【小题7】Perseverance, endurance and endeavor ________ one’s fulfillment.
【小题8】The comparison shows considerable disagreement between theory and ________.
【小题9】A joyful festive atmosphere is accompanied by a breathtaking ________ of fireworks.
知识点:其他currentdisplaypeculiarpracticetendsuspend 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
