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China has nearly 5,000 years of【小题1】 (record) history. However, the history of Chinese furniture is even longer than【小题2】 of its writing, which can be traced back to the Hemudu Culture more than 7,000 years ago.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, most of the furniture was hand-made using high-quality wood 【小题3】 raw materials, which are now rare and expensive. Ordinary people often use wood such as pine, elm, and beech, but the quality between the woods【小题4】 (differ) greatly.

The most delicate aspect of Chinese classical furniture is the structural part of the furniture-mountains-and-treetops (榫卯) work. Combining pieces of wood together,【小题5】 (use) nothing more than the wood itself, is a【小题6】 (basic) essential skill of all carpenters (木匠) in ancient China. It was first discovered in the wooden structure of the Hemudu site【小题7】 the ancestors lived more than 7,000 years ago. This structure is the wisdom of the Chinese working people and fully represents the 【小题8】 (create) and artistry (艺术性) of humanity.

Ancient Chinese 【小题9】 (philosophy) have been expressed in traditional Chinese furniture. For example, Confucianism emphasizes gentleness and moderation. 【小题10】 (achieve) that, skilled carpenters properly matched the curves and straight lines of the furniture.

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The Year of the Ox is coming In China, you will find various ox figures made of gold, wood, plastic, paper, shell and stone 【小题1】sale in stores and on streets 【小题2】(celebrate) the return.

But why was the ox 【小题3】(choose) to be one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs (生肖)?

【小题4】(century) ago, most people earned 【小题5】living through farming. The ox was used to help plow, cultivate and carry heavy goods.

The ox 【小题6】(consider) to be a symbol of diligence and earnestness in Chinese culture. To this day, the phrase “the spirit of ox”sill refers to overcoming anything that may present itself as an obstacle.The spirit is 【小题7】(high) praised and many people follow it as their work rules. When someone achieves a great accomplishment through hard work, people often use“niu”【小题8】(mean)“awesome”, to describe him or her.

Oxen seldom bully the weak or fear the strong They work hard and make sacrifices (牺牲) This is reflected in a couplet from a poem by Lu Xun (1881-1936): “Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; Head bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children”, 【小题9】fully expresses the poet's loyally to the people.

So naturally, those who were born in the Year of the Ox are often expected to be hardworking,【小题10】(rely) and loyal.“They never seek to be the center of attention and do not look for praise,”the website China Highlights noted.
