书面表达-读后续写 适中0.65 引用1 组卷112

Greg sat on the driveway of his home and rolled his papers for delivery on Monday afternoon. The shouts of his friends playing soccer in the schoolyard across the street caught his attention. He watched his neighbor, John, kick the ball into the goal and shouts of excitement came from his teammates.

Greg sighed and eagerly looked at the group. He would love to be able to play soccer too. But he had to deliver newspapers every afternoon. He didn’t have enough time to play soccer.

He thought about his paper route. It had been necessary after his father suddenly lost his job. Greg saw his parents struggling to meet their bills. His mother had to go to work while his father looked for another job. Greg knew there must be some small way he could help. His friend Mark had a paper route, and Greg decided that he could get a paper route to help his parents too.

One day, immediately he finished delivering papers to his subscribers (订户), he cycled home. He met John with his soccer ball in the Anderson’s driveway.

“Hi, Greg. We sure miss you on our team. Wish it were the good old days when you were our goalie (守门员),” said John. Greg shook his head and replied, “I just can’t do that now.”

On Tuesday, Greg stopped at the soccer field before he began his paper deliveries. John and his other friends were just beginning a game. John called out to him, “Hey, Greg. Come play a quick game with us.”

Just as Greg started to say no, the soccer ball went out of play and rolled to a stop by his feet. He picked it up and tossed (抛) it back to Tim who was playing goalie. Tim caught it and stepped aside. “I have to go home, Greg,” he said. “The goal is all yours.”

Greg took the ball from Tim and stood in front of the goal.
When Greg got home, he found the bag on his bike empty, and his mother’s car was gone.
知识点:家人和亲人 爱好生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

“Open this one!” Chloe cried, handing her older sister a package from under the Christmas tree.

Laila opened it. “Cute,” she said, pulling out the velvet(天鹅绒)pillow Chloe had made. “It’ll match my dorm room.”

“I sewed it without help,” Chloe announced. “And look, I put two special pockets for you to put...”

But Laila was distracted. “That reminds me,” she interrupted Chloe. “Mom, can I take the sewing machine(缝纫机)back to college with me? I’m helping with costumes for a play.”

As Laila and Mom chatted, the pillow fell to the floor. Chloe stared at it. Would the pillow end up in the giveaway pile? Would the time spent sewing be ignored?

Her throat tightened. “I’m going to the kitchen to get more cider,” she mumbled.

For most of Chloe’s life, what had seemed fun to Chloe had been pesky(讨厌的)or babyish to Laila. But after Laila left for college, things changed. She often phoned Chloe complaining how hard it was to be away from home. But now she was treating Chloe like the pesky little sister again.

“There you are!” Mom said, rushing into the kitchen. “We’re due at Grandma’s in 30 minutes. We’ll have to open the rest of the gifts later.”

Chloe quickly changed her clothes, sneaked the pillow out to the garage and stuffed it into the giveaway pile. The specially chosen photo of the whole family in one pocket would never comfort Laila when she was homesick.

For the rest of the day, Chloe’s stomach felt as if it had a rock in it. Laila had spent the whole holiday with the grown-up cousins. She’d hardly said a word to Chloe! Well, the next time, Chloe would simply ignore her when Mom asked her to answer Laila’s phone.

“Where are you going?” Laila asked as Chloe headed upstairs. “To my room,” Chloe said coldly. “But you still have a gift under the tree!” Laila reminded her. Chloe shrugged. Laila grabbed her hand and pulled her to the living room. She handed Chloe a package. “I’m pretty sure you’ll like it.”

Paragraph 1:

Chloe unwrapped the package halfheartedly and found inside it lay a phone.

Paragraph 2:

She rushed to the garage and returmed excitedly with the nearly-abandoned pillow.


Mama and I spent morning s cleaning up the dirt that blew into our house. Mama said all dust was due to the drought. It was dust y everywhere. Dust covered our clothes. We had to wash the dishes before each meal. We rarely drove the automobile because Papa feared the dust from the road would ruin its front lights and horn (喇叭).

When my sister, Faye, and I walked to school, we wore handkerchiefs over our mouths so we didn’t breathe in the dirt. On days when the air was so bad that they closed the school, we stayed home and helped Mama put wet sheets over the windows. But the dirt always found a way in.

Last Sunday, there was no dirt in the air, only bright spring sunshine and a clear blue sky. After church, Papa headed out to the field to check on the cattle while Mama started dinner. Faye and I played in the yard. The temperature suddenly dropped—it felt good. The heat had been building since dawn.

Then Mama shouted from the house, “Iris, you and Faye get inside, real quick now!”

I looked to the west and saw a huge black cloud of dust. All the birds flew away. “Faye, go with Mama!” I shouted. “I’ll warn Papa.”

Faye sprinted toward the house. The storm hit so fast, I barely saw her climb the porch steps. Fine sand beat my face and in an instant the day turned into night. I stumbled over our bicycles left carelessly in the yard. I screamed for Papa, hoping my voice would lead him back.

The dirt and sand stung my skin like a thousand bees. I needed to get to shelter. Covering my face with one hand, I felt my way toward the automobile and opened the door. Dirt flew in with me as I pulled the door closed. Papa was still out there! I needed to help him find the automobile.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Staring at the automobile, I got an idea.


Papa nodded, “Good. We’ll wait out the storm here.”

