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Learning to forgive those who have “wronged us” may not always be easy, but it’s definitely worth it. Here’s why.

First, forgiveness has absolutely nothing to do with the other person at all. Forgiveness is about one thing and one thing only: it’s about how you feel. This is why it doesn’t matter if the offense was large or small. When you hold on to the anger, when you get stuck in blaming the other person and refuse to move on, you are hurting no one but yourself.

You may have been taught to “turn the other cheek”, which can be interpreted as letting those who have harmed you in some way walk all over you. Don’t fight back, and just let it happen. But is that really what we’re supposed to do? No. Forgiving is neither about playing the martyr (自我牺牲的人) or victim, nor about being a doormat (忍气吞声的人). You can forgive what others have done to you, but you should not sacrifice your own interests.

For example, should you let your colleague get away with taking credit for your work, while you sit in silence? No. First, you can choose to forgive his action so that you can calm down. Then you can calmly explain to your boss who actually did the work on that project, without seeming overly emotional or like you have any kind of agenda other than to set the record straight.

Of course, if it’s something trivial, you can just choose to forgive and let it go.

It’s important to note that this also (and especially) applies when it comes to forgiving yourself. Since thoughts of self-blame or self-hatred are the worst thoughts we can have, staying stuck in that vibration will cause more harm than any other emotion. Move into anger, stabilize there, and then move up the emotional scale until you gradually but consistently feel better. You owe it to yourself.

【小题1】What is forgiveness mainly about according to the author?
A.Controlling our own feelings.B.Making ourselves feel better.
C.Lessening the harm of an offence.D.Repairing relationships with others.
【小题2】How should we react if we’re harmed by others?
A.Turn the other cheek.B.Calm down and let it go.
C.Ask for help from others.D.Fight back in a proper way.
【小题3】Which of the following can replace the underlined word “trivial” in paragraph 5?
【小题4】What’s the text mainly about?
A.The way to get along well with others.
B.The importance of learning to forgive.
C.The reason to forgive ourselves.
D.The way to fight back against dishonest colleagues.
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Susannah was a shy but clever girl. She had worn glasses for as long as she could remember. And again, for as long as she could remember, some of her classmates had habitually picked on her.

The worst thing was that Lewis called her “Four Eyes”. She acted like she didn’t mind, but in fact Susannah couldn’t stand it

One day, the class went on a school outing to visit some famous caves. The children were walking towards the caves, while Lewis slipped. While falling, he grabbed onto Susannah, who walked next to him, and both fell down the hole.

They landed in a dark cave. All that could be seen was a single ray of light coming from the cave roof, many metres above, and some tree roots and trunks which had fallen through the hole. Susannah and Lewis shouted for help, but no one came.

The next morning they still hadn’t been found and Lewis continued shouting for help, but no response and he started feeling scared.

It must have been noontime, because Susannah noticed that the ray of light just landed on the floor in front of her. Quickly, she took a piece of wood that had fallen into the cave, and, using her glasses as a magnifying (放大) glass, she focused the ray of light onto the wood until a little flame sprang up. Now they had a torch(火把) . Lewis watched with surprise and excitement and then they went to explore the cave.

It took them some time, and they had to burn quite a few torches, but finally they found a way out. Amid (在其中) hugs and cries of relief, Lewis gave Susannah his heartfelt thanks.

【小题1】What does the underlined part “pick on”(in Para. 1) probably mean ?
A.Pick upB.Catch onC.Get rid ofD.Make fun of.
【小题2】Why did Lewis watch with surprise when Susannah made the torch?
A.He never thought Susannah disliked him
B.He never thought Susannah could see the light
C.He never thought Susannah was so calm and clever
D.He never thought Susannah could keep him company
【小题3】What can we know from the passage?
A.Susannah slipped and fell down the hole.
B.Susannah was pulled down the hole by Lewis.
C.They stayed in the cave for three days and two nights.
D.They were saved by their classmates and teachers.
【小题4】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Susannah can’t forgive Lewis for his misbehaviour.
B.Most students like to play jokes about Susannah wearing glasses.
C.Lewis is a shy boy and didn’t get along well with others.
D.Lewis would never play tricks on others disabilities again.

“A house without books is like a room without windows,” wrote Horace Mann, the 18th-century writer. I agree wholeheartedly with Mann. 【小题1】

Recently, my husband and I did a painting project in a room we use as an office, which has a beautiful wall full of built-in bookshelves. As we started to pull my valuable books down off the shelves, I felt like I was pulling plants out of the garden. 【小题2】 But then I recognized what the project would offer — the opportunity to rethink our book collection.

The physical act of removing every book from its spot on the shelf showed a few unexpected insights (见解). 【小题3】 At the same time, there were a number of inviting surprises on the shelves — books I had forgotten were waiting for me to open them. So the painting job led to a parallel (并行的) project of organizing the bookshelves.

I took the opportunity and started by grouping the books. Then I thought about the layout of the books on the shelves. 【小题4】 I arranged (布置) a vase here, a figurine (小雕像), there, and a piece of my son’s school art there, each in its place as a symbol of aspects of my life I love as much as I treasure my books.

【小题5】 But it can also be an enjoyable experience if you spend the next rainy afternoon inside in search of something new. You can try pulling your books off the shelf, pay a visit to each one and think in a fresh way about how and where they might live their best lives.

A.A strong wave of anxiety suddenly hit me.
B.I regularly share books with my neighbors.
C.Cleaning a bookshelf might sound like a chore.
D.Choosing a good book to read seems like a difficult task.
E.Surprisingly, I realized my bookshelves had space for more than just books.
F.I take pride in the realization that I have books in every room of my house.
G.For one thing, there were many books that no longer inspired or comforted me.

We might choose a career based on the opportunities for travel, but when we reach the future and know more and better years later, we will look back and regret all our time spent far away from home. As almost every choice has a certain bad aspect or another, both a choice and its opposite can each have disadvantages that can make us seem obviously regrettable. Regret is unavoidable for almost all of us, but we should not ignore it. For regret has something to teach us, the avoidance of regret may be a good goal itself—even if it is a goal that we can never reach.

To understand why, it is helpful to look at psychological(心理学的) studies of the conditions under which we actually feel regret. Among them, two of the results are especially noticeable.

The first is the difference between action and inaction. In the short run, we tend to regret the things we do. This is the uncomfortable feeling we get immediately after realising we have chosen to leave from a wrong place or made a careless comment. But, in the long term, it is the things that we don’t do that we most regret. At the top of our most common regrets are not having the advantage of a higher education and not spending enough time with friends and family. It is our inactions, rather than our actions, that we most regret.

The second is that our regrets arise most often from the difference between our actual and future selves. Regret tends to be driven by our failures to live up to our own ambition. It is our own expectations for ourselves that are the most important sources of regret.

The advice to avoid regret is advice that we cannot fully follow. Regret is unavoidable. However, it may be a good piece of advice, for it encourages us to take action following our own goals rather than others’ expectations.

【小题1】How does the author introduce the topic of the text?
A.By telling us an interesting story.
B.By sharing a familiar life experience.
C.By using some experiment results.
D.By providing the readers with examples.
【小题2】Why does everyone tend to experience regret according to the passage?
A.Regret is a very normal emotion.
B.Everyone wishes to forget the shameful past.
C.Any choice can have its own disadvantages.
D.Everyone tries to learn to manage regret.
【小题3】What is the attitude of the author towards regret?
【小题4】Which of the following is most likely to cause regret?
A.Allen told his secret to his best friend Jackson.
B.King quarrelled with his younger brother again.
C.Tom’s parents expected him to live in Zhengzhou.
D.Will failed his own dream of studying in Shanghai.
