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When we recall a memory, we bring back specific details about it. But we often also experience a vivid feeling of remembering the event. Memory researchers call these processes objective and subjective memory. A new study shows they can function independently and involve different parts of the brain.

“The study distinguishes between how well we remember and how well we think we remember, and shows that decision making depends primarily on the subjective evaluation of memory evidence,” says psychologist Denis Guetta.

The researchers tested objective and subjective memory. After showing volunteers a series of images of common objects, the researchers showed them pairs of images and asked them to determine which of the two they had seen before. They were asked to rate the memory as “recollected” (vivid and detailed), or “familiar” (lacking detail). Some tests showed similar image pairs, others unrelated pairs. This setup measured objective memory based on recognition and subjective memory based on vividness.

The researchers also used fMRI (功能性磁共振成像) to measure brain activity during this task. The results showed higher levels of objective memory with pairs of similar images, but participants claimed vivid memories more with dissimilar pairs. They were more likely to base their decision about whether to keep or clear an image on memory feeling rather than accuracy. For example, a person could have a vivid memory of going to an event with friends. Some of the actual details of that memory might be a bit off, but they may feel it is a vivid memory, so they might decide to go out with the same people again.

The fMRI data showed that objective and subjective memory engaged varied regions of the brain. The regions involved in subjective experiences were also involved in decision making, supporting the connection between the two processes.

“By understanding how our brains give rise to vivid subjective memories and memory decisions, we are moving a step closer to understanding how we learn to evaluate memory evidence to make effective decisions in the future,” says researcher Analiz William.

【小题1】How does the author introduce the topic of the text?
A.By analyzing problems.B.By giving examples.
C.By interpreting findings.D.By defining concepts.
【小题2】What were the volunteers asked to do during the study?
A.To draw the images they had previously seen.
B.To compare details of objects they had been shown.
C.To categorize their memory as recollected or familiar.
D.To recall specific emotions related to the images shown.
【小题3】What does the research find out about decision making?
A.Both types of memory have great influence on it.
B.Our vivid memory helps us make wise decisions.
C.It mainly relies on subjective memory evaluation.
D.It’s decided by the accuracy of objective memory.
【小题4】What is Analiz William’s attitude towards the study?
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Have you ever noticed there is some difference between city trees and forest trees? A new study finds city trees grow faster but die younger than trees in rural forestry.

As we all know, the earth would be freezing or burning hot without carbon dioxide. However, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps energy from the sun as heat. That makes temperatures near the ground rise. Human activities, especially the widespread burning of fossil fuels, have been sending extra greenhouse gases in to the air. This has led to a rise in average temperatures across the globe.

Studies had shown forests readily absorb carbon dioxide, but there hadn’t been much data on whether city trees grow, die and absorb carbon dioxide at the same rate as forest trees do. So some researchers decided to find out.

To figure out how quicky trees were growing, researchers tracked their diameters (the width of their trunks) between 2005 and 2014. A tree’s diameter increases as it grows, just as a person’s waist size increases as they gain weight. The research has shown about half the weight of a tree is carbon, while most of the rest is water. Over the nine years’ tracking, the researchers found city trees absorbed four times as much carbon dioxide from the air as forest trees. However, they were twice as likely to die. So over the lifetime of each type of tree, forest trees actually absorbed more carbon dioxide.

City trees grew faster because they have less competition for light from their neighbors. In a forest, trees tend to grow close together, shading their neighbors. Street trees also benefit from higher levels of nitrogen (氮) in rainwater. Nitrogen helps plants grow. Waste gases from gas-burning cars also contain nitrogen, thus enriching city air with nitrogen. Later, rainwater may wash much of it to the ground. Some street trees may also have better access to water than trees in the country because the underground water pipes can leak.

【小题1】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The greenhouse gas does harm to the earth.
B.Carbon dioxide plays apart in keeping the earth’s temperature.
C.Carbon dioxide can heat the earth.
D.Only human act iii es make the temperature rise.
【小题2】What information can a tree diameter tell?
A.How a tree is transplanted.B.How long a tree is.
C.How old a tree is.D.How much water a tree contains.
【小题3】How do city trees differ from forest trees of the same type over the lifetime in the research?
A.They could live twice longer than forest trees.
B.They took in less carbon dioxide than forest trees.
C.They could absorb more carbon dioxide than forest trees.
D.They weighed heavier than forest trees.
【小题4】What advantage do city trees have?
A.They have no competition.B.They grow closer together.
C.They get more nutrition like nitrogen.D.They have better access to rainwater.

Population data for European mountain birds have been for the first time combined in a recent study, with worrying results: the abundance of mountain-specialist birds has declined by as much as 10% in the 2000s.

Ecological communities in mountain areas include species not found in any other habitats. These species are also very susceptible to climate change, as global warming is reducing their liveable habitats. In principle, species may relocate further up the mountains, but closer to the top their habitat inevitably shrinks.

According to the new article,the abundance of European mountain birds has in fact declined in line with climate change projections.

The recently released study examined the population trends of 44 bird species in the 2000s in the mountain and fell regions of Fennoscandia, Great Britain, the Alps and the Iberian Peninsula. A decline was seen in 14 of the observed species, while eight of them saw significant increase.

“On average, population decline among the species studied was 7% over the 13-year research period, making the situation of mountain birds distinctly worse compared to, for example, European forest birds, whose numbers did not change during the same period,” explains Aleksi Lehikoinen, an Academy of Finland research fellow at the Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus (part of the University of Helsinki), who headed the study.

The situation is direst for species that only inhabit mountain regions and are unable to live in other European environments. For these species, known as mountain specialists, the numbers dwindled by as much as 10% during the monitoring period.

【小题1】Which one is TRUE according to a recently released study?
A.All 44 bird species decreased.
B.Only 8 of the species declined.
C.14 of the observed species declined.
D.There was no change in the number of the bird species.
【小题2】Why did the liveable habitats of the species reduce?
A.Air pollutions.B.Global warming.
C.Human activities.D.Competition with other species.
【小题3】What can we get from the passage about European mountain birds?
A.They are newly found species.
B.They can be found at any place of the world.
C.The number of the birds has decreased greatly.
D.The number of the birds has increased greatly.
【小题4】What does the word “direst” mean in the last paragraph?

The ability to use tools is rare in the animal world. Recently, cockatoos(凤头鹦鹉) have been proven capable of more than just using tools.

According to a paper published in Current Biology in February, 2023, scientists designed various tasks for a group of cockatoos. The first task was getting a nut out of a puzzle box, requiring two tools: first a short, sharp tool used to cut the membrane(薄膜), then a long stick to get the nut out of a hole. Five out of 10 cockatoos were able to reach the nut. In the following tasks, the cockatoos were observed picking up tools before doing the task, showing their ability to plan ahead. Researchers also noticed that each cockatoo had a different way of carrying and using the tools.

Using a set of tools means that the animal can “solve problems through flexibly applying some insight of a given situation,” Mark Briffa at the University of Plymouth, UK, told CNN.

The great intelligence of cockatoos makes them popular pets—they can mimic(模仿) sounds and dance to music. However, these smart birds may suffer from mental health issues as well. Common signs of stress and anxiety include biting and feather picking, according to the PetMD website. Biting is often regarded as a form of attack, but sometimes cockatoos bite others due to stress and fear. Feather picking can be a more serious sign that the cockatoo is unhappy. In extreme conditions, a cockatoo may pluck(拔) out all of its feathers.

Some other pets show similar troubling behaviors too. For example, according to Discover magazine, pet dogs may chew their nails or lick their bodies so much that they form ulcers(溃疡). Pets desire attention, joy and excitement. As scientists learn more about animal intelligence, we should keep in mind that they may suffer from psychological illnesses just like we do.

【小题1】What was the first task designed to test the cockatoos’ ability to use tools?
A.Picking up a nut using a long stick.
B.Breaking open a nut with a sharp tool.
C.Cutting a hole in a puzzle box and reaching a nut inside.
D.Carrying a set of tools to a specific location.
【小题2】What did scientists discover about the cockatoos from their studies?
A.Most of them managed to reach the nut.B.They used the tools in different ways.
C.They were unable to plan ahead.D.They couldn’t use a set of tools.
【小题3】What is a sign of stress and anxiety in cockatoos, according to the article?
A.Developing ulcers.B.Mimicking sounds.
C.Quickly flapping their wings.D.Plucking and picking at their feathers.
【小题4】Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Cockatoos’ intelligence comes at a priceB.Cockatoos keep their tools safe
C.Cockatoos are much smarter than we thinkD.What makes cockatoos a popular pet?
