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Are aliens trying to contact the Earth? Six new mysterious blasts of radio energy are detected from deep space. While the source of the waves remains unknown, some suggest the mysterious bursts of energy could be a sign of alien life trying to contact us. The waves were detected by researchers from McGill University in Montreal.

The detection follows 11 previously recorded fast radio bursts (FRBs) from the same location, called FRB121102. This is the only known repeater of FRBs. Although there have been a number of FRBs from the site, the origin of the radio bursts remains a puzzle to researchers.

But the researchers say that the repeated FRBs imply that whatever is causing the FRBs is not a one-time event, such as an explosion or a collision. Instead, they say that flares (耀斑) from a young neutron star (中子星) are a promising candidate.

Previously when waves have been detected, astronomers have also asked Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) to take a closer look at whether they could be a message from aliens. But it is unclear whether the researchers will ask SETI to help this time.

If there were any intelligent alien life forms out there, in Stephen Hawking’s opinion, we were playing a dangerous game by trying to contact them. If alien s discovered the Earth, they would likely want to conquer and colonize our planet.

But the co-founder and former director of the SETI Institute, Jill Tarter, doesn’t think this will be the case. She argues any alien s who have managed to travel across the universe may be friendly and peaceful. “The idea of a civilization which has managed to survive far longer than we have... and the fact that the technology remains an aggressive one, to me, doesn’t make sense,” she said.

【小题1】What is the purpose of the question in paragraph 1?
A.To draw readers’ attention.
B.To indicate commonality in astronomy.
C.To emphasize the mystery of the source.
D.To highlight the discovery’s significance.
【小题2】What is the most likely cause of the FRBs according to the text?
A.Messages from aliens.
B.The explosion of a star.
C.Flares from a neutron star.
D.A collision between two stars.
【小题3】Which might agree with Stephen Hawking’s view?
A.We should try to find the aliens.
B.The aliens may conquer the Earth.
C.We can play games with the aliens.
D.The aliens may live with us one day.
【小题4】What is Jill Tarter’s attitude to contact with the aliens?
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As is a very common phenomenon, students are listening to music while studying or doing homework. In libraries, many choose to isolate themselves from the outside wearing headphones, and the same is true of some offices. Whether or not there is isolation, however, what these people have in common is that they see music as a tool that can improve concentration and productivity in general.

But is it true? Does music really help us focus better on what we’re doing, whether it’s memorizing text, studying complex topics, or writing projects?

Scientific studies have been carried out on this subject for many decades among other things, because if music can be used to improve the performance of students or workers, this information can be very useful for organizations able to finance this type of study.

For example, the results of a study were published in 1972 and it was designed to try to better understand the relationship between listening to melodies and changes in productivity. Through a series of observations, there was an increase in the performance of workers when listening to music from loudspeakers.

However, this study was the daughter of its time, and was only used to study a very specific and representative working context of the time: that of factories. Workforce tasks were repetitive, predictable and boring, and the music acted as a stimulant of mental activity. As the work was more rewarding and enjoyable, the productivity results were also better.

Other research that took place later served to reinforce (加强) the idea that music improves the performance of routine tasks. This was good news, but what about the most complex and creative jobs — those which cannot be carried out by machines? What about studying complex academic programs, which cannot be memorized literally but need to be understood and mentally worked on?

【小题1】How does the author find the idea that music can improve concentration?
【小题2】What was the finding of the study in 1972 about listening to music?
A.It didn’t make any difference.B.It improved workers’ efficiency.
C.It held back the creative workers.D.It made workforce tasks more boring.
【小题3】What was the shortcoming of the study in 1972?
A.The lack of researchers.B.The short time of research.
C.The limitation of times.D.The small number of participants.
【小题4】What would be talked about in next paragraphs?
A.How listening to music affects creative jobs.
B.Whether listening to music helps routine tasks.
C.Why people like listening to music when working.
D.What kind of music helps people improve their performance.

Deliberately making a road icy sounds like a method for disaster, but in 16th-century China it helped things run smoothly. Repairs to the Forbidden City in Beijing in 1557 called for huge stones from a quarry(采石场) more than 70 km away. The biggest was the 300-ton “Large Stone Carving.” Such stones were too heavy for any cart, and too fragile for rollers. The builders adopted a wise alternative approach to carry the heavy stone.

They dug a series of wells, spaced a few hundred metres apart, along the route to the quarry. Then, in the depth of winter, when temperatures reached around -4, buckets of water were poured on to the dirt track, transforming it into an ice road.

The stone blocks were pushed along the road on wooden sledges (雪橇). Modern engineers have calculated that it would take 1,500 workers to drag a sledge on the dirt road, but only 300 on ice. Ancient tests suggested the ice was made slippery with more water; this reduced the friction further and just 50 men could pull a sledge. This technique only works when the temperature is also close to zero, otherwise the film of water freezes too quickly.

The researchers at Princeton University estimated that the blocks could be moved at six metres a minute, and the journey could be completed in 28 days. This would be well before the spring when the ice would melt.

It was once suggested that similar ice-sledges transported Stonehenge stones, but the ground that had a lot of holes and comparatively mild conditions probably rule this out.

【小题1】Why did people dig some wells along the road to the quarry?
A.They wanted to build frozen roads.
B.They wanted to break up large stones.
C.They wanted to make the dirty track clean.
D.They wanted to get a lot of holes on the road.
【小题2】What did people do to reduce the friction?
A.They made stone blocks much smaller.
B.They poured more water on the ice road.
C.They waited until the temperature was very low.
D.They asked more than 1,500 workers to clean the dirty road.
【小题3】How did the researchers at Princeton University think of Stonehenge stones?
A.They were not likely to be carried on the icy road.
B.They had a longer history than stones in Beijing.
C.They were carried for over twenty-eight days.
D.They were broken up in the depth of winter.
【小题4】What does the author intend to tell us in the text?
A.Making a road slippery on purpose may be bad idea.
B.The mild weather helped to carry Stonehenge stones.
C.Stonehenge stones were too heavy to carry.
D.Ancient Chinese transported huge stones wisely.

Counting stars is pretty difficult in areas with lots of light, like major cities. A study says even in the clearest skies, you’re still seeing turbulence (涡流) in the atmosphere that makes stars twinkle. Want a truly perfect view of outer space? An international research team has found the spot, but you’ll need to wrap up warm. It’s in Antarctica!

According to the University of New South Wales, turbulence causes light coming from stars to bend as it reaches the Earth’s surface. That instability( 不稳定) in the air makes stars twinkle.

The location in Antarctica, however, has so little turbulence that it hardly interferes (干扰) with the light from stars, making the view extraordinarily clear. The Chinese-led research team built a system of telescopes on the top of a plateau(高原), named Dome A, which sits 4,000 feet above sea level.

“Dome A is the highest point in the central plateau of Antarctica, and the atmosphere is extremely stable here, much more so than anywhere else on Earth,” says UNSW Professor Michael Ashley. “The result is that the twinkling of the stars is greatly reduced, and the star images are much sharper and brighter. In fact, this special place even has advantages over the famous Hubble Space Telescope.”

“Satellites are a lot more expensive,” the astronomer explains. “But another advantage of making Earth-based observations is that you can always add the latest technology to your telescope on the ground. In space, everything is delayed (延迟). So you end up with technology in space lagging that on the ground by 10 years or more.”

One of the biggest advantages Dome A’s location has is that winter nights in Antarctica are very long. In fact, scientists will be able to track stars continuously since some nights in midwinter last for almost 24 hours.

【小题1】Why is the view of stars extraordinarily clear in Antarctica?
A.Because stars appear bigger there.
B.Because turbulence hardly exists there.
C.Because there is little air pollution there.
D.Because more light coming from stars arrives there.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “lagging” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
A.Based on.B.Linked to.
C.Competing with.D.Falling behind.
【小题3】What makes Dome A specially great for astronomical observations?
A.It sits 4,000 feet above sea level.
B.It has very long winter nights there.
C.The famous Hubble Space Telescope is there.
D.Telescopes there are equipped with the latest technology.
【小题4】In which section of the website are you likely to read the text?
