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One summer vacation, I allowed my husband and our three sons to take me to go horse-riding. I’d never been on a horse in my life. Horses scare me. “It will be fun,” my kids said. “What if I fall off?” I wanted to add more, but I kept my mouth shut. I was trying to be a good sport.

When we arrived, the coach gave me his gentlest horse. “Nothing to worry about. And kick your feet on the horse’s side to make him go,” he said. I hoped the horse had heard that, too. The horse may look gentle, but he was very big and tall. How on earth was I going to get on this horse using only one little stirrup (马镫) on the side? Well, it took my husband and three sons to do it, but they got me on that horse!

Since the coach knew I had the gentlest horse, he placed me at the very end of the road. I was happy. If I looked silly sitting on this horse, everyone else would be in front of me and couldn’t watch me. We started out just fine. As we got into the woods, my horse was still very gentle. By the time all the other horses were out of the woods, my horse and I were still in the woods! I saw our youngest son waving to me in the distance. This seemed to be the longest ride with this boring horse and me.

Slowly, we got out of the woods and were in a bean field. Suddenly, my horse stopped. Then I remembered one important thing the coach had told me. He said, “Don’t let the horse stop to eat the beans, because then the horse won’t want to go back to the barn (畜棚).” I looked down, and the horse was eating the beans.


I tried to stop him, but he kept on eating.


Finally, the coach must have realized I was in trouble.

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I sat in my parents’ car. Mom had insisted I go with her to pick up Dad from work. Across from Dad’s office is a bike store. That was the day my eleven-year-old eyes first saw the purple BMX Mongoose bike. From that day on, all I could think about was that bike. I even drew pictures of the bike in class. Every evening afterward, at five thirty, I eagerly went along with Mom to get Dad.

And every day I told my parents, “I want that bike!” But they disagreed and replied that I had already had a perfectly good bike at home. I’d argue it was old and ugly, thinking that my happiness depended on that purple bike. Days later, I found the store had sold that bike. I knew I’d never be happy again.

A week later, returning home from school, I tripped over something. Lying in the weeds near a river and some wooded lots, was a bike — the exact bike from the store. “Hey, whose bike is this?” I shouted, scanning the area. No one replied, and there was no one in sight. Maybe its owner didn’t want it any longer. I couldn’t leave it lying in the weeds. So I took it home and hid it behind the garage. Every day after school, I sat there, admiring it. But I didn’t feel like riding and didn’t feel as happy as I had thought. Thinking about the bike made my stomach tighten and uncomfortable.

A few days later, during lunch at school, my friend said, “Did you hear about Tyler, in the other fifth-grade class? He lost his new purple BMX Mongoose bike he had just gotten for his birthday. He left it by a river while playing in the woods. It got dark, and he couldn’t find it.”

“I’d never go off and leave a new bike like that. He doesn’t deserve to have that bike,” I replied. My friend added, “Kids say he’s nice. And they say Tyler is upset because his dad worked overtime to buy the bike for him.” For the rest of the day, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tyler.


After school, I returned home and dragged to my room.


“I know Tyler’s house,” Mom said. “I’ll drive you there.”


I'm Marcus, and I love to play video games. So much that my mom thinks I'm hooked on them. She might be right. I do spend a lot of time playing them. “Marcus, will you feed Patches, please?” That's my mom, and Patches is my dog. I'm right in the middle of this awesome game where I have to find my way through an Egyptian pyramid, and then I'll feed Patches.

“Just list a minute, Mom.”

“All right, but don't forget I need to get the casserole out of the oven for lunch,” Mom says.

This game is really difficult. I'll try getting to the amulet from the sphinx one more time. Then Fil feed my favorite pet. Forty-five minutes and several tries later, I hear Mom again.

“Marcus, time to eat.”

I go to the table, and Mom asks if I feed Patches. I'm in big trouble. I got so into my game that I forgot about my dog. I bet Patches is starving by now. I know I am.

“Mom, I forgot, I'll feed her now.”

I go to the back yard to bring Patches in, but I can't find her. She’s not lying under her favorite shade tree. She's not watching our neighbors walk by through the gate.

Wait, the gate's open. Oh no! Patches is gone, lost, and nowhere to be found. I must have left the gate unlatched when I took her out this morning. I'm in even bigger trouble now.

“Mom, Patches isn't in the yard. I think I might have left the gate open this morning. I think she escaped.” “She's not there? Marcus, this is bad news.” Mom says, “very bad news.” I know she's right, but I'm torn between being excited about beating the sphinx and sad about Patches being gone. I hear Mom making telephone calls trying to locate Patches. From what I can hear, it sounds like no one has seen her, and I'm worried. I know what I'll do—I'll make signs so people can contact us if they see Patches. Then I'll go look for her.


Mom helps me make signs even though she's still disappointed in me.


I'm happy Patches is safe.


It was spring, and Steve wanted to get a new set (套装) of football, sports shoes, and a really cool backpack. There was only one problem. That great set was too expensive. Steve only saved $10, and that was not even close to what he would need to buy the set.“I could ask mom and dad to give my pocket money in advance,” he thought to himself, “but that would be a big advance!”

That night, Steve told his parents the problem. “Have you ever thought about doing something for the neighborhood to earn some extra money?” asked his dad. “No, it would take me too long to earn the money,” answered Steve, “I need the new set for the school football match in two weeks.”

“Well, if you earn part of the money, I’ll advance you the rest. Is that OK?” suggested his dad. Steve agreed with the offer, went back to his bedroom and thought about what he could do to earn some money.“Billy from next door takes care of Mrs. Smith’s garden, Kelly walks Mr. Frank’s dog, and Tony washes Mr. Lipton’s car. There is nothing that I can do to ear some money,” thought Steve.

The next day after school, Steve went past the store, Sports Time. He loved to look in the window at all the football equipment and other goods on the shelves. Steve went in and looked at the new football set he wanted.

“Hi, Steve,” said Mrs. Thomas,“what can I do for you today?”

“I want to see if there is a sale on that football set.”

“I am afraid not,” said Mrs. Thomas, “it is sill S60.”

“I only have $10 saved, and my dad said if I could do something for the neighborhood, he would advance me the rest,” said Steve, and he told her about the school football match.

Paragraph 1:

Seeing that Steve was eager for the set, Mrs. Thomas came up with an idea.

Paragraph 2:

With her permission, Steve nushed to the new football set excitedly.

