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I started the topic “question of the day” in my family text group. We’d talk about everything from movies to politics. But my loved ones warned me that some of my answers were judgmental (武断的)and that I was too quick to attack an opinion. I all but killed that group text. It had a good 12 people in it. We’d shared laughs, encouragement, and funny memes (表情包). It took only one conversation-which I was in the middle of-to end it.

I realized that I had a problem. The reason for my problem is the smartphone. Smartphones enable instant communication. When in the past people talked on the telephone, you could cut in a “What do you mean by that?” to correct a misunderstanding before it got out of hand. But don’t-misunderstand me: I love a good group text. It makes me feel connected to people in a way that I just can’t seem to anymore, now that I have a wife and kids.

I’m learning, but I made mistakes again recently. I joined a new text group. I introduced my topic “question of the day” again. I thought foolishly that I was encouraging a healthy debate on current eyes. No. Others in the group saw it as me trying to prove that my way was the right way. Then I made the mistake of sharing a friend’s personal information, which he had told me during a phone conversation. I thought everyone knew it. Then this friend started referring to me as a snitch — not a kind word. So I asked him about it in person. That’s when he told me I’d shared sensitive information he hadn’t told anyone else. I apologized plentifully and came away from the conversation and more determined to slow down my texts.

My new determination seems to be working. Now I have avoided making a few points that I had meant to make in individual and group texts. In some cases, I didn’t even respond, but I haven’t lost any more connections by doing this.

【小题1】How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By commenting on politics.B.By replying to some text messages.
C.By describing his personal experience.D.By starting a funny conversation.
【小题2】What problem does the author have using smartphones?
A.Refusing to listen to others;B.Sending quick and sharp answers.
C.Failing to express himself timely.D.Focusing on his own matters.
【小题3】Why was the author attacked by his friend in the text group?
A.He gave away his friend’s privacy.
B.He always made mistakes on current events.
C.He made a fool of himself in chatting.
D.He always shared his own personal information.
【小题4】What does the author learn from his experience?
A.Hurry makes wonder.B.Understanding each other is a must.
C.Sometimes fast is just too fast.D.Trust is the bridge of communication.
知识点:记叙文个人经历 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

At 18 years old I was playing with a handgun and I accidentally shot my friend. I lost my friend and in my view my life was over. At that time I was working for the FBI as a clerk. I was never involved in any sort of criminal behavior but I wasn’t motivated about my life and I was a slacker (懒鬼). Consequently I was sentenced to 8–20 years. I ended up serving 10. But in prison something clicked in terms of being an active participant in my own life and taking ownership of the process. I was always talented academically but I didn’t live up to my potential. I began to read everything I could get my hands on. I went to every academic program. I attended them many times in the years that followed. When college was offered in prison through Saint Francis College of Loretto, I was one of the first students to attend. I ended up graduating with an Associate Degree with honors. Through education, I learned what I wanted my life to be. It’s funny how things work.

But when I was released from prison, I went further. I applied to NYU and was accepted. I graduated from NYU with BS with top honors. I didn’t stop there though. I went on and earned my MSW with distinction from NYU as well. I’m now a practicing social worker in NYC and every day I give back to society in positive ways. Many of my friends would no doubt be shocked to learn of my imprisonment and I often wonder would they understand. In many ways much of my life is a secret and it’s a burden that I have to bear. But it’s mine to bear and I take full responsibility. I use it to help others realize their dreams and goals and honor my friend’s memory.

I know there’re many others like me who made mistakes in their lives that set them way off course from their expectations and hopes for themselves. You can make the life you dream of. It’s never too late to make a new start and reclaim your life. Someone once told me that no matter what happens morning will come and you’ll see the sunshine. I’m bathing in the sunlight. Never give up.

【小题1】Why was the author sentenced?
A.He played with a handgun at home.
B.He murdered his friend with a handgun.
C.He killed his friend by accident with a handgun.
D.He hated his friend and shot him with a handgun.
【小题2】From the passage, we can learn that the author ________.
A.was a clerk working for the WTOB.graduated from NYU while in prison
C.gained a degree while in prisonD.graduated from college after released
【小题3】When in prison, the author ________.
A.was not motivated about his lifeB.gained double degrees
C.got his MSW with distinctionD.knew what his life goal was
【小题4】What is the purpose of writing this passage?
A.to tell his unusual experience.
B.to encourage people to be determined to succeed.
C.to tell people not to be afraid of mistakes.
D.to encourage people to face difficulties bravely.

I will never forget the first dessert class at a cooking school in France, where a group of anxious dessert students (myself included) were tasked with preparing an apple pie. It looked simple enough, but I soon realized that it was as far from simple as it could be. However, my knife and I mastered this French classic, as well as dozens of others.

After graduating, I found a job at a modern American restaurant in Florida. Despite the restaurant’s tiny kitchen, I was excited to work under Sylvia, the executive chef (主厨). The first job she gave me was to make apple pies. I couldn’t have been more excited — until I realized these pies were actually in the form of a dumpling. But my education had made me stick to French tradition. It took me a minute to get comfortable with this way of cooking again. Slowly, I was forgetting my French tradition, and beginning to go with the flow more. The response from diners was good. Our desserts were sold out on most days.

Then one day, chef Sylvia gave me the chance to make a new dessert and planned to add it to the menu for a week. Surprised and touched by the chance, I decided to go all out. I created a seasonal citrus mousse (柑橘慕斯) made with Florida oranges and pistachio croquant (a crisp, delicate cookie). But after a week, the apple pie dumplings continued to far outsell my special dessert. A sense of frustration went inside of me.

It finally made me aware that there isn’t one “right” way to understand a cuisine, or set of ingredients (配料). Where one chef can look at apples, butter, and flour and see a French apple pie, another might see baked apple dumplings. Even though each person’s translation may be different, I think they all deserve a spot on the table. And that was the most important lesson I discovered, through something as seemingly simple as fruit and dough (生面团).

【小题1】What makes the author feel surprised according to paragraph 2?
A.The tiny kitchen.
B.The shape of apple pies.
C.The restaurant’s tradition.
D.The French way of coking.
【小题2】How was the author’s new dessert?
A.It wasn’t popular as expected.
B.It was thought highly of by Sylvia.
C.It was removed from the menu.
D.It built up the author‘s confidence.
【小题3】What did the author finally realize?
A.Foods stand for cultures.
B.Ingredients matter to cooking.
C.There is no fixed way for cooking.
D.Understanding a cuisine is necessary.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.A job affecting one’s life.
B.A new dessert on the menu.
C.A special class at a cooking school.
D.A lesson taken as a dessert chef.

I started a Facebook page in July, and it’s steadily growing! The best part isn’t the number of its “followers” but its comments — I love reading about what people do, their ideas and views and get some feedback (反馈) on what I’m doing too.

In April of this year, I was invited by a friend to join her Social Change group. We were eight women from all walks of life, but we had one thing in common — we live in a fantastic country and yet we can see homeless people on the streets asking for money. We have a generous welfare system and a social housing scheme — but it’s a problem that is getting worse. We asked ourselves: What happens to homeless women?

Therefore, we volunteered at shelters. We met with social housing providers, shelter managers and social workers, and began to think what else we could do. We researched on which programs were having success. We had guest speakers at our meetings and began to get a clear picture about what we needed to do.

As luck would have it, we have been gifted a building in the city center. It’s old and needs a lot of work to bring it up to the standard. We want to provide more than just shelter to women in need. We aim to have six self-contained apartments providing full social services for women to stay in for up to two years. Thanks to the building provider, we have got our project off the ground.

I’m an ordinary person. If I can do this, anyone can. You can change the world. Look for the opportunity and just do it.

【小题1】What can we learn about the Facebook page?
A.Its followers increase steadily.B.It helps the author get feedback.
C.It was set up to advertise their service.D.Its main content is people’s comments.
【小题2】What does the author think of her country?
A.Its people are suffering.B.Its system is getting worse.
C.It still has a long way to go.D.It is a place full of inequality.
【小题3】By volunteering at shelters, the eight women ______________.
A.acquired a few communication skills
B.discovered their ability to change the world
C.had a better understanding of social problems
D.were inspired to start a project to help the homeless women
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To share her story.B.To introduce her job.
C.To thank housing providers for their help.D.To encourage people to improve the world.
