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As the underwater robot OceanOneK carefully navigated toward the upper deck railing of the sunken Italian steamship Le Francesco Crispi about 500 m below the Mediterranean’s surface this month, roboticist Oussama Khatib felt as though he himself were there.

OceanOneK looks like a human diver from the front, with eight multi-directional thrusters (推进器) that allow careful operation underwater. The robot’s touch-based feedback system and 3D vision produced incredibly realistic sensations that equaled what he would have experienced were he down below, rather than above onboard the control ship. Observing through OceanOneK robot’s eyes and feeling through its hands, Khatib perceived a new dimension of colorful life — pink and green and orange — layered on and around the ship. He felt the resistance of the water and could recognize the shapes of the historic relic around him.

The mission of OceanOneK to these depths had two purposes: to explore places no one has gone to before and to show that human touch, vision, and interactivity can be brought to the sites far-removed from where people can operate.

While OceanOneK had many noteworthy adventures and successes during two multi-stop trips around the Mediterranean, the accomplishment of the team and the ship’s crew was demonstrating functional autonomy at nearly 1,000 m down. It was this advance that earned OceanOne’s renaming to OceanOneK.

“This is the first time that a robot has been capable of going to such a depth, interacting with the environment, and permitting the human operator to feel that environment,” said Khatib. “It has been an incredible journey.”

“Distancing humans physically from dangerous and unreachable spaces while connecting their skills and experience to the task promises to fundamentally alter remote work,” said Khatib. “Robotic avatars (化身) will search for and acquire materials, build structures, and perform disaster prevention and recovery operations — be it deep in oceans and mines, at mountain tops, or in space.”

【小题1】How does OceanOneK work?
A.By sending operators deep down the ocean.
B.By enhancing divers’ vision underwater.
C.By creating an at-the-scene experience.
D.By measuring the resistance of water.
【小题2】What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The origin of OceanOneK’s name.
B.The demonstration of the ship’s crew.
C.The noteworthy successes of the team.
D.The adventures around the Mediterranean.
【小题3】What does Khatib talk about robotic avatars in the last paragraph?
A.Their promising future.B.Their technical advances.
C.Their present applications.D.Their scientific significance.
【小题4】Which of the following might be a suitable title for the text?
A.OceanOneK: Taking on a New Dimension of Colorful Life
B.OceanOneK: Connecting Human Sensations to Deep Sea
C.Robotic Avatars: Saving Human from Disasters
D.Robotic Avatars: Altering Human Work Patterns
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“Robots are ready to replace millions of humans in various industries. But they're nowhere close to being human-like,” said Blake Hannaford, a robotics professor at the University of Washington in Seattle.

So far, robots don't really look or act like the sensitive beings described throughout science fiction. Rather, these basic machines are tasked with carrying out simple tasks that promote productivity around the workplace or factory. We are still decades away from a future where robots carry out more difficult and meaningful tasks.

But other aspects continue to have a significant influence on robotics. Robots are already performing some human functions. In everyday terms, that means your smartphone can do more with the same battery life. It also means quicker advances in artificial intelligence—things like computer vision and natural language processing that help robots “see” and learn.

Going forward, Hannaford said, robots will “free up people's brains” to perform other, more complex tasks. “There’s going to be a lot of people who fall by the wayside,” he said of the countless jobs that will be automated or disappear entirely.

More than 120 million workers worldwide (11.5 million in the U.S.) will need retraining just in the next few years due to replacement caused by artificial intelligence and robots, according to a recent IBM Institute for Business Values study. Not all of them will get that retraining, of course, but the ones who do will be more likely to gain new types of jobs brought by the robot revolution.

But some experts say the more robots surpass humans, the more humans will be expected to keep up.

“The way we have to start thinking about robots is not as a threat, but as something that we can work with in a co-operative way,” Hannaford said. “A lot of it is changing our own attitudes.”

【小题1】What can we infer from what Hannaford said?
A.Robots will help make life easier for all of us.
B.We'll see some jobs taken over entirely by robots.
C.Robots are at a stage of being human-like.
D.It is likely that we will be wiped out by robots.
【小题2】What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Robots in science fiction closely resemble us.
B.Robots can carry out complex actions automatically.
C.Humans will be replaced by robots in the near future.
D.The development of robots has a long way to go.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “surpass” in paragraph 6 probably mean?
A.Complete fewer tasks than.B.Do better than.
C.Make more mistakes than.D.Get more retraining than.
【小题4】What attitude should we have towards robots according to Hannaford?

American Sign Language (ASL) has been one of the primary means of communication for the deaf in the United States. But there are millions of people with normal hearing that do not understand the language. And while most deaf Americans learn to speak with the help of speech therapy (言语治疗), many find it easier to communicate through sign language. Now a team of researchers have created wearable technology that will make it easy for ASL and non-ASL users to converse.

The smart device has two separate sensors to translate ASL gestures into plain English. The first sensor keeps track of the significant movements-the user's hand and arm as he tries to communicate. The second sensor helps distinguish the smaller movements that follow the larger ones. It can recognize various hand and finger movements based on muscle activity. The two sensors working in turn help people get an accurate meaning of the gesture.

For example, when an ASL user is gesturing the word “please” or “sorry”, the first sensor will pick up the hand drawing circles to the chest, while the second will ascertain if the fist is open (please) or closed (sorry). Once the device that is worn on the user’s right wrist has captured the gesture, it transmits the appropriate signals to a laptop via Bluetooth. A complicated program translates them into English and displays the word on the computer screen.

Jafari, who showed the prototype (雏形) at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, says there is still some work to be done before the technology can be used in the real world. For one! It currently recognizes just 40 primary language signs, which means that it has thousands more to learn. Also, the smart device only translates one word at a time, making ordinary conversations painfully slow.

【小题1】Except for the speech therapy, what do many deaf Americans prefer to use while communicating?
A.Sign language.B.Various picture.C.Written words.D.Wearable technology.
【小题2】We can learn from Paragraph 2 that the smart device ________.
A.has two similar sensorsB.can make various movements
C.can recognize many different English wordsD.can help us understand the meaning of the gesture
【小题3】Which of the following shows the meaning of “please”?
【小题4】What do we know about the smart service according to Jafari?
A.It recognizes many English signs.B.It doesn't know special signs.
C.It has a slow speed of translating.D.It can talk with us fluently in English.

Gitanjali Rao, a 15-year-old teenager who used artificial intelligence (AI) and created apps to track lead (铅) in drinking water, cyberbullying and other social problems, has been named Time Magazine’s Kid of the Year for 2020. The magazine announced the award Thursday, praising Rao’s ability to deal with daily-life problems and her desire to inspire other kids for their own dreams.

It’s just the latest recognition for Rao. Last year, she was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 List. She won praise in 2017 after she responded to the water crisis in Flint, Miclugan, by creating a tool named Dehys, to detect lead in water and send those results to a mobile phone. She was named America’s Top Young Scientist when she was in the seventh grade.

More recently, Rao has developed an app named Kindly. which uses artificial intelligence technology to detect possible early signs of cyberbullying.

“You type in a word or phrase. and it’s able to check if it’s bullying, and it gives you the chance to correct it or send it the way it is, “Rao tells Time.” The goal is not to punish. Instead, it gives you the time to rethink what you’re saying so that you know what to do next time around.”

Rao has partnered with countryside schools, museums and other organizations to run workshops for other students.

“I don’t look like a typical scientist. Everything I see on TV is that it’s an older man as a scientist,” she told Time. “So I really want to put out that message: If I can do it, you can do it, and anyone can do it.”

For 92 years, Time has presented a “Person of the Year”, and the youngest ever was Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, who was 16 when she was on the magazine’s cover last year.

【小题1】How old was Rao when she was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 List?
【小题2】Dehys can be used to ______.
A.track lead in drinking water
B.communicate with other students
C.inspire and encourage other kids
D.detect possible cyberbullying messages
【小题3】What does Rao mean in her message to the children?
A.She isn’t satisfied with her achievements.
B.She thinks in is easy to become a scientist
C.She doesn’t think she is a typical scientist.
D.She wants other children to do the same.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Gitanjali Rao: the Youngest Social Activist
B.Gitanjali Rao: a Very Talented Al Scientist
C.Time Names Gitanjali Rao Kid of the Year
D.Time Presents Gitanjali Rao in a Cover Story
