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What distinguishes an outstanding city? The Global Cities Index assesses cities based on diverse criteria, including:

·Business – The presence of multinational corporations. How many global companies are in the city? Does the city do a lot of international business?

·People – The city’s ability to attract talents globally. Does the city attract talented people from around the world? What’s proportion of residents with higher education?

·Media – The accessibility of varied information channels. How many residents have Internet access?

·Entertainment – The availability of leisure and cultural activities. Does the city have many entertainment options: museums, sports, music, and different types of restaurants?

Future Leaders       

Most cities on the Global Cities Index are strong in certain areas. Beijing’s strength, for example, is business, while Los Angeles’s strength is people. Which cities will become more powerful in the future?

·Asia: Beijing and Shanghai are both business centers and will continue to grow. In a few years, they will potentially match New York’s influence. Indian cities such as Mumbai and New Delhi have a lot of business potential, too.

·South America: urban centers like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in Brazil will gain influence. In these cities, the middle class is growing, and life for many people is improving.

·The Middle East: Istanbul in Turkey, Cairo in Egypt, and the cities of the United Arab Emirates such as Dubai will hold more power in international politics and business, especially in helping East and West work together.

In 10 years, the top cities on the index may be different, but one thing is certain: With over 50 percent of the world’s people now living in urban areas, tomorrow’s global cities will be more powerful than ever.

【小题1】Which aspect is considered in the Global Cities Index?
【小题2】Which parts of the world are predicted to grow in the area of business?
A.Asia and Europe.B.Asia and South America.
C.Asia and the Middle East.D.South America and the Middle East.
【小题3】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Similarities between top cities.B.The ways to become global cities.
C.Daily life in fastest-growing cities.D.Forecast on future influential cities.
知识点:畅想未来应用文城市 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

What kind of house will you buy in the future? Would you like to live in a house where your plants can call your phone to tell you that they need to be watered? Or a house that helps you cut your energy bill by turning off the lights when you leave a room? It may sound like science fiction, but it already exists! Come and visit the Smart Home at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois. It will show how you can live a green lifestyle by making use of advanced technology throughout the home that makes your life easier and simpler.

The Smart Home uses green technology to record the energy it uses, including electricity, water and gas. The house’s energy dashboard (仪表盘) lets you know your energy use through your television and computer. The house greets you with the new information when you walk in the door. It is able to record when you enter and leave rooms, and can switch the lights, television and music off                    .

The Smart Home is made entirely of recyclable and renewable materials. The furniture is made from used light bulbs, plastic bottles and other renewable materials, but you can’t tell from just looking at them. The kitchen countertops (工作台面) are made of recycled glass.

The entire house is designed to control the use of energy. The roof of the Smart Home has a sustainable vegetable garden, which does little harm to nature. Even the personal computer is green: it uses less power than a 60-watt light bulb. The house can raise and lower the window shades by itself.

【小题1】What is the text mainly about? (no more than 8 words)
【小题2】Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
【小题3】What is the Smart Home made of? (no more than 10 words)
【小题4】What does the unlined word “sustainable” mean in the last paragraph? (no more than 3 words)
【小题5】What do you think of the Smart Home? Explain your reason. (no more than 25 words.)

The world’s first zero-carbon city is being built in Abu Dhabi and is designed to be not only free of cars and high buildings but also powered by the sun.

The oil-rich United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the last place you would expect to learn lessons on low-carbon living, but the eco-city of Masdar could teach the world. While the presence of fossil fuel (矿物燃料) has helped make UAE one of the world’s wealthiest countries, the officials there are well aware that the oil wells will eventually run dry, leaving them with no choice, but to use renewable sources of energy.

Masdar is combining 21st-century engineering with traditional desert architecture to create zero-carbon comfort. It will house about 50,000 people, at least 1,000 businesses and a university. It is being designed by the British architectural firm Foster + Partners. The architects are turning the desert’s greatest threat-the sun-into their greatest fortune. They have built the biggest solar farm in the Middle East to power the city.

Traditional cars must be checked in at the city gates before you enter the city. And you can choose between the oldest and newest ways of transport. At street level, the streets will be narrow, just to let people walk by and so the buildings will shade each other, and the planners have done their best to keep the city foot-friendly. But if you feel tired, you can go down a level to take mini vehicles. These driverless vehicles can carry up to 6 people and will be solar powered or battery operated. They are programmed to go where you ask.

Water that is used in homes or for gardens will be recycled. All waste will be converted to energy or as nutrients for soil. The whole purpose of Masdar City is to reuse or recycle everything that is in it even some of the construction materials around gardens and city.

【小题1】Why did UAE decide to build a zero-carbon city?
A.Because the oil wells may dry up in the future.
B.Because the low-carbon living is very popular.
C.Because the price of fossil fuel is always on the rise.
D.Because the air pollution is becoming a global danger.
【小题2】What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.The strict limitations on traditional cars.
B.The benefits of foot-friendly streets.
C.The means of transportation in Masdar.
D.The convenience of taking driverless vehicles.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Homes or gardens.B.Masdar City.
C.Nutrients for soil.D.Construction materials.
【小题4】In which part of the newspaper can you probably read the text?

What makes us human?Is it our thoughts?Our emotions?Our behavior?

All of these things make us who we are,but at the center of it all lies the genome — the genes inside our bodies that determine everything from our hair color to our intelligence. But if we could change our genome,would we still be human?

Recently,a group of scientists from the US and South Korea worked together to successfully“edit”a human embryo(胚胎)and remove a genetic mutation(变异)that would have led to heart disease. This was achieved with the help of CRISPR-a gene — editing tool that allows scientists to edit the genome by cutting,changing or adding to parts of it.

Scientists involved in DNA editing are certain about the good of their work,and hope that in the future,diseases could simply be“edited out”.

However,others aren't so sure. People are worried that the science could be used not only to remove life-threatening illness,but also to make a“perfect”baby whose DNA has been chosen to improve its intelligence or other qualities. They say that this is a shallow way of thinking about raising children.

“It makes you think about who we are as people,and it makes you ask if humans should use the kind of power…that is changing human evolution(进化),”Jennifer Doudna of the University of California said.

Still,others worry that DNA editing could be turned into an expensive service that would only be available to the people who could afford it. That might mean the rich would be given another advantage in a world where they already have plenty of them.

“You could find wealthy parents buying the technology for their children, leading to even greater inequality than we already live with,”Marcy Darnovsky, director of the San Francisco Center for Genetics and Society, said.

【小题1】Why are the questions asked in Paragraph 1?
A.To attract the readers' interest.
B.To seek answers from the readers.
C.To show those things aren't important.
D.To correct our understanding of human beings.
【小题2】Which of the following will Jennifer Doudna most probably agree with?
A.Having a perfect baby is not so good for the family.
B.Life-threatening illnesses should be removed before birth.
C.DNA editing might cause unexpected problems to humans.
D.DNA editing may enlarge the gap between the rich and the poor,
【小题3】What does the underlined word“them”most probably refer to?
B.Expensive services.
C.Perfect children.
【小题4】What's the author's attitude towards DNA editing?
