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It’s been estimated that people touch their cell phones hundreds of times every day. That means plenty of opportunities for germs to move from our fingers to our phones. 【小题1】 But a recent study found more than 17,000 bacterial gene copies on the phones of high school students.

One of the worst places to use cell phones is in the bathroom. 【小题2】 Studies have found that our mobile phones are much dirtier than toilet seats. Just as an expert puts it, taking a phone into the bathroom and then leaving with it is kind of like going in, not washing your hands and then coming back out.

While many of us wash our hands regularly after going to the bathroom, we seldom consider washing our hands after touching our phones. 【小题3】 You can use alcohol-based wipes or sprays to clean your phone regularly. They need to contain at least 70% alcohol to disinfect phone casing s and touch screens. Do it every day if possible. Remember to sanitize (消毒) your phone charger occasionally when you are cleaning your phone. 【小题4】

【小题5】 Get in the habit of putting your phone away when it’s not in use, then cleaning your hands. When not at home, keep your phone in your pocket or bag. Use a disposable paper list of to-do items, rather than constantly consulting your phone.

Do not share your phone with others if you have not first sanitized it. If children are allowed to play with your phone, sanitize it as soon as possible afterward.

A.How you handle your phone will also be critical.
B.When toilets flush, they spread germs everywhere.
C.So it’s clear that you keep away from your phone.
D.The more germs they collect, the more germs you touch.
E.Wash your hands thoroughly after you’ve finished cleaning.
F.Research has varied on how many germs are on an average phone.
G.Fortunately, there are easy ways to avoid your phone collecting germs.
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To Please Your Friends, Tell Them What They Already Know

The research emerged out of some real-life observations shared by Gilbert and co-authors Gus Cooney and Timothy D.Wilson: “Conversation is the most common of all human social activities, and doing it well requires that we know what our conversation partners most want to hear.【小题1】” says psychological scientist Daniel T.Gilbert of Harvard University.

“When our friends try to tell us about movies we’ve never seen or albums we’ve never heard, we usually find ourselves bored, confused, and underwhelmed.【小题2】 .And yet, as soon as it's our turn to speak, we do exactly the same thing to our friends -- with exactly the same consequences.We wanted to understand why this happens.” Gilbert explains.The researchers decided to do this by conducting a series of experiments.

In their first experiment, the researchers assigned participants to groups of three, with one person acting as the speaker and the other two acting as listeners.Speakers watched a video and then tried to describe it to the listeners.Some of the listeners had seen the video the speaker was describing, and others had not.

【小题3】.When the speakers were done speaking, the listeners rated them on these aspects.The results showed that speakers’ predictions were exactly backwards.Speakers expected listeners to respond more positively to their stories when the listeners had not seen the video they were describing.【小题4】.Although speakers expected listeners to enjoy hearing about a novel experience more than a familiar one, it was actually the other way around.

A second study showed that when asked to predict their own reactions before hearing the story, listeners made the same mistake that speakers did.

A.The speakers, before speaking, predicted how much the listeners would enjoy hearing them talk, and how interesting and effective the listeners would consider them.
B.The reason behind this is that the speakers seem to be able to keep their audience engaged in their stories.
C.Listeners could fill in the gaps in the speaker’s story because they had already seen the video the speaker was describing.
D.Speakers think listeners will most enjoy hearing stories about experiences that the listeners have not themselves had, but our studies suggest the speakers were wrong.
E.That’s because those experiences are so complex that they are nearly impossible for an ordinary person to communicate well.
F.As a matter of fact, however, listeners responded much more positively, when they had seen the video.

Exam-taking doesn't come easy to many people. The experience is often stressful. Here are some tips on making better preparations for your math exam.

Set up a study schedule and stick to it. Begin your schedule several weeks before your math exam.【小题1】Choose a schedule that provides for regular work but does not require so much attention that you become burnt out.

Work through classroom and homework problems and practice tests. This is very useful. Practice tests will familiarize you with similar questions that will be on the exam and will get you used to writing under time pressure.【小题2】

Attend review sessions with teaching assistants and instructors. Ask questions whenever you are confused. Bring the problems you’ve been working on.【小题3】Focus on problems where you consistently arrive at the incorrect answer and can't identify the reason.

Memorize the formulas you will need for your exam. Write down the information in numbers and mathematical symbols.【小题4】Commit "Pi equals three point one four" instead of "Pi = 3. 14" to memory. Many people have more difficulty memorizing figures, and your memory may turn 3.14 into 3.41 if you do not focus on the words attached to the numbers.

Take care of yourself before the exam. Eat healthy food and take steps to reduce stress. The night before the exam, sleep a full night's rest and arrive on time for the exam.

As the test begins, be calm and breathe deeply if you feel anxious.【小题5】Make sure your work is in the appointed place, so you receive full credit for your work.

A.Speak it aloud and memorize it using words.
B.Do be careful when you copy the key formulas
C.And discuss any challenges with your instructor.
D.By doing these, you are sure to get a perfect result.
E.In this way you have time to identify where you have trouble.
F.Start with problems you can solve easily when taking the exam.
G.Working through problems will increase your skill at solving them.

Discouragement generally occurs when what we think should happen doesn’t come true. 【小题1】 However, if properly dealt with, it's part of what makes the human experience rich and helps us become more strong-willed. So the next time we start to feel discouraged, we should:

【小题2】 If we do something just in order to get something back, then we are setting ourselves up for discouragement. However, when we don’t need someone else's praise for our actions, then we are truly free to just focus on our work and make it great. When we create great work, we’re happy. Even if we fail in something, we should choose to think of the failure as an education. 【小题3】 As a result, we will feel less discouraged.

Go outside and breathe. 【小题4】 So if we start to feel down, go outside, feel the fresh air, let the sun hit our face and go for a hike, a walk, a bike ride, a swim, a run, etc. We’ll feel better if we do this.

Going to find someone we can help is a great way to remove discouragement. So go to find someone who needs help, and then help them. When we serve others, and when we go out of our way to help other people in need, we feel better. 【小题5】 When we stop thinking about ourselves and, instead, direct our attention to another, we feel better.

A.Focus on our actions.
B.Consider who we are spending time with.
C.It can make us unwilling to do something.
D.If we're just focusing on ourselves, we're likely to feel bad.
E.This will help with any feelings of discouragement we may have.
F.When we view it this way, we realize failure isn't something bad.
G.Fresh air and sunshine can have an amazing effect on our feelings.
