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How to win a creative writing competition

I’ve judged a lot of competitions for young writers, and the following advice may give you the chance of winning one.

●Cut your first paragraph.

It’s amazing how many stories are improved by simply covering up the first paragraph. You may just want to warm up. 【小题1】 Well, that information is not as important as you think. It can wait.

●Keep it simple.

【小题2】 Writers in the older age groups try to show how well they can use fancy words. The younger writers are better at telling a story. Which do you think is more important? If you’re in the older age group category, you might find it a tricky question. It isn’t. 【小题3】 All those fancy words, complicated constructions... cut them.


If you want to write about Harry Potter, or a footballer or celebrity, adjust it. Change the name. Change the situation. Make your own character and try exaggerating an aspect of the personality to make your point striking.

●Write an ending.

The great film director Alexander Mackendrick said, “If you’ve got a beginning, but you don’t yet have an end, then you’re wrong.” I suggest you come up with your ending first. 【小题5】

A.It’s the story that matters.
B.Avoid characters that already exist.
C.I see a really odd trend in the stories.
D.Describe characters in your own words.
E.Plan that out, then plan how you’re going to get there.
F.Works handed in are usually divided into two categories.
G.Or you may just desire to tell me some crucial information in the first few lines.
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In Italy, summertime is a time to enjoy fantastic food with family and friends. Interestingly, these are also some of the ways in which Italians keep fit.【小题1】 The answer is simple. Do it like the Italians do!

Buy Fresh and Wholemeal Food

Tru Italian cooking is made using local and wholemeal foods. This approach is truly a key to staying slim and fit. 【小题2】 Instead, shop for the fresh and make Italian meals. It’s easier and more satisfying than you can imagine.

Enjoy Each Meal

In Italy, every meal is to be enjoyed Take the time this season to treat everything you eat as an experience, not just energy or fuel for your busy life. As a source of pleasure, you will find that eating your Italian meals slower won’t result in eating too much. 【小题3】.

Eat the Pasta(意大利面)

【小题4】 Even leftover pasta warmed with olive oil meets the demand for a delicious meal. You’ll have energy for your summer days and give your body a break from digesting (消化)at night when you aren’t burning off the calories.

Have meals with Family and Friends

As you consider your meals, think like an Italian and plan on having a sit-down, at-a-table meal with your family or friends. 【小题5】 Making a time to enjoy food with others allows you to slow down and enjoy conversation, in addition to tasty food.

A.This summer, avoid processed and fast food.
B.Fresh food provides us with the needed vitamins.
C.One way of staying slim is to eat pasta at lunchtime!
D.So how can you continue to enjoy delicious food and still stay fit?
E.Why do many people fail to get used to Italian food in daily life?
F.Maybe you can’t do it every day, but how about once a week?
G.Enjoying your meals is good for your figure and taste buds(味蕾)!

It’s important to learn how we can protect the environment.Here are 5R rules for us.

Reduce.If you want to reduce waste, you should use things more wisely.【小题1】.If everyone uses paper carelessly, soon we would not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to reduce the amount of waste we produce.

Reuse.You should always think of reusing things before throwing them away. For example, 【小题2】. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.

Recycle. Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we can save lots of time and money. For example, 【小题3】. The metal can be used to make new coke cans.

Recover. 【小题4】.You have two choices: one is to throw the apples away, the second is to throw the rotten ones and keep the good ones. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food.

Repair.If one of the legs of your table is broken, you should repair it. If you want to buy something newer and better, it is better for you to sell the old table, or 【小题5】.

Learn the rules to protect our environment. Let’s try our best to make the earth cleaner and more beautiful.

A.Trees are planted every year
B.don’t throw it away if you can use it
C.give it to people who can use it after repairing it
D.A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper
E.When you buy a box of apples,there may be a few rotten ones
F.coke cans are sent to a factory,where they are smashed flat and melted
G.give the clothes you do not use or the ones which are too small to the poor

The North Star, also known as Polaris, is often used by campers to help them find their way when lost. You may also just want to find the North Star for fun if you’re into star gazing. 【小题1】

As most constellations are in the northern sky, you’ll need to figure out which direction is north first. If you do not have a compass, you can rely on signs from nature to figure out whether or not you’re facing north. 【小题2】

Locate the North Star with your smart phone. There are many smart phone applications that work something like a telescope. You allow the phone to find your location, and then point your phone to the sky. The phone acts as interactive map, identifying stars and constellations for you. 【小题3】

Invest in a star atlas. 【小题4】 If the idea of carrying your phone around while stargazing kills the fun for you, consider buying a star atlas instead. You should also always take an atlas with you when hiking in the event your phone batter dies. A star atlas is a book that breaks down the night sky by the region and time of year. You can use the graphics and charts provided in a star atlas to locate the North Star on any given night.

【小题5】 You can use desktop applications for your computer to know how the sky will look on a given night. These devices can help you plan ahead. You’ll go outside with a rough idea of where you can expect to find the North Star.

A.Plan ahead with your computer.
B.Here are some other ways to help you.
C.Finding the Direction North with two sticks.
D.Star atlases have been around for a long time.
E.This can prevent you from locating the North Star.
F.You can rely on constellations in the night sky to find the North Star.
G.Some applications can also enhance visuals to see stars more easily.
