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Searching the OED

How to use the quick search

The quick search bar can be found on the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) homepage and at the top of every entry page, and finds main dictionary entries, such as alphabet, break, xylophone. It also finds phrases and compounds listed within main entries, such as to look up or alphabet book, and different forms of spellings such as dictionaries.

Wildcard searches

A wildcard is a symbol which stands for any character. The question mark? represents the occurrence of any one single character, and the asterisk* represents the occurrence of any number of characters (or no character at all). Wildeards are useful if you do not know how to spell a word, or if you want to find several terms beginning with the same root.

How to use the advanced search

An advanced search is a full search of the entire dictionary text which is for readers who have logged in or subscribed to the dictionary. Advanced search can be especially useful for very specific searches. You can use the search area functionality to search by each section of an entry. You can also use filters to narrow your search to match certain criteria.

Browsing by categories

Categories allow you to explore the dictionary through groupings of words in, for instance. a subject or from a particular origin. If you want to find all the Caribbean borrowings in English, or find the first word related to friend to enter the dictionary, this is the function for you.

Further explore your search by using the options that appear on the right-hand side of the results page.

【小题1】What will you use if you want to look up some terms beginning with the same root?
A.The quick search.B.The advanced search.
C.Wildcard searches.D.Browsing by categories.
【小题2】What’s the requirement of using the advanced search?
A.Matching certain criteria.B.Registering for the dictionary.
C.Searching with specific words.D.Searching with purpose.
【小题3】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To promote a search engine.B.To recommend a shopping website.
C.To tell learners how to surf the Internet.D.To explain how to use an online dictionary.
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Study Abroad Housing

For so many students, studying abroad has always been a dream. Millions of them desire every year to take that flight overseas and breathe life into the next step in their education. 【小题1】 But, to make the most of this experience you have to have a safe and happy place to call your “home away from home”. Let’s have a look at some of the most popular types of student housing.


Are you worried about feeling homesick? Well, with a homestay you can have a home overseas with a family that will provide you with the warmth of a community and the freedom of a hostel. 【小题2】 Plus, a homestay can often be the best place for language and cultural immersion (沉浸).


Student dormitories can lead to truly meaningful overseas experiences. 【小题3】 However, it’s worthwhile inquiring of your provider because dorms are a great way to make new local friends.

Private apartment

Renting a whole apartment to yourself will allow you to enjoy the liberty, privacy, and independence that you don’t necessarily have in dorms or homestays. You also get to choose the location so that it’s the most convenient for your lifestyle. 【小题4】 Apart from the rent, you’ll also have to manage the bills and stock up your own fridge.

Shared apartment

Shared apartments tend to be the most affordable type of accommodation for students. 【小题5】 You’ll live with a roommate who perhaps is another student studying abroad, a local student, or even a young professional from the area. Shared apartments are ideal for making friends and creating close connections.

A.You can enjoy the best of both worlds.
B.What you see is what you pay in this case.
C.It also happens that they can be a lot of fun!
D.However, private accommodation can cost a lot.
E.Not all universities will offer this type of housing.
F.Your experience might differ with each type of accommodation.
G.Being abroad and away from your home is a whole new experience.

Have you ever had such an experience? Go shopping and buy more than you need when you feel upset.【小题1】

According to a study by University of Michigan researchers, shopping to relieve stress was up to 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and shoppers were 3 times less sad compared to those who only went window-shopping.

More than half of the 1,000 consumers interviewed by Credit Karma said they had shopped to deal with feelings of stress or anxiety.【小题2】

In fact, shopping to reduce stress can actually help you live a healthier life by making sure that your blood pressure is lowered. Shopping to relieve stress is also jokingly called “retail therapy” (购物疗法) as a form of regulating stress.【小题3】And that feeling following those purchases was long-lasting.

However, the side effect of retail therapy, for many, can be relatively harmless at first but in the long term could possibly use up finances and cause conflicts, thus adding a significant amount of stress to a person’s life.

Preparing a list before shopping is the best way to avoid the side affect of retail therapy. Whether you’re purchasing presents or buying groceries, having the items you need written down will make you quite clear and sensible while you’re shopping.【小题4】That way you’ll be more likely to commit to it. You can buy a cup of coffee while shopping or plan a fun activity when you return home.

【小题5】 Everyone’s financial situation is different. Comparison usually leads to debt and dissatisfaction with what you already have. Appreciate what you currently have by practicing gratitude.

A.Reward yourself for sticking to your list.
B.Why do people tend to shop to reduce stress?
C.Does overspending really make you feel happier?
D.Think about what you struggle with most financially.
E.Give up the need to keep up with your neighbors and friends.
F.The study also found 82% had a positive feeling about their purchases.
G.23% of them said they had used up their credit cards in the past year.

The sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have for getting rid of any source of stress in your life. 【小题1】 We can't over-estimate the importance of the sense of humor too much. In fact, making work fun helps employees perform best and provide quality work.

【小题2】 Telling jokes and stories and using team-building games in companies make people have more fun at work. Some companies even have talent shows or hold dance or sports competitions. It just gives employees a break in the day and a chance to laugh at themselves.

【小题3】 Humor should be about laughing with rather than laughing at others. We all have probably heard jokes that seemed to bother or hurt others. For example, jokes making fun of employees for their weight, race, religion, etc. are not only harmful to the person, but also can create an unfriendly working environment.

Even if the jokes were intended to be humorous, they may not be received that way. I have even heard speakers make slight dirty jokes on the audience, thinking they would be seen as cool. In fact the audience thought the speakers had no taste. 【小题4】 In another case, I heard about a manager who was out partying with co-workers and kidding about how the boss liked certain people more than others. Such jokes actually had damaging effects on people in the company.

Humor, if proper, can brighten up the workplace and reduce some of the stress we are all experiencing. 【小题5】

A.And they lost people's respect as a result.
B.Of course, it is important to use proper humor at work.
C.Everyone agreed that their work needed to be more fun.
D.There are plenty of ways to bring humor into the workplace.
E.So take a moment to laugh and help us all to feel happier at work.
F.In addition, laughter can brighten up the feelings of everyone around.
G.The most obvious way to make your job fun is to learn to find some humor.
