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Geography plays a critical role in shaping civilizations, and this is particularly true of ancient Greece.

The Greek peninsula (半岛)has two distinctive geographic features that influenced the development of Greek society. First, Greece has easy access to water. This easy access to water meant that the Greek people might naturally become explorers and traders. Second, Greece’s mountainous geography led to the development of the city-state. The high mountain s made it very difficult for people to travel or communicate. Therefore, each city-state developed independently and, often, very differently from one another. Athens and Sparta are two good examples of city-states that contrasted greatly with each other.

The city-state of Athens was the birthplace of many significant ideas. Ancient Athenians were a thoughtful people who enjoyed the systematic study of subjects such as science, philosophy, and history, to name a few. Athenians placed a heavy emphasis on the arts, architecture, and literature. Athenians also enjoyed a democratic(民主的)form of government in which some of the people shared power.

Life in Sparta was vastly different from life in Athens. The rulers requested citizens to become hardened soldiers so that they could fight off potential enemies or slave revolts(奴隶起义). By age seven,Spartan boys were taken from their families and underwent severe military training. Boys lived away from their families until the age of 30 even after they more married. Men were expected to be ready to serve in the army until they were 60 years old. The devotion of Spartans to developing a military state left litte time for the arts or literature.

The differences between Athens and Sparta eventually led to war between the two city-states. Sparta and Athens fought on and off for decades because no single city-state was strong enough to defeat the other.

With war came death and misfortune. But war cannot kill ideas. Despite the eventual submission of Athens, Athenian thought spread throughout the region. After temporary setbacks. these ideas only became more widely accepted and developed with the passing centuries.

【小题1】How did geography affect ancient Greece?
A.Access to water led to independent cities.
B.The mountains led to distinctive city-states.
C.The mountains facilitated natural exploration.
D.Access to water allowed cities to communicate easily.
【小题2】Which of the following was typical of Athens?
A.A people ready to fight.B.A commitment to the arts.
C.A ruler exercising political power.D.An emphasis on the beauty of the city.
【小题3】Which words describe life in Sparta?
A.Strict and violent.B.Calm and peaceful.
C.Intellectual and educated.D.Chaotic and uncontrollable.
【小题4】How does the author evaluate the fight between the two city-states?
A.Athenians lost the war and their culture.
B.Spartans achieved victory in an injustice manner.
C.Athenians failed militarily but their ideas spread.
D.Spartans won and forced Athenians into slavery
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Americans always attach great weight to the business of the country. President Coolidge’s statement, “the business of America is business.” Still points to an important truth today—that business institutions have more prestige(威望) in American society than any other kind of organization, including the government. Why do business institutions possess this great prestige?

One reason is that Americans view business as being more firmly based on the ideal of competition than other institutions in society. Since competition is seen as the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans, competitive business institutions are respected. Competition is not only good in itself, it is the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected.

Competition protects the freedom of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopoly (垄断、垄断者) of power. In contrast to one, all-powerful government, many businesses compete against each other for profits. Theoretically, if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to competing business which treats its customers more fairly. Where many businesses compete for the customers’ dollar, they cannot afford to treat them like inferiors(下属) or slaves.

A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly. Because is competitive, many Americans believe that it is more supportive of freedom than government, even though government leaders are elected by the people and business leaders are not. Many Americans believes, then, that competition is as important, or even more important, than democracy in preserving freedom.

Competition in business is also believed to strengthen the ideal of equality of opportunity. Competition is seen as an open and fair where success goes to the swiftest person regardless of his or her social class background. Competitive success is commonly seen as the American alternation to social rank based on family background. Business is therefore world as an expression of the idea of equality of opportunity in America rather than the aristocratic(贵族的) idea of inherited privilege in many other countries

【小题1】The statement “The business of America is business” probably means “_______”.
A.the business institutions in American are concerned with commerce(商业)
B.business problems are of great importance to the American government
C.business is of primary concern to Americans
D.America is a great power in world business
【小题2】Who can benefit from the business competition?
A.Honest businessmen.
B.People with ideas of equality and freedom.
C.Both businessmen and their customers.
D.Both business institutions and government.
【小题3】Government is believed to differ unusually from business because government is characterized by ________.
A.its absolute control of power
B.its function in preserving personal freedom
C.its role in protecting basic American values
D.its democratic way of exercising leadership
【小题4】It can be concluded from the passage that the author believes ________.
A.Americans are more ambitious than people in other countries
B.in many countries, success often depends on one’s social status
C.American businesses are more democratic(民主的) than those in other countries
D.businesses in other countries are not as competitive as those in America
       The people who built Stonehenge in southern England thousands of years ago had wild parties, eating barbecued pigs and breaking pottery. This is according to recent work by archaeologists—history experts who investigate (调查) how human beings lived in the past.
       Archaeologists digging near Stonehenge last year discovered the remains of a large prehistoric village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.
       The village is about 4600 years old, the same age as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt. It is less than two miles from the famous ancient landmark and lies inside a massive man­made circular dirt wall, or “henge”, known as the Durrington Walls.
       Remains found at the site included jewellery, stone arrowheads, tools made of deer antlers, wooden spears and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery. “These finds suggest Stone Age people went to the village at special times of the year to feast and party”, says Mike Parker Pearson from Sheffield University in England.
       He said many of the pig bones they found had been thrown away half­eaten. He also said the partygoers appeared to have shot some of the farm pigs with arrows, possibly as a kind of sport before barbecuing them.
       An ancient road which led from the village to the River Avon was also found. Here, the experts think, people came after their parties to throw dead relatives in the water so the bodies would be washed downstream to Stonehenge.
       Parker Pearson believes Stonehenge was like a cemetery where ancient Britons buried the dead and remembered their ancestors. “The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors.”
       The recent discovery of the village within the Durrington Walls shows that Stonehenge didn’t stand alone but was part of a much bigger religious site, according to Parker Pearson.
       People still come to worship and celebrate at Stonehenge today. They meet there when the sun sets on the shortest day of winter and when it rises on the longest day of summer. But the days of barbecuing whole pigs there and throwing family members into the river are a thing of the past.
【小题1】What was Stonehenge according to the text?
A.A village where hundred of people once lived.
B.A place that regularly hosted large parties.
C.A church where local villagers would get married.
D.A site where dead people were placed or remembered.
【小题2】From the text we can infer that the people who came to the village ________.
A.liked to drink wineB.knew how to hunt
C.were from EgyptD.lived by the River Avon
【小题3】What do experts think people did after the village parties?
A.Returned to live at Stonehenge.
B.Prayed for good luck in the new year.
C.Hunted farm pigs as a sport.
D.Put their dead relatives in the river.
【小题4】When do people most often go to Stonehenge today?
A.When a new discovery is made.
B.At the beginning of summer and winter.
C.On the longest and shortest days of the year.
D.When they want to have a barbecue.

When ice cream maker Adrienne Borlongan first experimented with a White Rabbit flavor, she thought it tasted like “cheap vanilla (香草)”. A few weeks after she added it to her Los Angeles shop, Wanderlust Creamery, visitors showed little interest. But when Borlongan posted a photo of an ice cream cone wrapped in White Rabbit-branded paper, word quickly spread on social media.

The candy, first produced in Shanghai in the 1940s, is known for its red-white-and-blue packaging and is beloved by kids all over China. And when Chinese people began to live in other countries, their love for the white, creamy candy went with them.

Soon after Borlongan posted that photo, people were driving to Wanderlust from all over California. Since then, White Rabbit has been the mainstay of Wanderlust’s ice cream lineup and is regularly sold out in their webshop.

But the story of the ice cream is about way more than taste — it’s about the power of nostalgia (怀旧) and eye-catching branding. White Rabbit’s origins date back to a business called the ABC Company, founded in Shanghai in 1943. It was later sold to the state-owned Guan Sheng Yuan Food Group, which owns it to this day.

The mix of colorful wrappers and the sweet milky taste proved a winner. Kids from Beijing to Hong Kong grew up on the sweets, and it also became a national symbol of the country — most famously, US President Richard Nixon was given some when he made his historic visit to China in 1972.

As for the flavor? The creamy consistency (黏稠度) actually comes from milk, and there’s a piece of rice paper between the candy and the wrapper to prevent melting. Over the years, White Rabbit has tried out other flavors, including red bean and peanut. But it’s the first version that has the most nostalgia connected to it.

【小题1】What can we learn about the White Rabbit ice cream?
A.It used to be popular in China.B.It is available online.
C.It is shaped like a white rabbit.D.It was first produced in Shanghai.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “mainstay” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Fanciest design.B.Newest brand.
C.Cheapest goods.D.Bestselling product.
【小题3】Why is US President Nixon mentioned in Paragraph 5?
A.To look back on the historic visit.
B.To show Chinese people’s hospitality.
C.To prove White Rabbit’s popularity.
D.To indicate Nixon’s interest in White Rabbit.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The story behind the success of the White Rabbit ice cream.
B.Childhood memories carried with White Rabbit.
C.The international reputation of the ABC Company.
D.The history of the White Rabbit candy.
