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Honeybees command a lot of attention in insect conservation circles, as they are important for pollinating our food supply. But the findings from researchers emphasize the importance of prioritizing other pollinators or insects like wild bees, moths and butterflies in conservation efforts, too.

For the study, ecologists Joshua Kohn and Dillon Travis from the University of California, painstakingly tracked the pollination of flowers from two plant species in San Diego — white sage and Phacelia distans. Often Travis sat for hours waiting for a single pollinator, honeybees or other insects, to land on a flower. Each time he put a mesh (网状的) bag on the flower to prevent any new visitor, then back to collect seeds from different visitors. Back in the greenhouse, the team grew the seeds, analyzing characteristics that reflected their quality, such as how many seeds grew and survived and how many leaves or flower seedlings (幼苗) grew from them.

They found flowers pollinated by honeybees make fewer and lower-quality seeds than flowers visited by other pollinators. The white sage and Phacelia distans plants produced roughly half the amount of seeds from flowers pollinated by honeybees compared with other pollinators. And Phacelia distans seeds from honeybee-pollinated plants grew into seedlings with fewer flowers.

The researchers also found that honeybees visited about twice as many flowers on one plant before moving to the next than the average of other pollinators, causing honeybees to transfer more pollen in flowers of the same plant, thus resulting in fewer and lower-quality and more inbred (近亲繁殖的) seeds. Other pollinators more often flew between different plants, probably transferring more diverse pollen.

Travis says, “Honeybees’ pollination habit can impact ecosystems and agriculture in the long term. One potential consequence could be that native plant populations decline as next generations become more inbred, reducing biodiversity.”

“It is time to actually shift our dependence for pollination from largely honeybees to other native species as well,” says Jaya Sravanthi Mokkapati, an entomologist at Penn State University.

【小题1】What does paragraph 2 focus on about the research?
A.Its procedures.B.Its members.
C.Its impact.D.Its significance.
【小题2】Why do plants pollinated by honeybees produce fewer and lower-quality seeds?
A.Honeybees cause big damage to plants’ seeds.
B.Honeybees are less selective while pollinating.
C.Honeybees’ pollination efficiency is unexpectedly low.
D.Honeybees prefer to pollinate flowers of the same plant.
【小题3】What did Travis think of their findings?
【小题4】What is Jaya Sravanthi Mokkapati’s point of view?
A.Native plant populations are declining at a high speed.
B.Honeybees’ pollination impacts plant seeds temporarily.
C.More attention should be paid to protecting other pollinators.
D.Honeybees’ pollination depends more on other native species.
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Improved air quality to reduce ozone (臭氧) pollution may have avoided the loss of 1.5 billion birds during the past 40 years, a study found. That’s nearly 20% of bird life in the United States today.

Ozone, a gas that appears in nature, is also produced by human activities, including by power plants and cars. The ozone in the upper atmosphere protects the Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays (紫外线) of the sun. But ground-level ozone is harmful and pollutes the air we breathe.

To examine the relationship between bird populations and air pollution, the researchers used models that connected bird observations from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s eBird program with ground-level pollution data. They tracked monthly changes in bird populations, air quality, and regulation status (治理现状) for 3,214 US counties over a period of 15 years. The findings suggest that ozone pollution is most harmful to the small birds — such as sparrows, warblers and finches — that make up 86% of all North American land-bird species. Ozone pollution directly harms birds by damaging their breathing systems, and indirectly harms their food sources.

“Not only can ozone cause direct physical damage to birds, but it also can harm plant health and reduce numbers of the insects that birds eat,” said co-author Amanda Rodewald. “Not surprisingly, birds that cannot get high-quality habitat or food resources are less likely to survive or reproduce successfully. The good news here is that environmental policies intended to protect human health and return important benefits to birds too.”

This work contributes to our ever increasing understanding of the connection of environmental health and human health.

【小题1】How many birds are there in the United States now?
A.0.75 billion.B.1.5 billion.
C.3 billion.D.7.5 billion.
【小题2】What is the result of the findings?
A.Ozone pollution harms birds’ food sources indirectly.
B.86% of North American land-bird species are extinct.
C.3,214 counties in America have effective regulations.
D.The researchers have observed birds for many years.
【小题3】What is Amanda Rodewald’s attitude towards birds’ future in the US?
【小题4】What is the suitable title for the text?
A.Ground-Level Ozone Makes up Most of the Air We Breathe
B.Environmental Policies Intend to Protect Human Health
C.Reduced Ozone Pollution May Have Avoided Bird Deaths
D.Regulations Bring Important Protection Benefits to Birds

Scientists say a huge percentage of bird species are in danger because their habitats, or homelands, are disappearing.

Traditional migration paths take birds through countries that are not protecting the places for birds to stop, rest and feed. The scientists studied the migration or flight paths of almost 1,500 species. They decided that 91 percent of them passed through dangerous areas.

The major danger for migratory birds is development. Buildings and pavements have covered the places where birds stop and feed as they move from one part of the world to another. One of the scientists who worked on the study says “Many of these important places have been lost to land reclamation because of urban, industrial and agricultural land expansion”.

The problem, according to scientists, is that many of these small birds die along their migration paths because they don’t have a safe place to feed and rest. There is no place to restore their energy for the next part of their journey. Countries in North Africa, Central Asia and those along the coasts of East Asia are having the most difficult time in protecting land. The scientists say these countries do not have enough areas that are safe for birds. One species that doesn’t exist now is the Eskimo curlew. “Our world gets poorer every time we lose a species,” one of the scientists says.

The researchers say countries need to work together and come up with safe stopping areas for birds that pass through their boundaries. For example, one country might have preserved safe zones for migrating birds. But a neighbor country might not. A bird might die.

One scientist who is not connected with the report tells Los Angeles Times that while some habitats are changing, more work can be done to make urban areas safe for birds.

He says small changes, like planting more native plants or keeping cats out of the areas birds would be likely to use, could make a big difference.

【小题1】What mainly caused the disappearing of birds’ habitats?
A.The decrease of awareness to protect birds.B.Natural disasters.
C.Overuse of land by human beings.D.The rising sea level.
【小题2】What may be the main reason for many birds’ death on the way of migration?
A.Tiredness and hunger.B.Beast attack on the ground.
C.Hunting of humans.D.The long journey.
【小题3】According to the last two paragraphs, how should we protect the migrating birds?
A.By keeping fewer cats or dogs.
B.By restoring their destroyed habitats.
C.By helping change the birds’ migration paths.
D.By preserving the ecological environments on their migration paths.
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To call on people to protect the birds’ habitats.
B.To analyze the reasons for disappearing of birds’ habitats.
C.To offer some solutions to the problem of birds’ habitats.
D.To tell us a huge percentage of bird species are in danger.

How to Keep Betta Fish

Keeping betta fish can be a fun hobby that does not involve going outside. It does not require too much skill, either. But you do have to be willing to learn. How do you take care of betta fish?

Required parts

First, Etta fish need a home. 【小题1】 Second, the container needs small rocks or sand at the bottom. Third, a filter(过滤器)is needed to purify the water. Fourth. a heater is suggested to keep your fish in good condition.

Water quality

Make sure the water you add to the container is safe for fish. Tap water can be used. But it usually contains a chemical harmful to fish, so additional steps need to be taken to test the water. 【小题2】 But many fish stores are happy to test your water if you give them some money. They can also provide advice on keeping fish in your area’s water.

Betta fish care

【小题3】 You will need to feed your fish and change its water.

There are many choices for food. Pet stores will carry many of these. Feed your fish once to twice a day. Whatever food you choose, make sure it contains meat. 【小题4】

It is advised to change one fourth of your container’s water once every week or two. Remove the old water and add fresh water.


Male betta fish are kept alone because they are fighting fish. 【小题5】 H you have a larger container with other fish, they might live together peacefully. But do remember that male betta fish often attack other fish and may have to live separately.

A.That is what bettas eat in the wild.
B.Stores sell home water testing products.
C.Betta fish are known for their bright colors.
D.A container that holds at least I1 liters of water is suggested.
E.Males should never be kept with other betta males.
F.Bettas are popular with Americans as pets.
G.After setting up your container, there are two more things to consider.
