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“What exactly is a nervous breakdown? 【小题1】 .” Dr. David A. Merrill, a neurologist and psychiatrist, further explains the condition, “You feel like you are reaching a breaking point.”

You can’t concentrate.

In the short term, stress can increase your brainpower by releasing hormones that improve memory storage and improve concentration. But in the long term, long-time stress makes it difficult to block out distractions from outside. 【小题2】.

You can’t stop eating.

Do you reach for a cup of ice cream or a packet of cookies after a long day? There’s a good reason for that. 【小题3】, including adrenaline (肾上腺素), which energizes your muscles for a “fight or flight” response. Once the adrenaline disappears and no longer has any effect, cortisol tells the body to replenish (补充) its lost energy stores with food.

Your stomach is upset all the time.

Sometimes stress and anxiety can appear as stomach aches and cramps. But if you notice some symptoms that include abdominal (腹部的) pain or different pains, you could have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


Skipping basic daily practices can signal you are having a period of depression or an emotional breakdown. You don’t shower or brush your teeth as usual. You spend little or no time on your clothing or hair style. Stress puts burdens on the mind and body, leading to tiredness and indifference, which can cause a loss of happiness or lack of motivation for activities you used to enjoy.

You have a different posture.

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “That person looks depressed?” We communicate a lot through our posture and non-verbal gestures, including our mental state. 【小题5】 when people adopt a “protective position”—arms crossed, slouching, or facing away.

A.You stop caring about how you look
B.You recover from your serious breakdown
C.Depressed people may mix up their words
D.Stress causes the brain to release hormones
E.It affects your ability to focus on projects at hand
F.It shows they are feeling very stressed and defensive
G.It generally describes the feeling of being under long-term stress
知识点:疾病 科普知识 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A bite from a tsetse fly is an extremely unpleasant experience. To make matters worse, several species of tsetse fly can transmit diseases. One of the most dangerous is a parasite(寄生虫) that causes "sleeping sickness".

After the initial bite, sleeping sickness symptoms often start with a fever, headaches and aching muscles. As the illness goes on, those infected become increasingly tired, which is where it gets its name.

It is worth noting that sleeping sickness is no longer as deadly as it once was. In the early 20th Century several hundred thousand people were infected each year. By the 1960s the disease was considered "under control" and had reached very low numbers, making its spread more difficult. But in the 1970s there was another major infection, which took 20 years to control. Since then, better screening programs and earlier treatments have reduced the number of cases dramatically. In 2000 this figure dropped to fewer than 3,000. The World Health Organization (WHO) hopes the disease will be completely removed by 2020. More problematically, a series of new studies have shown that the parasite is more complicated than previously believed.

Sleeping sickness has always been considered—and analyzed—as a blood disease, because the parasites can readily be discovered in the blood of its victims. However, in a recent study found that the parasite can stay in the skin and fat, as well as in the blood. There may even be a higher density(密度)of the parasite in the skin than in the blood. That means a person can have no symptoms but still both harbor the disease and spread it. The finding could explain the mysterious 1970s infection, and why the disease can spring up in areas that had previously been cleared.

【小题1】What's the danger of a tsetse fly bite?
A.It makes people sleepy.B.It causes skin disease.
C.It brings about deaths.D.It transmits deadly parasites.
【小题2】What can we infer about sleeping sickness from Paragraph 3?
A.It's still a threat to human health.
B.It's not that dangerous at present.
C.It's incurable in the early 20th century.
D.It's completely under control in the 1960s.
【小题3】What does the underlined "harbor" most probably mean?
【小题4】What does the latest research indicate according to the passage?
A.Sleeping sickness is a blood disease.
B.Skin is more suitable for the parasite to grow.
C.Sleeping sickness can be spread with no signs.
D.Parasites in the skin caused the 1970s infection.

Dolphins are social and intelligent animals. And, like the way humans maintain relationships by hugging or giving a handshake, dolphins breathe together at the same time when they come up from the water for air. This shared act is important for creating social connections. But sharing the same air and area is also spreading an infectious and deadly disease among the dolphins.

Janet Mann and other scientists are trying to understand the virus. They discovered it in the water off the American states of Virginia and Maryland. It is now spreading to other Atlantic coast dolphins.

Mann explains that the dolphin virus is in the lungs. “When dolphins breathe together at the surface, they’re sharing tiny droplets just like we do when we’re talking with each other,” she said.

During her 35 years of studying dolphins, Janet Mann has noticed that even though dolphins have close friends, they visit other dolphins and leave the groups often. Following the social lives of dolphins in the Chesapeake Bay has permitted researchers to identify over 2,000 dolphin individuals. They can remember them by their special shapes and markings on their back fins.

Two researchers, Melissa Collier and Ann-Marie Jacoby, saw two dolphins. A third dolphin joined his friends. All three dolphins came to the surface of the water and breathed together. “This is typical, male behavior. The males stay pretty coordinated (协调) with each other. The females sync (同步), but not as regularly. They syne mostly with their offspring (幼崽).” Mann says. This behavior pattern might explain why more male dolphins have died in the most recent outbreak of the virus.

Viruses are naturally occurring in the wild, but human activities in the ocean can make the virus worse by wakening environments and populations even more. Pollution from carbon and plastics, limited food sources, along with ocean warming from climate change, harm the animals. These factors weaken the dolphins’ immune systems. “So, they are extremely vulnerable (脆弱的,易受伤的) to virus outbreaks.” Mann says.

【小题1】What are Mann and other scientists trying to do?
A.Record the dolphins’ social habits.B.Increase the population of dolphins.
C.Compare the viruses among dolphins.D.Study the spread of the virus among dolphins.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Researchers.B.Close friends.
C.The social lives of dolphinsD.Over 2,000 dolphin individuals.
【小题3】Why did more male dolphins die in the recent outbreak of the virus?
A.They absorbed more air than females.B.They did more social activities together.
C.They came to the surface of the water moreD.They were more vulnerable to viruses.
【小题4】Which is a cause of the decline in dolphins’ immune system?
A.Ocean warming.B.Dolphins breathing together.
C.Researchers studying dolphins.D.The growing population of dolphins.

Winter is often quite cold, which often makes us stay indoors more instead of heading out to exercise. Worse still, there are many viruses(病毒) doing their best to make you sick. And sneezing, coughing and nose blowing make the rooms a habitat for viruses. 【小题1】Touching a doorknob or shaking a hand may make you get sick. Although it may sound terrible, there are still some things you can do to avoid viruses. Here are several simple tips to stay healthy in winters.

Wash your hands. You pick up viruses everywhere and they live on your hands, so wash your hands and do it often. 【小题2】. But if that’s not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (消毒杀菌剂).

【小题3】:Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. That’s one way viruses can get into your body.

Get the flu shot(疫苗). 【小题4】, but getting the flu shot lowers your chances of getting the flu. For example, getting the flu shot last year resulted in a 34% lower risk of coming down with the flu.

Avoid sick people. 【小题5】 Viruses spread very easily through the air, so keep at least six feet between you and the sneezing, sniffling and coughing person.

A.It is easy for viruses to spread from person to person
B.Take care of your face
C.It’s not absolutely safe
D.Keep your hands away from your face
E.If someone around you is sick, then keep your distance
F.The best way is to use regular soap and water
G.Because there are always some unexpected things in life
