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There’s been growing concerns about the damaging impact of human travel on the environment in recent years. Irresponsible tourism is a main cause of environmental destruction. The destruction of the natural environment is an urgent matter as it directly affects everyone’s well-being. 【小题1】 As a student passionate about travel, you should leave as little carbon pollution as possible wherever you visit.

Avoid takeaways as many as possible

Buying “food to go” seems logical when you are in a rush. Though convenient, this kind of take-out packaging often uses disposable(一次性的) plastic boxes and bags, which can contribute significantly to environmental pollution if not properly disposed of. 【小题2】 You can, instead, eat out in a restaurant while enjoying a scenic atmosphere. If you have to take away something like coffee, use a reusable cup.

Go for train or bus when traveling nationally

Transportation accounts for nearly a third of all greenhouse gases produced in the environment. Flying and driving, in particular, are major contributors to carbon emissions(排放) within the transportation sector, with domestic flying emitting more carbon than driving. 【小题3】

Stay on designated roads and foot paths

Responsible tourism is about having as minimum physical interaction with the wild as possible. We not only protect the fragile ecosystems around us but also ensure our own safety. 【小题4】 If you stray away from designated(指定) paths, you risk damaging plants and the natural habitat for animals.

Pick up trash after yourself and others

【小题5】 Instead of dropping trash, why not pick it up? You can significantly impact the environment by picking up trash along trails when hiking or backpacking for proper disposal.

In conclusion, responsible tourism is traveling with awareness, respect, and consideration for the places you visit. It’s about ensuring that your travel experiences enrich not only your own lives but also contribute positively to the destinations you explore, leaving them better than you found them.

A.So stick to marked roads and footpaths.
B.Therefore, hike for some trips at times.
C.Pay attention to the trash while traveling.
D.Make a habit of collecting trash after yourself.
E.You don’t have to be in a rush when on holiday.
F.Therefore, use public transport for short travels.
G.These concerns have resulted in the green travel campaign.
知识点:方法/策略生态旅游 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Four Practical Ways to Improve Yourself

Are you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better? Here are some ways to self-improve.

1. Read a book every day. 【小题1】 The more books you read, the more wisdom you expose yourself to.What are some books you can start reading to enrich yourself? Some books are very useful, such as Think and Grow Rich, Who Moved My Cheese, 7 Habits.

2. Pick up a new hobby. Beyond just your usual favorite hobbies, is there something new you can pick up? 【小题2】 Your new hobby can also be a recreational hobby. Learning something new requires you to stretch yourself in different aspects, whether physically, mentally or emotionally.

3. 【小题3】 Everyone has amazing qualities in them. It’s up to how we want to tap into them.With all the friends surrounding you, you can find many things you can learn from them. Try thinking of several good friends right now.Think about just one quality they have which you want to adopt.

4. Show kindness to people around you.【小题4】 In fact, most of us don’t show enough kindness to people around us. Being kind helps us to cultivate other qualities such as compassion, patience, and love. Now start showing more kindness to the people around you, and see how they react.【小题5】 Chances are you will feel even better than yourself.

A.Learn from your friends.
B.Speak to your friends if you need to.
C.You can never be too kind to someone.
D.Often go to the library with a list of books.
E.Books are concentrated sources of wisdom.
F.Besides, notice how you feel as you behave kindly to others.
G.You can learn a new sport, such as rock climbing, football, or ice skating.

How to Keep Calm under Pressure

Exam pressure, deadlines, job interviews and presentations can all make you feel like a nervous wreck (身心俱疲的人)【小题1】   .

First, a breathing exercise.

Take a deep belly breath through your nose for five seconds, hold it for a second, then push all the air out through your nose, slowly, counting to five.【小题2】 Under stress we tend to breathe very quickly as our body prepares for unexpectedly dangerous situations. By breathing deeply and slowly, you can change the message your brain’s receiving from “danger” to “all is well”. So the next time you feel panic rising, use deep breathing through your nose to force your body into a state of calm.

Now you’re ready for the humming (哼唱).

【小题3】 Studies in how we regulate heart rate have shown, that humming can stimulate one of the most important parts of the body — the vagus nerve (迷走神经). So the next time you feel your heart racing, sing a song or just hum a note and let yourself restore calm.

The final tip is to focus.

When you’re busy it’s tempting (诱人) to multi-task, but if you want to stay calm and actually get stuff done, don t. 【小题4】 When you do two things at once, it gets overstimulated and floods your body with stress hormones. Doing one thing at a time, you can quickly calm down.


A.Make sure the counting accurate.
B.Repeat a few times and you’ll feel calmer.
C.Scans show your brain can only do one thing at a time.
D.A single note, your favourite tune, literally anything will do.
E.So next time you feel panic rising, remember to stop for a mental relax.
F.So next time you feel panic rising, remember to breathe, hum and focus.
G.Here are three easy and reliable techniques you can use to keep calm under pressure.

Having a pet can be a magical moment for a lot of people. Welcoming a new furry guest in your life conveys a feeling of bliss unmatched by anything else. Unfortunately, many new pet owners can take a while to adjust with their pets and struggle to bond with them.【小题1】 According to celebrity dog trainer Nicole Ellis, certain steps will help you get closer with your pet and eventually become its best friend.

This goes without saying but spending time with your pets can greatly help you band with them. Cats, dogs, and other animals love to be included in the activities of their humans. Whether it is going on errands or just chilling at home watching a movie, make sure your furry friends are with you and enjoying themselves. 【小题2】

Another thing to keep in mind is that playtime between an owner and their pets is the best way to bond and share wonderful moments together. It is important to know what type of play your pet enjoys. 6 Just like each individual is different, animals are different from each other too. 【小题3】 Not only would these activities keep them in good health and stave off boredom, but it would go a long way making you and your pets closer.

【小题4】 Whether you’re teaching them a simple command like “sit!" or teaching them a more complex backflip and dance, your pet is sure to enjoy your company and would love you all the more for it. Training would also ease frustration as your pets would grow to be more obedient and well behaved. 【小题5】

A.In time, you’ll be inseparable.
B.Just be sure to reward them after.
C.Training would boost your confidence,
D.All the animals don’t like the same activities.
E.Explore, and figure out what would be the best activities.
F.Most people forget that training the pets and teaching them tricks is a healthy way.
G.It is important that you and your furry friend have a healthy and loving relationship.
