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If your child is applying to private school for middle school or high school, he can expect to have an interview with a member of the admissions (招生) team. There are some common questions that many students applying to private school can expect to experience. 【小题1】

·What recent current events has interested you?

Students should think through their views and speak knowledgeably about the events. 【小题2】 Therefore, it’s beneficial for them to start following current events before entering a private school.

·Why are you interested in our school?

It’s better if the student has visited classes at the school or spoken to teachers so that she can speak in a firsthand, vivid way about why she wants to attend the school. Clichéd (陈词滥调的) answers such as, “【小题3】” or answers like, “My dad said I would get into a really good college if I go here” don’t hold much water with admissions committees.


Students should be prepared to speak about their area of interest, whether it’s music, drama, or sports. 【小题5】 Private schools tend to encourage students to try new things, and sharing with the admission officer a desire to try a new sport or get involved with art is a great way to show a desire to grow and expand.

A.Your school looks great.
B.What do you do outside of school?
C.The goal of the interview is to get to know the student.
D.This is also a chance for students to share a new interest.
E.How do you develop personal interest outside of school?
F.Many private school history classes require students to read the news every day.
G.Your child can practice answering these questions to be fully prepared for the interview.
知识点:方法/策略学校生活 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Have you ever considered the way you spend your money? What do you buy? When do you buy? It is important to use your money wisely. Then, you will have enough for the things you want. You can make smart decisions about your money. All it takes is some careful, smart thinking.

One way to be smart with your money is to shop around before you buy. Visit more than one store, check the prices at each store, and try not to be in a hurry to buy. You don’t have to buy at the first store you visit; another store might have what you want at a lower price. You can even check online and compare prices.

Another way to be smart with your money is to wait for a sale. Many stores offer special discounts. For example, suppose you want to buy a camera. Wait until a store has a sale. You can save 20 percent, 30 percent, or more on the price of the camera by waiting for a sale. Some stores also offer a discount if you buy more than one of an item. So, look for sales offering a lower price per item if you buy two of that item. You could save money.

You can also use your money wisely by buying larger sizes of things. For example, large bags of dog food usually cost less per pound than small bags cost. A large pack of pens usually costs less per pen than a small pack of pens. So, even though you may spend more on a large size, you are really saving money per item.

You can learn to be smart with your money. It takes some practice, and it takes patience. You cannot always have what you want right away. But if you are patient, you will save money. Then, you will have more money to spend on what you want.

【小题1】Which is one way to save money?
A.By waiting for sales.B.By shopping at only one store.
C.By shopping in a hurry.D.By buying small packages of things.
【小题2】What is the writer’s opinion?
A.Being careful with money is wise.B.It is not important to save money.
C.Comparing prices takes careful thinking.D.It isn’t a good idea to shop online.
【小题3】Which word best describes the people who are smart with their money?
【小题4】What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To share a personal story.B.To explain how to do something.
C.To introduce the things on sale.D.To show how to get somewhere.

We’ve all been there — staring at a pile of books, desperately hoping that what we study will stick in our mind. Many of us have probably asked if there’s any way that we can get better at remembering things. 【小题1】

Every student who has made flashcards knows that it can be helpful to go back over what they’ve studied before. The Learning Scientists, a group of cognitive scientists, have made a new discovery.【小题2】 They say that trying to retrieve (找回) something from your memory after you have had some time to forget it will make it easier to remember in future.

【小题3】 The Learning Scientists say this can help you build links between different ideas. Now, linking ideas and relating them to each other or to images are often suggested as good ways to memorise something. Former world memory champion Jonathan Hancock highlights how picturing pieces of information in different physical locations or linking them to memorable images makes them easier to remember. Linking new information to things that are easier to remember is a technique that many people use.【小题4】

There are also more general things that we can do to improve our memory. Hancock says that being generally organised makes things easier for your brain, while many other experts also recommend avoiding stress, alcohol and smoking, and that we should get a lot of rest and exercise.【小题5】

A.We don’t know exactly why this happens.
B.It’s important to the long-term memory.
C.So, why don’t we look at what memory experts say about this?
D.Another study tip is to change between different topics as you study.
E.It could be making letter patterns into words, or by sorting things into categories.
F.According to them, we can learn things better if we wait for some time before trying to study them again.
G.So, while it may be hard, improving our memory is something we can control.


Advice from organizational psychologist Liane Davey, author of You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done.


“Tie the timing of your request for a raise to positive results. If you have a notable success in the middle of the year, start the discussion soon afterwards. Even if the pay cycle means the raise cannot happen for some time you will have seeded the conversation at a moment when your manager is feeling positively inclined towards you.”


“Before making your request, write down a list of your accomplishments, and ask a trusted confidant what you bring to the team—particularly what is unique about your contribution—to ensure you get a comprehensive list. Be prepared to talk about the impact you have, rather than effort alone, as this is what makes your case for a raise compelling.”


“In difficult conversations, your tone and body language are especially important. Go in calmly and projecting that you believe you are adding value. Don’t under-do it by dropping eye contact or making yourself smaller. But don’t over-do it by raising your chin too high or making statements you don’t intend to follow through—that will destroy your credibility.”


“If you are unsuccessful, first find out why your request was denied. Do not let your manager get away with a superficial answer such as “we don’t have the budget”-there is always budget, so ask what else took priority. Next, ask what specific actions you can take that will make you more likely to be given a pay raise in the future.”


“Remember that pay is only one way your company can demonstrate your value. Some companies have little room for pay raises, but more room to negotiate on annual leave, flexible hours or working from home. If your efforts to get a rise are unsuccessful, do not give up without first searching for alternative sources of value.”

【小题1】Which of the following actions may hurt your credibility?
A.Proposing your pay raise request at a wrong time.
B.Making a list of your efforts rather than impacts.
C.Making statements that you won’t follow through.
D.Asking what specific actions will ensure a pay raise.
【小题2】According to the passage, all of the following are alternative sources of value except ______.
A.more annual leaveB.free medical checkups
C.flexible working hoursD.the possibility of home-officing
【小题3】______ will help you clearly understand the company’s priority that will secure a pay raise.
A.Knowing your worthB.Playing it cool
C.Asking for clarityD.Being flexible
