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While you might not realize it, the environment where you sleep can make a great difference in the actual quality of sleep that you get every night. With a few simple lifestyle changes, you can create a healthy sleep environment that helps improve your sleep quality.

Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends, holidays and days off. Studies show that people who do so are more rested than those who sleep irregularly (不规律地).

Go to sleep only when you start to feel sleepy. If you don’t fall asleep within about 15 minutes, get up and do something relaxing. Go back to bed when you are tired.

Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Don’t go to bed either hungry or stuffed. Your discomfort might keep you up. Avoid caffeine (咖啡因) 6 hours before you sleep. Having a cup of coffee within a few hours of bed time can keep you awake for hours when you are trying to sleep. Coffee isn’t the only product containing caffeine. Avoid chocolate and tea, too. Also limit how much you drink before bed to prevent trips to the toilet at night.

Many people turn on the TV before they go to bed. TV influences your natural sleep habits by making you stay up longer than you usually would, especially if you are watching something exciting. Instead of turning on the TV, read a book. Light reading before bed can help you fall into a deep sleep quickly.

If you suffer from serious sleep problems, go to your doctor. Your doctor will help treat the problems or may advise you to see a sleep specialist.

【小题1】What should you do to make sure you have a good sleep at weekends according to the text?
A.Get up a bit later than usual.B.Go to bed at a regular time.
C.Watch some relaxing TV programs.D.Avoid drinking coffee or tea in the day.
【小题2】What does the author advise you to do if you can’t fall asleep after lying in bed for 15 minutes?
A.To drink some water.B.To do some light reading.
C.To listen to light music.D.To get up and relax.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “stuffed” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Having slept too much.B.Having eaten too much.
C.Feeling too sad.D.Feeling too tired.
【小题4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.What to do before going to bed.B.The importance of sleeping well.
C.How to improve your sleep quality.D.The effect of sleeping well.
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Have you ever woken up sleepily even after getting eight hours of sleep? You are bored and nervous, and even though you have nothing to do, you remain alert (警觉的) and always worry about new tasks. 【小题1】

Learn to plan breaks

Many people do not know how to arrange their rest time and always feel anxious when they take a break. You can try to plan your relaxation time and do some activities you enjoyed doing as a child. 【小题2】

Take a 10-minute nap (小睡)

Taking a nap has many benefits. A 10-minute nap can improve your work performance. 【小题3】 However, no nap or a nap for more than 10 minutes can make you bad in the ability to think and perform, making you more tired than before.


“Being out in nature is exciting and pleasant,” said clinical psychologist Rachel Andrew. Therefore, when you have a free weekend, you can go to the park, go hiking or go to the garden picnic. Get in touch with nature and you can remove a week of tiredness.

To be with friends and family

It is a good choice to be with your friends and relatives and talk to each other. 【小题5】 You can spend time with your family or friends over the festive period, which can relieve your stress and make you relaxed.

A.Get close to nature.
B.Get out of your comfort zone.
C.Besides, it can improve your mood.
D.Here are some tips to make you relaxed.
E.Doing exercise makes you stay healthy physically.
F.For example, you can keep diaries and play games.
G.With their company, you don’t have to worry about being yourself.

Water keeps us alive. When it runs out, we have a problem.

About one out of four people on the planet are facing a shortage of water. Seventeen countries around the world are dealing with high-water stress. This means they are using almost all the water they have access to. Many are dry countries. Some waste much of their water. Some may currently use too much of their groundwater that they should be saving. Several big cities face acute shortages. These include Sao Paulo, Brazil; Chennai, India; and Cape Town, South Africa. A year ago, Cape Town faced nay Zero-the day when all its dams would he dry.

Climate change adds to the risk of water shortages. Rainfall is less steady. The water supply becomes less reliable. The days grow hotter. More water evaporates(蒸发)from lakes and rivers even as demand for water increases. By 2030, the number of cities in the high-stress category may have risen to 45 and include almost 470 million people.

All over the world, farmers compete with city residents for water. Rich urban places, such as Los Angeles, use too much water for pools and golf courses. But the worst problem is the growth of cities. Bangalore, India, for example, had a few years with little rain. It built over its many lakes or filled them with city waste. The lakes are no longer the rain water storage tanks they once were. Bangalore now imports water. A lot of the imported water, however, gets lost on the way to Bangalore.

To address this issue, what can be done? First, cities can plug leaks in their water distribution system. Wastewater can be recycled. Rain can be harvested and saved for hard times. Lakes and wetlands can be cleaned up and old wells can be restored. And farmers can switch from water-intensive crops like rice to less-thirsty crops like millet(小米).

Experts are looking at ways to reduce the number of people on the planet. They are looking at ways to reduce the size of cities. They are looking for ways to encourage people, factories and farmers to use less water.

【小题1】What can we know from Paragraph 2?
A.A quarter of the world's population is living with water shortages.
B.Nearly all countries are facing acute water shortages now.
C.Underground water should he used to meet the water demand.
D.Measures have been taken to deal with the water shortage in India.
【小题2】What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.Rainfall is not as steady as before.B.Climate change may lead to water shortages.
C.The water supply relies more on rainfall.D.Hotter weather changes the water demand.
【小题3】What can farmers do to deal with water shortage?
A.Plug leaks in the water distribution system.B.Clean up lakes and wetlands and restore wells.
C.Reduce the number of people in the cities.D.Grow less-water consumption crops instead.
【小题4】What will be discussed if the passage continues?
A.How to prevent from climate change.B.How to inspire people to save water.
C.How to recycle wastewater in cities.D.How to make people get access to clean water.
