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Globally, about 192.1 million animals are used annually for experimental purposes. Iran has conducted animal-based research dating back to the time of Ibn Sina. Although, like many countries, Iran regulates the use and treatment of laboratory animals, it lacks sufficient enforcement. To ensure ethical treatment of research animals, Iran needs better data about their use, and institutions and individuals need to take responsibility for their care.

Iran’s Ministry of Health, which oversees animal testing, requires all animals are treated according to international ethical standards. However, some institutions that produce or use animals provide substandard treatment, disregarding the ministry’s guidelines. To facilitate better enforcement of established regulations, Iran needs clear, accurate and reliable information about the quantity of animals used in research. All Iranian research institutions that use animals should be required to collect and report annual data on the number of animals they use, the conditions in which the animals are kept, and the animals’ research purpose. Such data would allow Iran to track each institution’s adherence (遵守) to the “3Rs”of animal research: Replacing animal-based experiments with alternative strategies, reducing the number of animals used, and refining techniques to minimize the pain and discomfort research animals experience.

In addition to government enforcement, individual institutions should prioritize the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use. Iran’s medical schools and research institutions should establish an accessible database with comprehensive experimental details to prevent excessive animal studies. Ethics committees shouldn’t approve experiments that use more animals than necessary or methods that require animals when alternative methods are available. In some cases, technical sampling (using a small sample size) can replace experimental sampling (using a relatively large sample size).

Individuals should also take an active role. All researchers must be trained to adhere to ethical principles and understand unnecessary pain or discomfort in animals could affect the interpretation of data.

Maintaining international ethical standards for animal treatment is vital for Iran to establish its global standing in the field of medical sciences. Iran’s government, institutions, individual scientists, and public can work together to ensure ethical animal research.

【小题1】What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A.The origin of Iran’s animal-based research.
B.The regulations of Iran’s research into animals.
C.The development of Iran’s animal-based research.
D.Moral concerns for Iran’s research animals’ welfare.
【小题2】Why does Iran need better data about the use of research animals?
A.To follow the ministry’s guidelines.
B.To be in control of animal-based research.
C.To ensure the adherence to the “3Rs” in animal-based research.
D.To replace animal-based experiments with alternative strategies.
【小题3】Why should a database with overall experimental details be established?
A.To follow government regulations.
B.To reduce unnecessary animal-based studies.
C.To make research more visible to the public.
D.To ensure the accuracy of experimental results.
【小题4】What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To encourage cooperation for ethical animal-based research in Iran.
B.To promote the use of an accessible experimental database in Iran.
C.To highlight ethics committees’ role in animal-based research in Iran.
D.To stress international ethical standards in animal-based research in Iran.
知识点:人与动植物社会问题与社会现象说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

A small group of paleontologists (古生物学家) recently discovered 10 species of ancient mammals previously unknown to science with the help of an enormous number of helpers at their dig site: ants.

The study of ancient mammals sheds new light on the diversity of mammals that existed in North America around 33 million to 35 million years ago, when the climate was changing drastically. It also pays attention to the harvester ants, with which researchers have long had a love-hate relationship. “The ants are not fantastic when they’re biting you,” said Samantha Hopkins, a professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Oregon. “But I’ve got to appreciate them because they make my job a whole lot easier.”

Most species of harvester ants live in subterranean caves that sit beneath a small hill of dirt. They strengthen the dirt by covering it with bits of rock and other tough materials. The ants have been known to travel over a hundred feet from their caves and to dig six feet deep in pursuit of materials that help secure their caves. The materials include fossils. Harvester ants can carry materials 10 times to 50 times the weight of their body, although they do not weigh very much, so the heaviest fossil they can collect weighs less than the average pill.

Given the size, harvester ant hills are hot spots for what scientists call microvertebrate (微型脊椎动物) fossils, which are animal fossils too small to see without a microscope. For over a century, scientists like Dr. Hopkins have found sediment (沉积物) off the sides of harvester ant hills in search of these fossils, making it easier to find large numbers of fossilized mammal teeth without spending hours in the field sifting through sand and dirt.

【小题1】What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To compare two different species.
B.To provide evidence for discoveries.
C.To introduce a kind of ant as a helper.
D.To promote awareness of mammal protection.
【小题2】Which aspect may influence the diversity of mammals in the past?
A.Climate change.B.Ant numbers.
C.Cave materials.D.Dirt locations.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “subterranean” mean in paragraph 3?
【小题4】What can we learn about the harvester ants from the last two paragraphs?
A.Their caves are miles deep.B.Materials with fossils are their food.
C.They can carry pills around.D.Fossils may be found around their hills.

Eva, the Belgian Malinois, is home now, getting a well-deserved rest surrounded by new toys after nearly dying while protecting her human from a mountain lion.

The attack happened on May 16 in northern California when 24-year-old Erin Wilson headed down a path toward the Trinity River before she found herself cornered by a mountain lion. “I was just walking down the slope with the dog running ahead of’ me. I turned around and there was this cat just growling at me and it attacked me, ”Wilson told NPR. “I screamed for Eva and she came running. ”

Mountain lion attacks on humans are incredibly rare. Since 1890, California has recorded only six fatal mountain lion attacks because of the animal’s generally shy, reclusive (独处的) nature. Their preferred prey is deer, which are normally in abundance in their forested habitat, but recent drought conditions have made food scarce in some areas. Wilson thought that these conditions made the sudden appearance of a slim woman look like an attractive option.

To protect her human, Eva leapt between Wilson and the lion, tackling the wild cat and embarked on a life-and-death struggle between the two animals. After a short fight, the mountain lion got its jaws around Eva’s head and Wilson fought to free her dog. hitting the lion with rocks in an attempt to break its grip. Eventually, Wilson ran back to her truck and flagged down passing motorist Sharon Houston Fetching an iron bar from her truck. Wilson and Houston ran back down the trail and their combined efforts managed to frighten the big cat off.

Wounded herself and shaken by the experience, Wilson still managed to carry Eva back to the Animal Hospital. The 2-year-old dog didn’t need surgery, but her wounds were still extensive. Eva left the animal hospital on May 19 with surgical tape wrapped around both her front paws, and the veterinarian said she might lose sight in her left eye.

【小题1】What made Erin Wilson the target of the mountain lion?
A.The abundant deer in their forested habitat.
B.The lack of prey due to extreme conditions.
C.The mountain lion’s shy and reclusive nature.
D.The slim and attractive appearance of Wilson.
【小题2】What do the underlined words “embarked on” mean in paragraph 4?
A.Proceeded with.B.Dawned on.C.Wrapped up.D.Kicked off
【小题3】How did Wilson drive the mountain lion off?
A.She freed a dog and threw rocks at it fiercely.
B.She stopped a passing driver and broke its grip.
C.She gathered local people and shouted loudly at it.
D.She used a tool and scared it away with another driver.
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe Eva according to the passage?
A.Heroic and loyal.B.Obedient and adorable.
C.Friendly and dependable.D.Courageous and naughty.

On a sunny morning in 2001, Jim, a skilled diver and ocean lover, was diving as usual around Palm Beach in the Bahamas when he spotted a giant tiger shark circling a few feet away. The shark, which he later named Emma, was clearly struggling in pain. Seeing Jim, Emma swam close to him seemingly quite on purpose. With great fear and curiosity, Jim checked and found a fishing hook in Emma’s mouth. Despite the obvious risks, he managed to pull the hook out, careful not to cause any further injury to the animal. Jim has since removed four other hooks from Emma’s mouth on several occasions and sometimes freed her from fishing lines or plastic bags. The two have become inseparable.

Every time Jim goes into the water in the area of Palm Beach, Emma comes around and rubs her head against him as a sign of affection (喜爱). It’s not the kind of behavior most people would expect from tiger sharks, which could easily tear a person apart. “When you suddenly come across a huge shark, it seems like it might end your life,” Jim said. “What makes Emma so special is that she’s so loving and affectionate. She’s not a mindless killer but a sentient (有感情的) animal just like cats and dogs.”

Emma will always recognize Jim every time he dives in her area even if he changes diving equipment. Over time, she has learned his hand signals — an invitation to get her head rubbed and Jim claims that she started acting like a playful dog who loves being petted.

“What makes Emma so special is that she’s so loving and affectionate. She’s not a mindless killer but a sentient (有感情的) animal just like cats and dogs.” Jim said. “To have a connection that lasts the entire time you`re in the water is so moving and so influential. One of the best things that have happened to me is the discovery of the affectionate aspect of this tiger shark.”

【小题1】What might be the reason why Emma approached Jim initially?
A.To greet him.B.To seek assistance.
C.To ask for food.D.To make friends with him.
【小题2】What makes Emma unique according to Jim?
A.Her enormous body.B.Her feeding ability.
C.Her high research value.D.Her pet-like character.
【小题3】What can we learn from the text?
A.Emma can read Jim`s sign language.
B.Emma has never attacked human beings.
C.Jim once saved Emma from a deadly disease.
D.Jim has removed four hooks from Emma`s mouth.
【小题4】Which can be the best title for the text?
A.A Diver and His Odd Friend
B.An Exciting Diving Experience
C.Jim: A Person Devoted to Ocean Protection
D.Palm Beach: An Ideal Base for Shark Watching
