阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷132

How to prepare for a museum visit

●Decide which museum to go to.

If you’re visiting a small city, then it’s pretty simple. Your choices will necessarily be limited. If you’re going to a big city like London, Paris or Rome, then you’re faced with a large number of choices. 【小题1】 You may prefer small less crowded museums to large museums.

●Identify the museum’s masterpieces.

Once you’ve chosen a museum to visit, visit the museum’s website. 【小题2】 Then, read up on its collection and highlights. This kind of pre-trip studying will make the art and artifacts (文物) more fun and accessible.

●Decide how long you want to visit a museum.

Another good tip for visiting a museum is to decide in advance how long you want to stay. This may depend on the size of the museum. Or, it may depend on how long you can stare at art without getting “museum tiredness” and starting to glaze (变呆滞) over the artworks. 【小题3】

●Get a museum or audio guide.

Another way to have an enjoyable and relaxing museum visit is to book a private tour, especially for a very large museum or popular tourist attraction. The tour guide knows the museum very well. 【小题4】 Besides, Museums typically have either free or docent (讲解员) museum tours available as well. They are super informative and usually last roughly two hours. And you’ll also have a chance to ask any questions.


If you’re visiting a big museum, you’ll want to be efficient with your time. In the case, the best museum tip is to look at the layout of the building in advance. Some museums are shockingly disorganized, sometimes because they’re housed in ancient buildings.

A.Learn the museum layout.
B.So you’ll get a deep look at the museum highlights.
C.Check out the hours and what day the museum is open.
D.It’s a good idea to figure out your parking options in advance.
E.As the length of a museum visit increases, your attention decreases.
F.Most museums have virtual tours or online collections that you can explore.
G.If that’s the case, do your research and pick a museum that matches your interest.
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Making the decision to put efforts in healthy lifestyle changes is not easy. Making sustainable lifestyle changes is a process that takes time, devotion and patience. Psychologists have found that it takes an average of 66 days for a new habit to become automatic (无意识的), but the truth is that building and maintaining lifestyle changes is highly dependent on each individual. However, there are some easy strategies that can help you develop a lifestyle change plan that works for you.

Focus on the whole picture. Lifestyle changes are like a puzzle (拼图). There are many pieces that make the whole picture. Building habits in only one area of the puzzle will leave your picture lacking dimension (维度). Your physical, mental, and emotional health all work together to make or break lifestyle changes, so it is important to understand how they all interact when setting up your lifestyle change plan.

Set realistic and achievable goals. The goals you set for yourself are necessary for total success in changing your lifestyle. Focus on setting goals that are realistic. Instead of expecting to run a marathon (马拉松) in six months, shoot for running a 5-kilometer race then work up to the marathon. Setting realistic goals that you can achieve and then building on them will help you keep going.

Adopt new habits slowly and build on success. Building habits takes time. Be patient with yourself and understand that the fastest way forward isn’t always the smartest way forward. The goal in creating lifestyle changes isn’t to get to the finish line as quickly as possible. The goal is to build habits that are sustainable in your everyday life. So give yourself time to start small and build on success so that the result is reliable.

【小题1】What does paragraph 1 mainly talk about?
A.66 days are more than enough to change one’s life.
B.It is not easy to make long-term lifestyle changes.
C.People pay little attention to changing their lifestyles.
D.Individuals follow the same way to form a new habit.
【小题2】What does the sentence “Lifestyle changes are like a puzzle.” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Lifestyle changes make the life very colorful and meaningful.
B.Interacting with others gets the plan about life to go smoothly.
C.Finding the right pieces for lifestyle changes is a difficult task.
D.Lifestyle changes require different elements to work together.
【小题3】Why does the author refer to marathon in Paragraph 3?
A.To encourage people to set challenging goals.
B.To show the importance of professional sports.
C.To advise people to be realistic about the goals.
D.To compare it with various types of races in life.
【小题4】What’s the tone of this passage?

If making changes to your weekend routine could improve your productivity and mood through the coming week, would you do it? Research says that it can. 【小题1】 Try a few of these additions to your routine and see how they work for you.

Get plenty of sleep

The importance of sleep to your brain’s health just can’t be overstated. Ideally, you shouldn’t ever be short of sleep, which can affect everything from your mood to your cognitive function. 【小题2】 You can do this by sleeping late, but you don’t have to. Naps create big brain benefits, and the weekend can be a perfect time for napping .

Get outside

Spending time in nature benefits your brain and your general health. So unless the weather is really bad, plan for some time outdoors. 【小题3】 A park where you are surrounded by trees and other plants works too.


When you’re working during the week, it may be hard to spend as much time socializing with friends and family as you might like. So spend some time during the weekend with people you care about most.

Do something fun that’s outside your normal routine

This change requires creativity, but it may be the most enjoyable small change you can make. 【小题5】. That’s because, when you break out of normal routine, your brain is awake and active. You’ll remember that part of your weekend better, and you’ll face the week with greater energy and creativity.

A.The key is to plan ahead.
B.Spend time with people you like.
C.Think back to the last time you had a small outing.
D.You don’t have to travel to forests: to experience the benefits.
E.It will make your weekends more memorable and enjoyable.
F.The good news is that you don’t have to make huge changes.
G.But if you’ve fallen behind on sleep during the week, use the weekend to catch up.

For most people, traveling overseas to a foreign country can be an amazing experience. However, for those who are not prepared to take part in a new culture, they may be totally overwhelmed(不知所措的) by having to go through unfamiliar events. This phenomenon is called culture shock, and often happens when people visit a country for which they are not ready. 【小题1】 .

First of all, one must remember to prepare themselves by reading some materials for their visit. 【小题2】 . Instead, take some time to read, research, and look up information on the exact country you are traveling to.You can do it either through the use of a library or a bookstore, or through the Internet.

【小题3】 . Many times these people can answer questions you may have about the country, especially when you can’t find the answers from the research you have done online or in books. 【小题4】 . So you can turn to the people who have been to the country and their experience must be of great use to you.

Lastly, after you have done everything you can do to get prepared, you are on your way to your destination. 【小题5】 . It is so important to be flexible(灵活的)in your travel, which really helps to break down any culture shock you might experience.

Keep these tips in mind, and be open in your travel experience.Happy traveling!

A.Many people think traveling abroad is terrible
B.What’s more, first-hand experience is very valuable
C.Besides, talk with people who have visited the country
D.Remember to deal with unexpected situations flexibly
E.Here are some ways on how to study and live happily in a foreign country
F.Do not just show up in a new country with no idea about what to expect even in the least
G.One can avoid embarrassment and enjoy the trip more if they have made some preparations against such “shock”
