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Kenya is home to Africa’s predators (捕食者), particularly lions, which frequently hunt farmers’ livestock (牲畜). To protect their animals, farmers often use poisons. While these have been successful in protecting farmers’ livestock, their use has resulted in a sharp decline in the lion population, which stands at just 2,500 now.

At the age of nine, Turere was asked to care for his father’s cattle beside Nairobi National Park, one of Kenya’s most famous wilderness areas, where people frequently experienced conflicts with lions. Turere couldn’t bear to see lions harmed by humans when lions hunted cows, because he loved these creatures deeply. Determined to find a solution benefiting both local farmers and wildlife, Turere started experimenting. But no way worked at first. The only thing that worked later was when he wandered around the livestock pen with a torch in hand. The sight of him walking around at night with a light made the animals runaway.

This inspired Turere to develop the Lion Lights system, a series of flashing LED lights strategically placed on the cattle fences to scare away predators. “The lights flash irregularly to trick lions into thinking that someone is walking around with a flashlight. Thanks to it, we went from losing three cows a week to none,” says Turere. This innovative solar-powered light system—which can also run on wind power—costs just $20.5 per unit, making it affordable and eco-friendly.

Turere’s invention is not only protecting the livelihoods of local communities, it, is also changing the viewpoints of local communities on wild life. “Since the introduction of the Lion Lights system, there have been no predator-related incidents. As a result, local people no longer view wildlife as the enemy,” he notes. “This is great news for these wonderful animals as it means that local communities are more open to wildlife conservation.”

【小题1】What is the problem with farmers using poisons in Kenya?
A.It threatens the lion’s survival.
B.It often harms their livestock.
C.It arouses the public’s opposition.
D.It damages the local environment.
【小题2】Why did Turere perform the experiments?
A.To take good care of his father’s cattle.
B.To stop farmers from hunting lions.
C.To protect the livestock from being killed.
D.To find ways for farmers and lions to coexist.
【小题3】What do we know about the Lion Lights System?
A.It can keep domestic animals from running away.
B.It works with all the lights on all the time.
C.It’s inexpensive and environmentally friendly.
D.Only three cows have been lost since it was used.
【小题4】What does the author want to show in the last paragraph?
A.Exploring the world is a must for children.
B.Local communities have been preserving the wildlife.
C.Protecting the livestock of local communities is the top priority.
D.Turere’s invention contributed to wildlife conservation.
知识点:人与动植物记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Elephants are able to know the difference between a man and a woman, and can tell an adult (成年人) from a child—all from the sound of a human voice. This is according to a study in which researchers played voice recordings to wild African elephants.

The animals showed more fear when they heard the voices of adult Masai men. Usually Masai people hunt elephants, and this suggests that animals have grown to listen for and avoid them.

Prof. Karen McComb and Dr Graeme Shannon from the University of Sussex led the study. They explained that in former research they had used similar experiments to show that elephants could tell—from the sound of a lion—whether the animal was a female (雌性) or a more dangerous male (雄性).

Prof. McComb wanted to find out if the animals used their very sharp sense of hearing to recognize danger from humans.

The scientists recorded Masai men, women and children saying, in their own language, “Look, look over there, a group of elephants are coming.” They also recorded Kamba men saying this phrase.

Masai people often come across elephants, which can result in violent (暴力的) hunting. Kamba people, however, mainly feed on agriculture, which does not generally bring them into violent touch with the animals.

When the team played recordings of these different voices through a hidden speaker, they found that elephant family groups showed more fear in response to the voice of a Masai man, than to a Kamba man’s voice. And the adult male Masai voices caused far more violent response than the voices of women or boys.

【小题1】An elephant can tell a man from a woman by sense of ________.
【小题2】How did the researchers get to know the elephants’ special ability?
A.By watching the elephants in the zoo.B.By playing voice recordings to them.
C.By recording the behaviors of elephants.D.By communicating with them in a special way.
【小题3】We can learn from the passage that elephants are especially afraid of ________.
A.Masai menB.Masai womenC.Kamba menD.Kamba women
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Elephants and Human BeingsB.Differences Between Human Voices
C.Elephants Recognize Human VoicesD.Elephants at War with Human Beings

On a Saturday morning in New York, Nina Roedeler walks to Astoria Park. It’s a rainy day, and there are not many people in the street. She enjoys the quiet. A little before 10 p.m, she reached a folding table set up on a patch of grass.

“Morning, Jen!” Nina greets the volunteer who will help sign people in and out and write down their information. Then she walks over to a truck. Nina pulls the doors open, looking at each of these black boxes.

This is the reason why she comes here: the dogs.

Nina never kept the dogs in the past. She had a rabbit for a short time, but that was all her family had room for in their small apartment in Germany. It wasn’t until she moved to New York City as an adult that she wanted to keep a dog. Then Hurricane Sandy hit. Nina opened the newspaper one morning and was shocked to read that thousands of dogs had lost their homes because of the storm. “What should I do?” she said to herself, “I have a car and I can help.”

Friends with Four Paws is a non-profit (非营利的) organization. It saves dogs in Oklahoma, takes care of their medical needs, and then places them in loving homes across the country. Nina found that Friends with Four Paws needed help. Soon she became a member of the organization and spent her weekends transporting dogs all over New York, New Jersey... At times, Nina had as many as five dogs in her car. She began calling herself “the dog chauffeur (司机)”. She has helped the transports grow from seven dogs a month to 30 and spends most of her time interviewing those families that want dogs and matching dogs with possible owners.

Once a month she hosts Transport Day in Astoria Park, where the families can pick up their dogs. Today, she hopes more dogs can find their homes. “It’s my favorite day of the month.” Nina says, “I feel like Santa Claus!”

【小题1】Why didn’t Nina raise a dog in Germany?
A.Because she preferred a rabbit to a dog.B.Because her house was not big enough.
C.Because her parents couldn’t afford a dog.D.Because she was afraid of dogs at that time.
【小题2】Why does Nina go to Astoria Park?
A.To take a walk.B.To enjoy the quiet there.
C.To look for a homeless dog.D.To host Transport Day there.
【小题3】In what order did the following events happen?
a. Lots of dogs lost their homes because of Hurricane Sandy.
b. Nina kept a rabbit in their small apartment.
c. Nina became a member of Friends with Four Paws.
d. Nina helps these homeless dogs find new owners.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE about Nina?
A.She serves as a driver for dogs.B.She likes Santa Claus very much.
C.She has over five dogs in her home.D.She has been interviewed for her behavior.

While walking outside one morning. I saw the most beautiful thing ever.

It was early, and I was walking on dewy (带露水的) grass down to the horse stables — my mind on the day’s chores.

Suddenly a blazing (耀眼的) flash erupted (爆发) straight from the ground, about 15 feet in front of me, and shot up into the sky. Its brilliance (光彩) stopped me dead. What could make such a bright light? Could it be a diamond? I waited to see if it would repeat, but it didn’t.

I walked slowly toward it, but saw nothing. I stared down at the grass, searching for gold or some kind of metal — again, nothing. I dropped down to my knees for a closer look. Suddenly, I saw it. The rising sun hit the grass’ dewdrops at the perfect angle (角度), sending brilliant light into the sky. It was as if I had just discovered a tiny new world.

It was unbelievable! How could such a powerful flash come from something so small? On another day, I would have crushed it under my feet. It was as though the unseen world was giving me a heads-up. “Hello, look at what’s around you.” it said. I’ve never forgotten that moment.

So next time you’re out, take some time to notice nature, whose beauty most of us never even see. Our world contains so much beauty if we would just take time to admire it. Look at the brilliant colors and detailed patterns of small flowers that cover playing fields — we walk all over them without a second look. Watch a bee harvesting pollen (花粉), so busy with a purpose, or tiny ants going about their day, or birds singing and fluffing (抖动) their wings. Stop and stare at the beautiful colors of practically any flower on Earth. All of these natural creations are breathtaking (令人惊叹的) —if only we took the time to notice them.

Appreciate nature, and you'll find a new secret each day to keep in your heart. It’s one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.

【小题1】How did the author feel when he discovered that dew made the flash?
【小题2】What does the underlined word “heads-up” in Paragraph 5 probably mean ?
【小题3】What do you think the writer used to be like?
A.He didn’t like plants or animals.B.He was probably busy with his life.
C.He probably didn't live a good life.D.He was dying to make good money.
【小题4】What is the main purpose of this article?
A.To tell people the secrets hidden in nature.
B.To show that small things can be powerful.
C.To stress the importance of living a comfortable life.
D.To encourage people to enjoy the beauty of nature.
