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How to Go Green

The idea of “going green” means that you’ll try to reduce your impact on the environment. It’s a great way to improve the planet. 【小题1】.

Walk or bike to places if you live close enough.

【小题2】, so they’re not a friend to the environment. Walking or biking instead of using a car is a great way to save natural resources while saving you money. When possible, walk or bike to work, school or shops.


Communicate digitally whenever possible, and only print out items when you absolutely must. When you do use paper, recycle it or save it to reuse the other side of it.

Buy second-hand products or borrow items instead of buying something new.

Buying things produces more waste and pollution, so try not to buy things you don’t need. When you do need something, shop at local second-hand market or use online resale shops.【小题4】.

Skip products that have a lot of packaging.

Products that come with a lot of packaging are bad for the environment because the packaging is waste. Even if you recycle the package, it’s still an unnecessary waste of resources.【小题5】. This can keep more trash out of landfills and save natural resources.

A.Cars use up a lot of gas
B.Limit your use of paper
C.Use reusable bags while you’re shopping
D.If you’re ready to go green, start from the following good habits
E.Do your best to pick products that have as little packaging as possible
F.In order to save money, cut down on the cost of paper you’re using
G.If you can, borrow items that you don’t use often, like tools, from a friend
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If you are thinking about studying in foreign countries, you may already know that there are a great number of colleges and universities from which to choose. How do you find the one that's right for you? Here are some tips to help you with your college search:


Make sure you understand your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Give yourself an honest self-examination to check what kind of college you like and where you would like to stay.

Collect Information.

Collect as much Information as possible, from and about colleges. 【小题2】. Use the college search programs to research and sort for colleges that meet your personal requirements.

Visit college campuses.

It can be very helpful to experience the first-hand campus culture of any college you are considering. 【小题3】 , there are other options that can help you get a feel for the academic and cultural environment. Many schools offer virtual campus tourists on their websites.

Talk with the students about their experiences.

Make the students tell you stories about their experiences. Try to imagine yourself in the stories they are telling. Don't settle for “this is a great place — you'd love it here. ” Find out why.【小题4】

Take an honest look at affordability.

Some private colleges carry a price of $60,000 (or more)per year. Ask your parents what they can or are willing to spend. 【小题5】, you had better know if there will be financial limitations on your college selections.

A.Know yourself
B.If you are not able to travel
C.Give yourself any examination
D.Before you fall in love with a school
E.After you decide which school to go to
F.It is easy to find and won't cost anything
G.Their reasons for loving it may not match with yours.

As a member of the “global village”, an international leader should master various skills. One of the primary things international leaders need today is the ability to manage cultural differences. 【小题1】. So in order to get the best out of any multicultural team, leaders should keep the following tips in mind.


Try and communicate with your team face to face as much as you can. Nothing replaces face-to-face communication, as it allows you to read body language, judge levels of understanding, and build relationships.

Be clear

Be clear about your own cultural profile(简况). Only when you are clear about your cultural profile and how it influences your work, your communication style, feelings and actions, can you direct your team. 【小题3】.

Build trust

【小题4】. Make sure you are responsible for your actions and honest in your dealings with others. Do you do what you promise? Breaking your promise will destroy trust and credibility every time.

State the rules of the game

【小题5】. The rules of the game have to be discussed and people need to be comfortable with their own roles. The team leader must act as a safe base, so members know who to turn to.

A.Communicate face to face
B.Try not to make mistakes
C.Trust builds over time and with every action
D.There is no need to communicate with your team
E.Rules and roles have to be set and understood by everyone
F.Today’s leaders have to work in both international and cross-cultural environments
G.This approach to your own cultural identity can help improve your team’s performance

Taking a vacation is a perfect way to help family members connected with one another, which is especially important when you consider the effects it has on children.

The following will help you   know how to choose the right vacation for bringing your family together.

Making the time

With summer filled with school work there are fewer times available for families to take vacations together. 【小题1】 You can get kids excited by packing them up for a fun—filled weekend trip in winter or spring

Choosing the location

The first step you'll want to take is picking a place. There are plenty of choices, but one of the best choices is a place connected to the outdoors. 【小题2】 These kinds of activities give your family a sense of accomplishment(成就).

Setting some goals

【小题3】 You should also think about how you want the connection with your family to develop. Vacations are a chance to open up to one another. Spending a few days in the mountains with only your family members can help bring meaningful conversations in a beautiful setting.


One thing you don't want is your children not getting along well with each other. Often the best solution is to keep your schedule full and include different activities. Perhaps include your children's opinions on what they want to do.

Family vacations can lead to a real turning point for family members providing a memorable experience that also makes everyone happier. 【小题5】

A.Keeping the kids happy
B.Planning some great activities
C.So, next time you plan your trip, plan accordingly.
D.But winter and spring provide their own opportunities
E.There are plenty of activities that are fun for the whole family.
F.You can take a hike, watch wildlife, or camp outside with your kids
G.Vacation shouldn’t just be about getting away from work or seeing sights.
