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When I was a boy, we had several gardens around our old house. The largest one of all was used just for growing potatoes.

I can still remember those potato-planting days. The whole family helped. After my father had tilled (犁地) the soil, my mother, brothers and I went to work. It was my job to drop the little seed potatoes in the rows while my mother dropped handfuls of fertilizer (肥料) beside them. My brothers then covered them with the freshly turned earth.

For months afterward I would glance over the garden while I played outside and wonder what was going on underneath the ground. When the harvest time came, my father pulled them out of the soil. I was amazed at the huge size of the potatoes. Those little seeds had grown into huge delicious potatoes.

They would be turned into all kinds of delicious food: baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes. And my personal favorite: potatoes slow cooked in spaghetti sauce (意大利酱). They would keep the entire family well fed throughout the whole year. It truly was a miracle (奇迹).

Thinking back on those special times makes me wonder how many other seeds I have planted in the hearts and minds of others. Every single day, we plant seeds that can grow into something wonderful. I hope that you plant only goodness, peace and happiness in the lives of everyone you meet. I hope that every day you help miracles to grow.

【小题1】What was the author’s job when they were planting potatoes?
A.Tilling the soil.B.Watering the seeds.
C.Dropping the seeds.D.Covering the seeds with earth.
【小题2】Why was the author surprised when he saw the potatoes pulled out of the soil?
A.He had never seen so many potatoes.B.It was very hard to pull them out.
C.One potato could be made into a meal.D.The little seeds had grown into big potatoes.
【小题3】Why did the author say it was a miracle in the fourth paragraph?
A.The potatoes could turn out to be different kinds of food.
B.He had eaten different kinds of food made of potatoes.
C.The potatoes could feed their family for the whole year.
D.The potatoes in their garden were delicious.
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Memories of Planting PotatoesB.How to Plant Potatoes
C.Make Life a MiracleD.Plant Good Seeds in Life
知识点:记叙文生活故事植物 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Mr. Parker was born in a poor family and his father couldn’t send him to school. The boy had to help his parents to do some farming and learned English and maths by himself when he was free. Later on he was made to leave his home village and hoped to find a job in a city. And as soon as war broke out, he joined the army. He couldn’t forget his terrible past and fought with the enemies bravely. So he became a general when he was fifty. He was honest and friendly to his soldiers and often punished those who tried to pocket a portion of the soldiers’ pay (克扣军饷). And his soldiers liked him very much.

Once Mr. Parker heard from a soldier. In the letter the young man said the food in their military camp was very bad and he wished the general could go to find out the reasons, the old man went there at once, without telling anybody. He went in the kitchen and examined everything carefully and found it was very dirty. Then he went in the soldiers’ bedrooms and found there were a lot of fleas. He became angry and asked the soldiers, “What do you think of your food, young men?”

The soldiers saw their officer standing by the general and said nothing Only a new soldier said, “Very bad, sir!”

“What did you have for lunch today?” asked Mr. Parker.

“A fried chicken, some fish and pork, a cake, six eggs and I had three cups of wine.”

“Really?” Mr. Parker called out in surprise. “It’s the King’s lunch, I think!”

“So do I, General,” said the young man. “But it’s my birthday today. I paid three hundred dollars for them all in the restaurant!”

【小题1】Mr. Parker was respected because             .
A.he was friendly to everybody
B.he cared about his soldiers
C.he was strict with the officers
D.he paid attention to the soldiers letters
【小题2】Mr. Parker went to the military camp to             .
A.look for the soldier who wrote to him
B.find out if the matter in the letter was true
C.inspect the kitchens
D.punish the cooks
【小题3】The soldiers didn’t say anything because             .
A.they were afraid of the generalB.they thought their foods were good
C.the officer followed the generalD.the general didn’t agree with them

Yesterday my older neighbor, who takes care of part of our garden with great difficulty and efforts, was in deep shock. Obviously,my cats had left droppings (粪便) in his perfect flower beds.

Fortunately, my husband and I weren't at home when this happened,so he vented (发泄) his anger on my friend and neighbor, Katherine. She was kind enough to listen to him and to go down into the garden with him to have a look. She even took a picture!

When I got home, she had left a message on my answering machine about the incident. Having heard it was about my cats again, my stomach turned. Last year, he got so upset that he threatened to put rat traps on the roof,hoping that would warn me to keep my cats indoors. So I was a little worried.

However, I couldn't help but laugh when I heard Katherine tell me what the whole incident was all about. I understand gardening is important to my neighbor and that he keeps his garden perfect to comfort his soul.

So when I saw him in the garden days later, I went over to talk to him.

And the talk turned out to be quite nice. I was really surprised to find that I had the wisdom not to respond to his comments on my cats.

Instead, I had conversations with him about the beautiful flowers he had planted, the color combinations, and the care he took in creating such a sense of order. I tried to convey my understanding and appreciation without arguing or talking down to him.

I was really amazed how that talk turned out. We haven't had a conversation like that for over a year!

【小题1】What do we know about the author's cats?
A.They ate the older neighbor's flowers.
B.They chased rats in older neighbor's house.
C.They left droppings in Katherine's garden.
D.They ruined the older neighbor's flower beds.
【小题2】Why did the older neighbor put rat traps on the roof?
A.To stop the rats coming.
B.To show his concern for his neighbors.
C.To make the author mind her cats.
D.To express his appreciation to the author.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe the author?
A.considerate and smartB.sensitive and generous
C.creative and kindD.friendly and enthusiastic
【小题4】From the text, we can learn that .
A.everyone should mind his own business
B.a wise conversation really makes sense
C.it is meaningful to argue with others
D.we need to take care of others’ pets

Chris Smith’s early life seemed ordinary, similar to any other boy in his small-town class with a cheerful character, sports involvement, and a charming smile. However, his family encountered big trouble, due to his father's dishonest business practices.

He ended up homeless and it all began when Chris's little brother drowned, leading to his father's imprisonment and his mother's emotional shutdown. Chris found himself homeless when his mother left without notice. At 17, he relied on his newly married sister's hospitality, hoping to graduate high school and make it on his own.

Despite challenges, a pivotal moment came from his history teacher, recognizing Chris’s intelligence and warning him of potential regrets if he didn’t graduate. Guidance extended further with Chris’s wrestling coach, teaching him the value of hard work and teamwork over individual achievement.

For Chris, school became a retreat. He would go to the library and gym, finding inspiration in stories of underdogs overcoming odds. Graduation brought a full college scholarship, but financial struggles led to loss of funding. Determined, Chris secured grants and loans, transferring to a smaller college, and graduating in the top 10 of his class.

Undiscouraged by setbacks, Chris earned acceptance to medical school, got married, and faced a new challenge when he and his wife adopted a child in need. Applying for medical residencies, Chris aimed high, including Johns Hopkins, the No. 1 program in the nation. To his surprise, he received the acceptance letter.

Chris, now a practicing radiologist, emphasizes the importance of hard work to students, echoing the encouragement he received. His journey from homelessness to professional success illustrates the transformative power of flexibility, mentorship, and a determined commitment to one’s dreams.

【小题1】Which of the following didn’t contribute to Chris’s homelessness?
A.His father was behind bars.B.His mother left him suddenly.
C.His brother's death.D.His father was weak in business.
【小题2】Where did Chris spend a lot of time seeking shelter during difficult times?
A.In his father’s old truck.B.In the library and the gym at school.
C.In his sister’s hospital.D.In Johns Hopkins University.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “pivotal” mean in the passage?
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Chris Smith’s Ordinary ChildhoodB.Overcoming Misfortune: Chris Smith’s Journey
C.A Small-Town Star: Chris’s AchievementsD.Financial Struggles and Family Challenges
