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Ralph Street loves maps. Appropriately (相称) for someone with his surname, he studied geography and town planning. And well before that, his parents _________ took him out orienteering (定向运动).

“I don’t really remember a time before orienteering,” Street _________. “My parents took me orienteering the first week I was born.” He now _________ internationally as an orienteer. In 2023, he won the first place in Orienteering World Cup. Street remembers a childhood trip with friends who trusted him as they realized his excellent _________ for getting around the new city.

Street _________ the sport of orienteering at the age of nine. As his experiences suggest, childhood exposure shapes people’s comfort and _________ with navigation (导航).

People who grew up outside cities, or in more spatially (空间的) complex cities, also appear to be better able to navigate. “Even as adults, we have good _________ that people who navigate more widely around their environment have better spatial skills,” says Nora Newcombe, a psychology professor at Temple University in Philadelphia.

Misconceptions _________ about human navigation. “One of them is that you think you cannot improve,” Newcombe says. Navigational _________ like maps and compasses can lead to a dependence. People can train themselves to better notice environmental __________ like the wind, the sun and slopes.

For people who can’t imagine wayfinding without a phone app, there are still ways to __________ spatial skills. The system on many apps is that “wherever you’re going is straight ahead, which is a terrible way to learn. I advocate keeping north on the top all the time,” Newcombe __________ . Getting a(an) __________ amount of sleep may help too. One global study found that for participants __________ fifty and older, sleeping seven hours a night __________ the best performance in a navigation game.

A.took overB.took upC.took onD.took away
A.agedB.agingC.to ageD.ages
A.was filled withB.was satisfied withC.was linked toD.was compared to
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What is color blindness? Color blindness means that you have trouble seeing red, green, or blue or a(n) ________ of these colors. It’s ________ that a person sees no color at all. Color blindness is also called a color vision problem which can change your life ________. In children, color vision problems can affect learning abilities and reading development. And color vision problems may limit career choices that ________ you to tell colors apart.

What causes color blindness? Most color vision problems are inherited and are ________at birth. In some cases, a person can have a(n) ________ color vision problem. This can be caused by aging, eye problems, injury to the eye and side effects of some medicines.

What are the symptoms? The symptoms of color vision problems   ________: You may be able to see some colors but not others. ________, you may not be able to tell the difference between some reds and greens but can see blue and yellow easily. You may see many colors, so you may not know that you see color differently from others. You may only be able to see a few shades of color, ________ most people can see thousands of colors. In rare cases, some people see only black, white, and gray.

How is color blindness diagnosed? Tests ________ how well you recognize different colors. In one type of test, you look at sets of colored dots and try to find a(n)________ in them, such as a letter or number. The patterns you see help your doctor know which colors you have trouble with. In another type of test, you arrange colored chips in order according to how similar the colors are. People with color vision problems cannot arrange the colored chips correctly.

Because a color vision problem can have a big impact on a person’s life, it is important to detect the problem as early as possible. Most experts ________ eye exams for children between ages 3 and 5. Vision screening is also recommended for all children at least once before entering school, preferably between the ages of 3 and 4.

How can you help a child who has color blindness? Color vision problems may make it harder for children to learn and read, which can   ________ poor schoolwork and low self-esteem. You can help your child these ways. Make sure your child is tested for color vision problems during routine eye tests. Tell your child’s teachers and other school staff about the problem. This may be helpful. Suggest ________ your child where there is no glare   and using a color of chalk that your child can see.

You can also encourage your child to learn to look for cues like brightness or location ________ colors. For example, you can learn the order of the three colored lights on a traffic signal.

A.HoweverB.ThereforeC.For instanceD.In addition
A.owing toB.lead toC.result fromD.arise from
A.more thanB.rather thanC.other thanD.better than

Pablo Picasso, J. K. Rowling, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Bob Dylan— whether they’re painters, singer-songwriters, philosophers or writers, people across nations and ________have tapped into their creativity working away at a table in a cafe.


A low-to-moderate level of ambient(周围的)noise in a place like a cafeteria can actually boost your creative output. The idea is that if you’re very slightly ________from the task at hand by ambient stimuli, it boosts your abstract thinking ability, which can lead to more creative idea ________.

While that “Goldilocks” level of noise is ________for everyone, audio stimuli in the background also help us improve decision making. Some have even dubbed(授予……的称号)“the coffee shop effect”. So, the jazz muzak, ________conversation and barista banging coffee grounds out of the grinder aren’t a nuisance; ________, they could help you come up with your next magnum opus(杰作).


A 2016study ________this idea when researchers asked participants sitting next to each other in front of a computer to do a task on the same screen. The study showed that “simply performing a task next to a person who exerts a lot of effort in a task will make you do the same”.

One of the biggest things about coffee shops is the ________facilitation effect: you go there, you see other people working and it puts you in a mood where you just ________start working as well. Just observing them can motivate you to work harder.

Visual Variety

Visual variety helps in “solving a problem that has an optimal ________, but requires you to think outside the box” ...Coffee shops, though, generally have visual stimuli in spades. And hitting up different coffee shops each time keeps things even more ________. People come and go. The daylight changes. The aromas of coffee and food vary.

While we tend not to take ________notice of these micro-stimuli, and likely don’t overtly choose to work in this location because of them, these activities around us prod our brains to work a bit differently than at home.

Air of Informality

Experts say these cafe settings can also benefit work groups who are brainstorming and building camaraderie…All those audio and ________stimuli help groups, too, compared to the dearth on Zoom or in a formal meeting room.

University campuses, like open-air offices, have blended ________of coffee shops into their design to prompt people to gather and collaborate, as part of a trend that’s been happening for more than a decade.

A.held upB.backed upC.took upD.turned up

Could a hug a day keep the doctor away ?

Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding “yes!” . Besides helping you feel close and ______ to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a host of health ______to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you ______ getting sick this winter.

In a recent study ______ over 400 health adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs the participants’ susceptibility to developing the common cold after being ______ to the virus. People who perceived greater social support were ______ to come down with a cold, and the researchers ______ that the stress-reducing effects of hugging ______about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. Among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe______.

“Hugging protects people who are under stress from the risk for colds that’s usually ______ with stress,” notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Camegie. Hugging “is a marker of intimacy and helps ______ the feeling that others are there to help ______ difficulty.”

Some experts ______the stress-reducing , health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called “the bonding hormone”______it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mother and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is ______into the bloodstream.

A.more likelyB.more possibleC.less likelyD.less possible
A.in the face ofB.in the form ofC.in the way ofD.in the name of
