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In habitats across the planet, animals periodically drop everything to walk, fly or swim to a new place. Wildlife such as whales and geese learn migration paths by following their parents. Others, including small songbirds, gain the distance and direction of their migration within their genetic code. And some animals use a combination of genetics and culture to guide their migration.

Another group of migrators does not quite fit either model, and researchers have only recently started to figure out how they find their way. Take the Cory’s shearwater, an oceangoing sea bird that migrates over the Atlantic every year. The young do not migrate with their parents, so culture cannot explain their journeys. And the exact paths vary wildly from individual to individual, making genetics equally unlikely.

Cory’s shearwaters are long-lived, rarely producing young successfully before age nine. This leaves an opening for learning and practice to develop their migration patterns. Researchers call this the “exploration-refinement”, and until now it has been hypothetical (假设的) because of difficulties in tracking migratory animals’ movements.

But a team of researchers has done that by attaching small geolocators to more than 150 of the birds aged four to nine. They found that younger birds traveled longer distances, for longer periods, and had more diverse paths than older birds. “We finally have evidence of the ‘exploration-refinement’ for migratory birds,” says Letizia Campioni, who led the study. Younger Cory’s shearwaters are able to fly just as fast as the adults— but they do not, suggesting that the young do more exploring, which gradually fades as they mature and settle into a preferred course.

Although it may seem less efficient than other strategies, “exploration refinement could be beneficial to birds and other organisms (生物) in a rapidly changing world due to unpredictable man-made changes,” says Barbara Frei. “It might be safer to repeat a behavior that was recently successful than to rely on patterns that were perfected long ago but might no longer be safe.”

【小题1】What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.It describes animals’ habitats.B.It talks about migration models.
C.It compares different species.D.It introduces a tracking technology.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The opening for learning and practice.
B.The unique living habit of Cory’s shearwaters.
C.The way Cory’s shearwaters form their migration patterns.
D.The process scientists track Cory’s shearwaters’ movements.
【小题3】What does Letizia’s study find about the younger Cory’s shearwaters?
A.They travel as much as adult birds.B.They move in a predictable manner.
C.They lower the speed for exploration.D.They look for a course with their parents.
【小题4】What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.Man-made changes make migration easier.
B.Animals make a safer journey via a fixed track.
C.Course exploration contributes to birds’ adaptability.
D.A combination of strategies assures migration success.
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A recent study reveals that flat-faced dogs, such as French bulldogs, have difficulty sleeping because of an unusual feature: their head shape. French bulldogs specifically suffer from increased daytime sleepiness, probably due to not getting enough night-time sleep.

With their big eyes staring right back at the owner, and wrinkles rolled over their noses, French bulldogs have shot up in popularity in recent years. But their distinct features and small size come with a number of health issues.

The researchers studied the sleep patterns of 92 dogs accompanied by their owners. They found that compared with other dogs, the flat-faced dogs experience a longer period of rapid eye movement (REM), regarded as the stage of sleep with most vivid dreams where the brain is active while the body remains still. Researchers said this was similar to the way babies sleep, suggesting that dogs, like French bulldogs, keep up the sleep patterns of puppyhood. Their night-time sleep is shorter and flat-faced dogs are also more likely to snoring (打鼾). “Sleep deprivation is increasingly recognized as a major cause of suffering in dogs with extreme brachycephaly (短头畸形),” said Dan O’Neill, an associate professor from the University of London.

The researchers employed an electroencephalogram (脑电图) throughout the dogs’ sleep. They looked particularly at sleep spindles (睡眠纺锤波). They found that dogs with brachycephaly had an increase in sleep spindles, which in dogs has been associated with poorer learning when it comes to training.

A researcher said, “We know that some of these dogs will sleep with a ball in their mouth, and people think it’s cute, but they’re actually doing it in order to keep their airways open.” O’Neill agreed, “Many owners find this phenomenon very funny and post videos online showing how comical their dogs are as they sleep with a toy in their mouth or with their neck extended or repeatedly waking up to breathe during sleep.”

【小题1】What may lend to flat-faced dogs increased daytime sleepiness?
A.Their tendency to sleep with owners.
B.Their preference for daytime napping.
C.Their shorter night-time sleep due to the head shape.
D.Their habit of sleeping in uncomfortable positions.
【小题2】What do we say about flat-laced dogs from paragraph 3?
A.They differ from human beings in REM.
B.They require less sleep than other species.
C.They’re less likely to suffer sleep disturbances.
D.They maintain puppy-like sleep patterns as adults.
【小题3】What does the increase in sleep spindles in flat-laced dogs imply?
A.They have a stronger memory during sleep.
B.They have a strong desire to sleep during the night.
C.They are more likely to succeed in hard training.
D.They may face challenges in learning during training.
【小题4】Why do some flat-faced dogs sleep with a toy in their mouths?
A.They want to have pleasant dreams.B.It prevents them from snoring loudly.
C.It helps them maintain an open airway.D.They enjoy playing with toys while sleeping.

Neil Jordan, a conservation biologist, has come up with a novel method for protecting cattle from African lions: paint eyes on their behinds. The lions will think their intended prey has seen them and will give up, since they’ve lost the element of surprise.

This psychological trickery has been called “iCow”, which is actually not as strange as it sounds. The eye-like patterns on butterfly wings are known to prevent preying birds and woodcutters in Indian forests wear masks on the backs of their heads when working to discourage hungry tigers.

The inspiration for the iCow strategy came while Jordan was based in a village in Botswana, when two lionesses were killed by local farmers to revenge their cattle’s death. The African lion is a vulnerable species, with numbers dropping from over 100,000 in the 1990s to about 30,000 today. Much of that decline is due to these kinds of revengeful killings because farmers have no effective strategies for protecting their herds.

“Lions are hunters that like to attack by surprise. They move slowly, quietly and carefully to their prey, get close and jump on them unseen,” he said. When Jordan was watching a lion follow an antelope one day, he noticed the lion gave up the hunt once the antelope spotted it.

So he joined one of the local farmers on a 10-week trial study, painting eyes on one-third of a herd of 62 cattle. When the cattle returned each night, they took a head count to see how many had survived. Only three cows were killed by lions during this period-all without the painted eyes on their behinds. And all the painted cows survived. However, Jordan warned that so far this is just a promising idea. He is now back in Botswana for a more ambitious study, armed with GPS devices to better monitor the movement of predators and prey.

【小题1】The iCow strategy is designed to       .
A.kill the lionsB.warn the preys of danger
C.identify the cattleD.scare off animals that kill
【小题2】When hunting, lions like to       .
A.give up halfwayB.hesitate to take action
C.chase their prey steadilyD.launch surprising attacks
【小题3】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The iCow strategy is likely to bring great benefit.
B.In the 10-week trial study more cattle were killed.
C.The farmers will take their revenge on more lions.
D.Neil got inspiration from patterns on butterfly wings.

When the people are away, the penguins will play. Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, Illinois, decided to close its doors last week due to the coronavirus pandemic, but that doesn’t mean the animals have to self-quarantine.

Instead, workers are using the empty aquarium as a chance to provide new ways to the animals, including penguin tours. The penguins have been free to walk around the aquarium over the last few days, checking out everything from dolphins to seals. Without guests in the building, caretakers are getting creative in how they provide a better life to animals — introducing new experiences, activities, foods, and more to keep them active, encourage them to explore, problem-solve, and express natural behaviours.

Wellington, a rockhopper penguin, got to explore the aquarium’s “Amazon Rising” section on Sunday and was clearly attracted by the fish. The couple, Edward and Annie, a pair of rockhopper penguins who are together for the nesting season, went on a tour of the aquarium’s hall. They even checked out the information desk. Edward and Annie will begin building their nests next week.

Shedd Aquarium will be offering videos on the Internet so that animal lovers can follow along. Shedd’s zookeepers said even during this time of uncertainty, it is important to keep things as normal as possible for the animals.

【小题1】What happened in Shedd Aquarium according to the text?
A.Animals got separated.B.Dolphins were examined.
C.Penguins were having fun.D.Caretakers were out of work.
【小题2】How does Shedd Aquarium make use of the closing time?
A.Getting animals to rest more.B.Bettering animals' dailylife.
C.Building more nests for animals.D.Solving long-lasting problems.
【小题3】What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?
A.Popular sections in the aquarium.B.Caretakers' creative behavior.
C.Penguin couple's love story.D.Animals in the amazing tour.
【小题4】What may the zookeepers agree with?
A.It is important to stay normal.B.It is necessary to free animals.
C.Humans should behave themselves.D.Videos about animals will be popular.
