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For many years, ships that wanted to travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific or from the Pacific to the Atlantic had to sail around South America. The trip took weeks and was very dangerous.

To make the route shorter and safter, it was decided to build a canal (运河). Panama was chosen because it is the narrowest country in the Americas. The French started building the canal as early as 1880, but their attempt failed after 21,900 people died of diseases and accidents. The Americans finally completed the project, and the Panama Canal opened in 1914. When the Panama Canal opened in 1914, ships were able to make the trip between oceans in approximately 10 hours. The locks in the canal have been called one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

The 48-mile-long Panama Canal was dug through the country of Panama. To pass between oceans, ships must actually go up. In fact, to travel through the canal, ships are raised 85 feet above sea level and then lowered again.

A ship enters the canal and sails to the first series of locks. Each lock is a huge compartment(分隔的空间) made of concrete walls and metal doors at each end. When one set of doors opens, the ship enters the lock. The doors close, and water flows into the lock, raising the ship until the water level equals the level in the next lock. At that time, the doors open to allow the ship to move into the next lock. When the doors close, the same process continues to raise the ship again. On either end of the canal, three sets of locks raise and lower ships. After the third lock, the ship enters Gatun Lake, sails about 23 miles, and begins its descent through the series of locks. To lower the ship, the locks work in reverse, allowing water to flow out of the lock until the water level is the same as the next lock. In this way, the ship reaches sea level and moves out into the ocean.

Over one million ships have passed through the Panama Canal since it opened. It has proven to be very important to world trade. In 2016, the canal was expanded to allow wider ships to pass through it, proving it will be a vital part of the world for many years to come.

【小题1】Which of the following is the correct order of the events?
① The ship enters a lock.
② Water flows into the lock to raise the water level.
③ The doors close.
④ The doors open and the ship move out.
【小题2】We can infer from the article that the Panama Canal ______.
A.is the narrowest canal in the worldB.was easy to construct
C.is an important link in global shippingD.will be closed in the near future
【小题3】Which word in paragraph 4 probably means “a journey downward”?
【小题4】According to the passage, the Panama Canal was built ______.
A.to shorten the trip between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
B.to raise and lower the water level in the locks
C.so that ships could travel to Panama from other countries
D.so that people could enjoy the beautiful view of Gatun Lake
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When it comes to the beaches in Sydney, it's hard to know where to begin. Around 100 beaches spread around the harbor and along the coast. Here are four of them.

Bronte Beach

Bronte's sea pool offers a protected ocean swim and is regarded as one of the best in Sydney—and much like beach culture itself, it's free. The nearby parkland has spacious barbecue areas for family gatherings. On public holidays, the park becomes a sea of busy people as parties take place.


Balmoral, on the north shore's Middle Harbor near Taronga Zoo, has an air of peace. Life moves at a more leisurely pace here. If it's loudness and pride you're after, this isn't it. What Balmoral does have overall is impressive views. And its calmness makes it a great swimming spot for families.

Garie Beach

Located in the Royal National Park, 54 kilometers south of Sydney, Garie Beach is accessible through Garie Road and isn't one for beach-lovers without a car. The large beach is very impressive, though. It's well preserved and is the perfect spot for a relaxing day away from the city. The facilities are top-grade and there is a great fishing spot off the east-facing rocks.

North Narrabeen Beach

Having some of the best and most consistent surf, the beach attracts board lovers from all over Sydney. Surfers have no discomfort making the 25-kilometer trip north to get to the three-kilometer-long beach. The northern end of the vast beach is protected from the northeasterly winds and is a surfer's destination, while the rest of it is ideal for swimming.

【小题1】What do Bronte Beach and Balmoral have in common?
A.They are both family-friendly
B.They both charge no admission fee.
C.They both allow of a feeling of peace.
D.They are both most visited during holidays
【小题2】What can we learn about Garie Beach?
A.It has big barbecue spots.
B.It is appealing to fishing lovers
C.It covers an area of 54 square kilometers
D.It has no convenient transportation.
【小题3】which beach is suitable for people who like riding on waves?
A.BalmoralB.Garie Beach.C.Bronte Beach.D.North Narrabeen Beach

The Dead Sea might be the most famous saline body in the world, but it’s by no means the only one. Here, we uncover some other salt lakes around the world.

Dead Sea

The most famous of the lot, the Dead Sea—also known as the Salt Sea—is a natural place to start. It’s technically not a sea at all, but a land salt lake. Its waters are mainly drawn from the Jordan River, and the high salinity (盐度) means no life can survive here, so don’t expect any colorful fish. However, much amusement results from the sea’s buoyancy (浮力): Bring some reading material to the waters and lie back—nature will do the rest.

Lake Assal

Surrounded by black volcano rocks, Lake Assal takes the title of being the lowest point in Africa. Vast salt fields mark its edges; the lake has long been at the centre of the area’s salt trade, on which the region’s African locals still rely. Though the area might not be suitable to live in, the waters are rich in minerals and related to health benefits.

Great Salt Lake

The biggest salt lake in the western hemisphere, and the one that gave Salt Lake City its name, the Great Salt Lake finds its home in northern Utah. What makes the lake well-known is not only the lake’s blue and green waters and white-sand beaches, but also Great Salt Lake State Park and Antelope Island State Park, both offering super hiking and biking trails, and great long views.

Don Juan Pond

Don Juan Pond might not win any prizes for its beauty—at four inches deep, it’s little more than a pond, but it is worth visiting. Its salinity content of almost 40 percent   makes it   one   of   the   saltiest   bodies   of   water   on   Earth, meaning it doesn’t freeze even when Antarctic temperatures drop to -50℃. And with suggestions that water in a similar form could exist on Mars, there’s more than one reason for scientists to study this fascinating dry, cold environment.

【小题1】What can visitors probably do in Lake Assal?
A.Read books.B.Have a hike.
C.Enjoy small fishes.D.Take a bath in the lake.
【小题2】What is the Great Salt Lake famous for?
A.Its great parks.B.Its scientific value.
C.Its highest salinity.D.Its specific location.
【小题3】Which lake is valuable for space exploration?
A.Dead Sea.B.Lake Assal.
C.Don Juan Pond.D.Great Salt Lake.

There have been fires in every Australian state, but New South Wales has been   hardest hit. Fires have torn through bushland (丛林地), wooded areas, and national parks. Some start and are controlled in a few days, but the biggest fires have been burning for months.

Each year there is a fire season during the Australian summer, with hot, dry weather making it easy for fires to start and spread. Natural causes are responsible for fires most of the time, like lightning hits in drought-affected forests. Dry lightning was to blame for starting a number of fires in late December, which then traveled more than 20 kilometers in just five hours. Humans can also be responsible. Police have charged at least 24 people with starting bushfires on purpose, and have taken action against 183 people for setting fire since November.

Fire season in Australia is always dangerous -- the 2009 Black Saturday fires killed 173 people in Victoria, making it the deadliest bushfire disaster on record. But conditions have been unusually bad this year, making fires burn more strongly and making firefighting conditions particularly difficult. Australia is experiencing one of its worst droughts over the years. Meanwhile, a heatwave in December broke the record for highest nationwide average temperature, with some places under temperatures well above 40 degrees Celsius. Strong winds have also made the fires and smoke spread more rapidly, and have led to deaths.

About half a billion animals have been affected by the fires across NSW, with millions likely dead -- and that's lower than what is probably the real number. That number of total animals influenced could be as high as one billion nationwide. Almost a third of koalas in NSW may have been killed in the fires, and a third of the places where they live have been destroyed.

Some species, like koalas, aren't in any immediate danger of extinction because they are spread out across the country. But others that live in more suitable environments with lower populations, including certain types of frogs and birds, could be destroyed entirely if their home is hit by the fires.

【小题1】Fires in Australia _________.
A.may last a long timeB.often happen in spring
C.mainly happened in some statesD.are easily controlled in a few hours
【小题2】Fires in late December ___________.
A.spread rapidlyB.caused by humans
C.were put out by policeD.were due to wet weather
【小题3】What does the underlined word “heatwave” probably mean?
A.big fireB.strong wind
C.serious droughtD.period of hot weather
【小题4】Why aren’t koalas in danger of extinction at once?
A.Because they can run fast.
B.Because they live far and wide.
C.Because their home is well protected.
D.Because they have a lower population.
